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Fizzing Skittles
  (+6, -1)
(+6, -1)
  [vote for,

A new type of candy bearing a strong resemblance to Skittles(TM), but they fizzle for a while until the fizzy coating has dissolved and then they explode in your mouth like PopRocks(TM). They are chewy like Skittles and come in the traditional flavors (lemon, apple, grapes orange...etc. but not those nasty peppermint ones). Simple and tasty.

More sophisticated explanation:

They are chewy in the fact that they are soft, but the chewy outside fizzles away until you get to a harder inside which then explodes on contact with saliva. If you bite down on them, they will explode right away.

P.S. These are NOT poprocks. the show similarities only in the facts that they are both candy and that they both explode.

Are poprocks chewy, fizzly, round, and come in many fruit flavors in the same packet? NO!

An explosion of flavor in every bite.

DesertFox, May 06 2004

Refreshers http://store.yahoo....ght/refreshers.html
...fizzle for a while, but no explosion. [DrCurry, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Or, slightly more extreme version of skizzles. http://www.halfbake...idea/Pop_20Boulders
[bristolz, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Syrup http://www.maxbarry.com/syrup/
a tittilating look at a guy who made his first million inventing and selling extreme food and drink. [dpsyplc, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Fo' Shizzle.
justaguy, May 06 2004

       Like Zots? (if anyone remembers them)
Mr Burns, May 06 2004

       Who vote no?!? Explain. NOW!
DesertFox, May 07 2004

       //Who vote no?!?//   

       [DesertFox]' english go mad!!
k_sra, May 07 2004

       Good English gone when crazy!
DesertFox, May 07 2004

       Fizzies... drop one or two, can't remember it was so long ago, into your water it exploded in CO2 bubbles and your drink became a soda pop. tasted awful too. Later came Alka selzer, but that's off topic.
dentworth, May 07 2004

       Skizzles; taste the rainbow explosion. May be a recipe, but I likes it.   

       Sorry [DesertFox], I voted against because I can't get my head around how they can be chewy and yet "fizzle until the coating has dissolved and then explode". The latter suggests that the explosion is triggered by the removal of the fizzy coating, but surely if you chew the skizzle then you would rupture this coating straight away?   

       If you explain this to me I promise you I will change my vote. Justice prevails over cruelty in the end (I hope).
dobtabulous, May 13 2004

       dobtabulous, you are entirely correct in what you are saying. They are chewy in the fact that they are soft, but the chewy outside fizzles away until you get to a harder inside which then explodes on contact with saliva. If you bite down on them, they will explode right away.   

       I will post this.   

       P.S. These are NOT poprocks. the show similarities only in the facts that they are both candy and that they both explode.   

       Are poprocks chewy, fizzly, round, and come in many fruit flavors in the same packet? NO!
DesertFox, May 13 2004

       "dobtabulous, you are entirely correct in what you are saying" - I can't hear that enough so you get my vote. I probably wouldn't eat one of these though!
dobtabulous, May 14 2004

       Could you turn it into a breakfast cereal?
Chefboyrbored, Oct 18 2006


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