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Single-note bagpipes

more subtle
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Each bagpipes produces the custmary drone plus a chanter fixed to play one note of the scale.

The marching band is arranged so each row of pipers plays the next note of the tune.

As the band marches past, the tune gradually and subtly unfolds to the delight of the listener.

pocmloc, Jan 02 2016

Not close enough https://youtu.be/r3EN_PszjAg?t=24s
[pocmloc, Jan 04 2016]


       // bagpipes //   

       // the delight of the listener. //   

       What's wrong with this picture ?
8th of 7, Jan 02 2016

       If the note says "Farewell cruel world!", then I'm in favour.
DrBob, Jan 02 2016

       [+] flocking pipe organ
FlyingToaster, Jan 02 2016

       It's like a linearized acoustic zoetrope!   

       Assuming everybody walks at the same speed, and assuming each marcher gets a different note, the step distance between people determines the length of their notes. The closer the person walking behind you, the earlier your note is drowned out.   

       If we could somehow visually indicate the frequency of the note (say, by the height of that bushy helmet?), one could then "read" a march from far away without having to subject oneself to the actual experience.
jutta, Jan 02 2016

       Simple yet complex. +
blissmiss, Jan 02 2016

       Cool, I just got the visual of an entire stadium crowd purchasing individual note air-horns or vavuzelas to play different themes in time to color codes scrolling on the jumbotrons like guitar hero during events.   

       This is an interesting question of sound or a collection of notes omnipotence in a space. Any normal music rests on the starting and stopping. I am wondering whether the scale of walking distance, without any environment manipulation, would produce the beautiful concept.
wjt, Jan 03 2016

       To my mind's ear, Charles Ives had a similar effect in mind when he composed "Three Places in New England" where the orchestra simulates two marching bands playing different tunes simultaneously.
Toto Anders, Jan 03 2016

       Errr don't bagpipes have single drone note anyway? I think it'd be too slow as a marching band, something more like a high speed conveyor belt might be better, or pipers on luges on the Cresta run.   

       Blimus, two miraculous things, Jutta chips in and we got all the way through Xmas with nobody mentioning snow globes.   

       //Delight of the listener   

       What the borg said.
not_morrison_rm, Jan 03 2016

       I wood of thort that one person passing per second is not an unreasonable speed for the band to march past, and I think that one note per second is a fine speed for a slow tune.   

       I think that for repeated notes, two consecutive rows of pipers should have the same note. Otherwise the gaps in the parade would upset OCD-types, as well as making it harder for the pipers to keep walking in the correct formation.   

       The doppler effect and the blend of previous, current and forthcoming notes is part of the charm of this idea.   

       If anyone here has their own private pipe band, they could try this fairly easily - their pipers could use tape to seal off the requisite holes in their chanters.
pocmloc, Jan 03 2016

       Now I am confused, Are all the marchers playing continuously so anywhere along the march the tune can be assembled, as in a zoetrope or there is a specific position or positions each player dopler's in and out of?
wjt, Jan 03 2016

       Both shirley?   

       I have been thinking (careful!) and it might be better value for money to have a single file of pipers. That will mean the tune can be longer for the given number of pipers, and will reduce the confusion of adjacent notes somewhat.   

       They could also march in a long circular route so that the tune becomes never-ending. Reserve pipers could swap out fatigued ones for even longer play.
pocmloc, Jan 03 2016

       With musicians who are proficient in circular breathing this might also be accomplished with other brass and woodwind instruments. For a short tune with 8 bars (4/4) and no smaller note durations then 1/4 you'd need 32 pipers. That's quite manageable. They have to play very soft to avoid cacophonous noise (perish the thought!), so that listeners outside the ring hear only one to three of them at any given time. I'll discuss it with the band at the next rehearsal.
Toto Anders, Jan 03 2016

       This would require massive rethinking of the bagpipe design, in order to get it to produce a note.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 03 2016

       What [MB] said.
8th of 7, Jan 03 2016

       I have been pondering the fact that one can blow a fine note on a conch shell, but apparently just that one note. Conchs come in many sizes, though. I was musing over a pipe organ like affair but this is even better.
bungston, Jan 03 2016

       Thinking further, the bagpipes could be mounted on posts every meter or so along a street, and blown by compressed air, sounding continuously. Then you get to hear the tune by walking along the row of pipes.
pocmloc, Jan 04 2016

       //bagpipes//...//tune //   

       Make your mind up, [poc].
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 04 2016

       Are they even really bagpipes anymore? I don't think so. So let's just go with "tune".
notexactly, Jan 04 2016


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