Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Seesaw Send Off

Teeter-totter catapult
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Hey kids! What do you itch to send skywards? Your model rocket, a big water balloon, the neighbor’s noisy rooster, GI Joe or sister’s Barbie doll? You can launch almost anything – just by sitting down.

Yes, just clamp on the fiberglass, teeter-totter extender (fits œ - 3 inch thicknesses) to one end of a teeter-totter, telescope it out to its full 15 foot length, load the launching pad and straddle the other end. Then lift your feet and come swiftly down as you shout, “See, saw, seen over the roof!”

FarmerJohn, Sep 02 2003


       BILLY! You will NOT launch your little sister.   

       "You can launch almost anything"

       Give me a place to stand and I can launch *anything*
stupop, Sep 02 2003

       Oh yeah. GREAT idea. I imagine that sales in hamsters/mice/gerbils etc would jeeest about treble at the same time that this came on the market. So , orbiting hamster bone.
squeak, Sep 02 2003

       Then again. Restrict it to responsible adult use only (yeah right, that's what I am) and I'm all for it. Hike the price up a fair way and work out a way of comparing launching heights and you've a whole new way for men to compare willy sizes (i.e. a sport). Possibly combine with clay pigeon style shooting.   

       Hmmm. Could use a surveying laser/blasting laser hybrid and kill those two birds (pigeons of course) with one stone.   

       Why let the kids have all the fun, I say (humbug, humbug).
squeak, Sep 02 2003

       “You'll poke your head out with that confounded catapult.”
FarmerJohn, Sep 02 2003

       //I imagine that sales in hamsters/mice/gerbils etc would jeeest about treble at the same time that this came on the market. //
Ever read 'The Wasp Factory' by Iain Banks [Squeak]?. That was in the name of divining though so maybe not quite the same.
gnomethang, Sep 02 2003


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