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Secretary of Murder

Government official oversees Dept. of Murder.
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A politician oversteps his authority or otherwise behaves in an unstatesman-like manner, as determined by the secretary. This official government department sends someone to kill him.

The secretary of this office is an elected official. If the people don't like his choices as to whom he has assassinated, they vote him out.

Now, just try and pretend there's something wrong with that!

unfettered, Sep 09 2009

Junta (a board game) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junta_(game)
'Minister of Internal Security' is the term you are searching for, I suspect, unfettered. [DrBob, Sep 10 2009]

Bureau of Sabotage http://en.wikipedia.../Bureau_of_Sabotage
[normzone, Sep 10 2009]


       [unfettered], I presume your next argument in response to [21 Quest] is to let the mafia citizens hire henchmen to murder the secretary. I think Satan is accompanying you right now, hehehe! Hahahah! No offence to your preference for violence, fiend ;-)
rotary, Sep 10 2009

       Well I for one am just plain tired of folks from the States being the only ones from either North or South America to claim the moniker 'American'.   

       Henceforth I dub you all United Statetians.
Which will in due time become hyphenated to Unistats, but that is beyond my control so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

       No, it's like a chinese wanting to be called asian.
zeno, Sep 10 2009

       Isn't this how The Whip operates?
calum, Sep 10 2009

       Bubba, maybe he has a case of "the grass is greener?" I know I always think it's better elsewhere. (oh yeah, that's right, it is ;-)
blissmiss, Sep 10 2009

       It's not that I particularly want to be called American.
I just want the option back.

       OK, just as long as we're all enjoying our jovially minded, cheerful international banter...
zen_tom, Sep 10 2009

       [2fries], instead of United Stateians, could we please be called Monistats? Now if only I could find a group of seven...   

       This idea is possibly pre-heated by Frank Herbert (link).
normzone, Sep 10 2009

       there's 8 of 7 if you must!
po, Sep 10 2009

       //And Bliss, don't be such a sellout. You're in, what, Connecticut? The grass is gorgeous in New England, and it's beautiful here in the Northwest, too.//   

       Perhaps say you...but it's even better in Ireland!
blissmiss, Sep 10 2009

       Please, do go on..   

       Collective consciousness of a state, country, continent, etc. can not be boiled down to one specific ideal such as comparative dissonance (jealousy). Any exposure to another country's patriotism will tell you: they are glad they're not United Statitians. Of course, they are jealous, too.   

       ""Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups." -- Nietzsche   

       My point is, 21, when you make the interplay of universals such as "America" and "Jealousy" so deliciously simple, it spurs annoyance in the wise. Please complicate things in the future, thanks.
daseva, Sep 10 2009

       It's sickening to hear that a non-Canadian North American believes the love affair he has with his country is objectively resolute. I know plenty of Americans that have left America. Because of its homogeneity, its cultural vacuity, its health problems, its self-serving, self-destructive powerlessness that is hidden thinly behind dollar cheeseburgers and behemoth cars, the slave-driving drug cartels seeping in at every corner, transparent and unstoppable corruption, and, most importantly, egghead deadbeat fast-talking slow-thinking numbskulls. Like some people I know.
daseva, Sep 10 2009

       //a non-Canadian North American //
A Mexican?
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 10 2009

       Considering that is where the majority of drugs comes from, and since drug use is so damn prevalent, sure.
daseva, Sep 10 2009

       // Can you work in "bitch-slappin', monkey wrenching"//
...cool fizzin' Pepsi! (to mis-quote an ad campaign from the 70's)
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 10 2009

       I dunno... Bitch slappin' is more indicative of Afghanistan, and more monkeys get wrenched out in Indonesia than America, probably.
daseva, Sep 10 2009

       Well... Sounds like we'd better make that 4 times...
Jinbish, Sep 10 2009

       [Bubba], I did know that but your comparison was wrong.   

       American meets an asian looking person on holliday and says: "what kind of knees are you?", "what do you mean'?", "well are you chinese or vietnamese or japanese?", "Oh, I see, I am taiwanese, but what kind of key are you?", "What do you mean?", "Well, are you a donkey or a Monkey or a Yankee?"   

       I wish you were a USian [Unabubba]   

       [21Quest] people do not hate the USA all that much to begin with, but when they are that pitifull to hate an entire people they hate it because the USA has fucked over so many people in the course of history. Not because you have more and bigger of everything because you just don't. It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.   

       Ps. If you forgot all about the idea and just anno for the heck of it and to vent your personal frustrations, does that mean you are badly of topic? Sorry.
zeno, Sep 10 2009

       Ya know, Bubba and I had this exact same conversation when I had grown weary and sickened by George W. I wanted to leave this country forever and pretend like I had never been born here. I was completely done.   

       If I had the money and a job waiting, I would have left here long ago. I'm starting to get that nervous feeling again. As are many.   

       Oh and Quest, I live in Hartford, remember? I hear the sound of guns going off, and see drunks falling out of bars on every corner here. Just no cute dialect, or pretty green glens, and neato castles. So there.
blissmiss, Sep 10 2009

       // As for the thousands of people who flock to the US each year//sp. "day"
FlyingToaster, Sep 11 2009

       Much national patriotism is inculcated in the name of political, economic or military expediency and, once inculcated, it takes a long time to dissipate. But cultural or philosophical differences exist between countries (and ares within countries, still) and, if the majority or latent gestalt tendencies of your country are in sync with your own assessment of what constitutes virtue, then it is natural to be proud of one's country. Not saying such pride is virtuous, though. In fact I would say that such pride is, of itself, not virtuous but, when coupled with other factors, such as the importance of the bunting and commemorative thimble industries, it can be.
calum, Sep 11 2009

       //Why would you like me to be a USian, [zeno]? So you can hate me even more than you do at the moment?\\ That's right I would love to hate you. Hate leads to anger, anger leads to venting frustrations, venting frustrations leads to relief, relief is inner calm. You see? Racism, fascism, nationalism, it does work!
zeno, Sep 11 2009

       so a community can think! interesting.   

       not just a *mean* value then?
po, Sep 11 2009

       Unabubba writes:   

       “You're a Canadian, [2fries]. Why in the name of Azazel would you want to call yourself "an American"? That's like a Chinese wanting to be called Vietnamese.”   

       “Well, Vietnam is south of China and the Chinese regard being called Vietnamese as a grave insult, [zeno]. But I guess you don't know that, huh?”   

       “It seems I was not meant to walk up the stairs, because a large, black man with a hand cannon, very shiny boots and lots of shiny badges....”   

       “Why would you like me to be a USian, [zeno]? So you can hate me even more than you do at the moment?”   

       “I'd like to have my own country, on a remote isand in the middle of nowhere and enough WMDs to keep every other fucker on the planet at a respectable distance.”   

       “At best, I think all nations are created paranoid and racist; it's just that some nations are more paranoid and racist than others.”   

       “Maybe the US is regarded as a "women's shelter" by many people who are looking to escape an even greater tyrrany?”   

       Unabubba, we Americans are proud to harbor the outcasts of other nations and those who flee tyranny. Cleanse your hear to bigotry, my friend.
unfettered, Sep 11 2009

       And why have you not invited me to come live with you again Bubba? I'd make a great nanny! (jokes, jokes everywhere...)
blissmiss, Sep 11 2009

       I'm an Australian who used to live in the U.S and something that surprised me was the general attitude I got from a lot of Yanks. We'd be chatting along and I'd mention I was going back to Australia in a few months and they were just shocked. They could not comprehend that I would want to go home, considering I had finally made it to what they must believe is a utopia. I believe there is a system of wholesale brainwashing in America that begins with birth and ends in death. It starts in school (I also went to school there) with the pledge allegiance to the flag bullshit (I almost got expelled for refusing to pledge allegiance to their flag) continues with the version of history taught and is finally cemented by the corporate media and Hollywood. Considering Americans rarely travel and if they do, rarely to anywhere that different, they have no way to gauge whether what they have been told is in fact true. It is the perfect system for oppressing the masses. They take pride in their prison and will die for the right to suffer there.
Eggplant, Sep 12 2009

       // I'd mention I was going back to Australia in a few months and they were just shocked//
That's probably because they thought you couldn't possibly go back to the place Hitler was born.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 12 2009

       Burns! burns everywhere   

       I nominate the Title to be rightly accused. Thus a +   

       Bubba, that's the first science mag I ever read... was about 11. Not understanding shit, I rejected science and skateboarded and played music until my first alien contact. Then all was clear.
daseva, Sep 12 2009

       -AbsintheWithoutLeave- I hold you responsible for the coffee now coating my laptop screen! It wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't so possible!!
Eggplant, Sep 13 2009

       As I understood it, those of us in the united states elect our officials, and our officials nominate a Secretary of Murder to assasinate foreign officials which we do not approve of. Then we vote out elected officials that make bad decisions about this.
ye_river_xiv, Sep 14 2009


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