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Many people see Scandinavia as a near-utopia. I am not
one of those people because I'm aware of certain heavy-
handed attitudes taken by their officials and government
and it also seems rather excessively white, which is fine
countries without a history of global viking like England
also an appropriate mutation for the latitude, but
not necessarily a big fan of huge income tax either.
Nonetheless, I am aware that many people on the Left
idealise the region and for the purposes of this idea I'll
with that.
According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which I don't
agree with incidentally, language determines world
Presumably it was first evoked to explain why Klingons
so belligerent. Anyway, we are confronted with a
where the more politically liberal, and also boozy,
countries are closer to the Arctic than the more
conservative and less boozy ones, so for example Latin
American and African nations are quite conservative,
speaking Arabic and the Arabic-influenced Spanish and
Portuguese. Then we have the less conservative French-
speaking and West Germanic bits, and finally we get the
liberal and alcoholic Scandinavian nations near the North
Pole, where Nordic languages are spoken. This can be
seen in the UK, where the more Scandinavian Scotland is
more liberal and contains more alcoholics than the less
Scandinavian England.
I will get there.
It's been theorised that, rather than the usual view that
English language is a West Germanic language influenced
by the Viking invasions, the truth is that we are really
speaking a Nordic language influenced by the West
Germanic language which used to be spoken here along
with the mutterings of those ex-Vikings, the Normans.
We should capitalise on this possibility by turning English
into a more obviously Scandinavian language, with post-
positive definite articles, a tone accent and the rest, in
order that England become a more clearly liberal and
utopian nation, because clearly the reason Scandinavia is
so "nice" is that their languages are actually a form of
Newspeak which stops them from thinking naughty,
freedom-oriented thoughts like the rest of us.
Manye see Skandinavien at an naer-utopi. Ag ar ikke af
dem, forti ag ar upmarksom pon certe hardhandede
holdinger, at deres ombudsmen ek rickringen ek dat sims
oso timelig overdrivent hvite, hvilk ar fine for lande uten
an historie af de globale viking likesom England ek oso
passinde mutation for broadegrade, but ag ar ikke
needvendivise an store fan af enorme inkomstax eider.
Ikkedeless, ar ag klar over, at manye mennisker pon
finsterfloyen dor idealiser regionen ek i forbindels af dis
idea, ag vil korse mid dat.
Infolve Sapir-Whorf hypotesis, at ag ikke ar any mid ovry
sprok bestimmer vorldenspike. Formindli ver dat fyrst
fromkolde at forkleare, hverfor Klingonerne ar so
Anyway, ar vi konfrontet mid an situation, hver de maer
politisk liberale ek oso booxy, lande ar nekste pon Arktik
and minore boozy, so for eksempel latinamerikanske o
afrikanske nationer ar kvite konservative, talker arabisk
arabisk-ponvirket spanisk ek portugisk. So have vi de
minore konservative franktalkinde ek vest germaniske
ek endly for vi de liberale ek alkoholholdye
nationer near Nortpolen, hver de nordiske spik talks.
kan sees i England, hver den maere scandinaviske
ar maere liberal ek inholder maer alkohollikere dan the
minore skandinaviske England.
Eg vil komme der.
Dat ar beent teoriset, at i stead for den seedvenlye idea
dat engliske spik ar an Vest Germanisk spik ponvirket af
Viking invasioner, trut ar, at vi virkly talker it nordisk
ponvirket af Vest Germanisk spik, at ver til at been talkt
her gadert mid de mumlinger af dise ex-vikinger,
Vi skulde utnide disne maylighood vid at dreye engelsk
it maere openlyst skandinavisk spik, mid post-positive
bestemmte artiker, an tone accent ek resten, for at
England be an maere kleart liberal ek finster-utopisk
nation, fordy kleart grunden Skandinavien ar so "nice" ar,
at deres spik ar faktisk an form for Newspeak, dat
dem fro at tinke feklesse, gridige, frihood-orienteerede
tinker likesome resten af us.
Or something.
Vikings told to avoid Scotland
http://www.telegrap...avoid-Scotland.html everyone should pay heed to this warning [xenzag, Mar 07 2017]
Didn't you just invent the Dutch? Only with fewer gratuitous j's? And in which case, didn't the idea actually get implemented, albeit softly by William of Orange circa 1688? |
Not to mention his successor, Wilhelm of Fruit Cocktail. |
Dutch might work but is significantly different. It doesn't
use suffixes for "the", has more diphthongs - Scandinavian
cleanliness and purity you see - doesn't do the tone
accent/glottal stop thing, has fewer cognates with the
Scandinavian languages than it has with West Germanic
languages and so on. That said, it is quite like Danish and
we see further evidence for that in the fact that the
Netherlands also have a liberal reputation. Thanks for
corroboration though. |
[not], do successors' names work that way? You kind of
turn up the settings on the predecessor's name? I
suppose that would explain why monarchs have numbers
after their names come to think of it, so yeah, I see your
point. |
Yes, I think the Dutch deserve greater credit in their liberalness - likely introducing a fair amount of it to the UK in the course of our shared histories (plus, likely inventors of Gin, so booze). Language wise, I'm less aware than I ought to be regards differences, but there do seem to be some similarities, at least to the untrained eye. |
[nmrm] Nor his successor's successor, Guilliome de Cheese Von Pineapple Chunk. |
I see connections with this idea and what is currently happening in the language=kultur world of '140 chrctrs r less' texts and tweets... minus the extraneous 'e's. Nobody uses silent e anymore. Plus haitches; everybody loves the fun of misplaced or unpronounced 'h's. |
Hi suggest [nineteenthly] creates a list of kinder, gentler Scandinglish words we can himmediately start slipping hin to casual twitts and hemails...as part of our casual, relaxed Halfbakery World Domination scheme. |
We should all be more like Noggin the Nog |
//suggest [nineteenthly] creates a list of kinder, gentler Scandinglish words// |
Okay [Sgt_Teacup], I'll get right on it. |
The way things are going, the USA will soon be able to get
by with a language base of about 25 words: awesome,
tremendous, terror, torture, shut down, bad; alternative
facts, Kardashians, pipe, wall, hombre, lies, fake news;
shut up, first, 'nucular', water-boarding, Bible, Mexicans,
pussy. That's about it. |
I keep reading this as scandalize England |
Did Scandinavia invent trolls ? |
From an Online dictionary |
"Early 17th century: from Old Norse and Swedish troll, Danish trold. The first English use is from Shetland; the term was adopted more widely into English in the mid 19th century." |
Okay, here are some, although I'm not entirely happy
with them: |
Ponley - contents of a sandwich |
Sunkat - reflection of a sun dog |
Faen - pure swearword without politically incorrect
connotations. |
Batkrok - someone who won't take a dip in the Serpentine
on Juldag. |
Attitudinkontinens - [vernon]-like online behaviour. |
Kabelsalad - the tangle of cables behind PCs, home
entertainment systems etc. |
Knollruffs - post-coital hair. |
Sailenkausema - (from the Sami serfs of the Shetland
Isles) the distance a hedgehog can travel before it needs
to urinate. The standard measure of length in Engmark. |
Klamdag - working day between two holidays. |
Totsmaer - sufficient clotted cream on a smaergasbord
sc*ne to retain the impression of one's incisors. |
Kommauzziah - (from the aforementioned serfs) grammar
Nazi. |
Fyke - meet up for tea and sc*nes. |
You're missing some sorely needed ones, like the 20
different types of fog, 25 terms for snow, 143 varieties of
reindeer meat dishes... |
Ah, but this is Engmark. We need words for twenty types of drizzle. |
My favourite Scandiwegian word is "hyddekropsellen", which means the triple-whammy of emotions you suffer when, in the middle of trying to deal with a burst pipe, you realize that you're missing a very important meeting, then realize with relief that it's actually not until next week, then realize that your relief still leaves you having to deal with the burst pipe. |
I think viking ended up being called something else, [Ian],
and I imagine nowadays it's mainly conducted in boardrooms
and stock exchanges. |
"Vik" in Norse languages means "bay", "cove", or at a push, "fjord", hence "Sneckviken" in Sweden is "Seashell cove" and "Reykjavik" in Iceland is "Smoky bay", "Reyk" being the word for smoke or vapour - perpetuated in the appellation "Auld Reekie" ("Old smoky") given to Edinburgh. |
So it isn't possibe to "Vik", because it's a noun, not a verb. Vikings were "Bay" or "Sea" people, and the fishermen of Norway, Fair Isle, the Shetlands, Orkneys and East Scotland are still quite literally "Vikings". |
Well, frankly, [8th], if they were so damned keen to keep it as a noun, they shoudn't have added the -ing, should they? They've nobody but themselves to blame, at least that's my inkling. |
"They" didn't. The "ing" was added by the Anglo-Saxons, based on their limited understanding of what the Norsemen called themselves. |
Yes, but that's probably because the Norses insisted on using some weird foreign language instead of proper English. I'm surprised you didn't think of that, [8th]. |
It's possible, as I think I said although I'm too lazy to scroll up, that
English is foreign to us and we actually speak a strange version of
Danish. |
Learnt some Danish on kibbutz, not terribly useful. English, on the other hand, is completely bonkers. |
I was pondering 'arch' and 'architect' apparently 'arch' is derived from 'arche' (a bow), but 'architect' is allegedly derived from 'chief builder'. |
This makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. |
The root of "tect" is the Greek word "Tekton", a worker in wood and/or stone. |
Interestingly, in the earliest Greek versions of the bible, Joseph (father of Jesus) is referred to as a "Tekton", commonly translated as "carpenter" but which can equally be interpreted as "mason" .... |
One thing about Viking boats is that they had excellent bouyancy. You can take a Norse to water, but you can't make him sink. |
See last link..... even the Romans were terrifed of the Picts, and knew to stay clear, building Hadrian's wall instead to protect themsleves from total slaughter. |
You don't quite hear about as many Viking shipwrecks near Scottish or Irish storm-ridden shores, as compared to the Spanish Armada for example. |
That's because by your 16th century there were such things as written records, and the crews of the ships were more numerous... more chance of at least one being able to escape and report back that their shipmates have been killed and eaten by savage proto-human Celts ... |
The Celts were a feeble race, and nothing to worry about, but the Picts would eat stones when they ran out of human flesh. |
So, not the smartest tribe, then? |
Maybe they were just silicon-based life forms [MB]. |
Trolls ? Yeah, that figures ... |
I'm pretty sure the Jpegs used to beat the crap out of the Picts on a regular basis. |
I heard it was a bit of a tiff. |
| |