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Cruelty Incarnate
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Shotgun owners today have a great number of options available to them in the area of ammunition. Slugs, buckshot, birdshot, and if you can get into a police station many nonlethal aummunition types are also available. For today's shotgun toting sociopath these choices may seem insufficient. After all, if you're going to shoot someone, one of two scenarios probably applies: You are defending yourself and want to make sure you teach your assailant a lesson, or you are enraged at the individual in question and wish to cause as much pain as possible. Few things are more painful than rubbing salt in an open wound, but wouldn't it be easier to make the wound at the same time as applying salt to them? i think so. So how about shotshell filled with granulated salt as well as 8-12 larger pellets of salt. The large salt pellets make several large holes in the target, while the smaller grains of salt get into aforementioned holes, the resultant agony appeasing the wrath of the enraged shooter. If you are truly sadistic then try it with salt flechettes.
whatastrangeperson, Oct 16 2004


       ouch. maybe some vinegar in those casings as well and you could go out and shoot fish.
benfrost, Oct 16 2004

       Used in a James Bond movie... I think it was The Living Daylights...
ghillie, Oct 16 2004

       What [jscottpete] said. Hot on the heels of *somebody else's* Paper Bullets post. 'Bone for your trouble.
vigilante, Oct 16 2004

       Saltshot followed by pepper spray?
FarmerJohn, Oct 16 2004

       My Granddad has been shooting rock salt at the, (let me see if I can get the voice right), "Damn blueberry pickers!" since way before I was born. I highly doubt that he thought it up, this "is" widely known to exist.   

       "Widely known to exist", but as far as I know rock salt ammunition is limited to do-it-yourself reloaders. I've never seen it commercially available. Don't know why.   

       In any case, people should not mistakenly infer that even home-made rock salt loads are somehow "non-lethal". They are merely "less lethal".
jurist, Oct 16 2004

       [jurist]- just did some research, this is not commerically available because it is considered "less lethal" and civilians are not allowed to own less lethal ammuntion.
whatastrangeperson, Oct 17 2004

       //civilians are not allowed to own less lethal ammuntion//
I am agog.
calum, Oct 17 2004

       Me too. Do you have a specific reference for the law or regulation you're referring to here?
jutta, Oct 18 2004

       Ah, so my reference to Kill Bill 2 was deleted.
sartep, Oct 18 2004

       prince Frederick William, father of Fredrick the Great of Prussia, carried a pistol loaded with salt to shoot slow servants with.
Saruman, Nov 27 2004

       This is so baked that my bro-in-law has been shot in the back of his legs with it and, according to him, it really does sting for a while. There's somet' similar that my ex-housemate got shot in the back with- rice shot; exactly the same idea but it's dried rice so it doesn't penetrate much, causes a very large number of small injuries (for maximum pain) and is broken down in the body. Apparently rice shot was originally devised for shooting dogs that were 'worrying' (a slight understatement) livestock even though (in the UK) farmers have a legal right to shoot dead animals that attack their livestock. One thing puzzles me though, how the hell do u make fletchettes out of salt?
squigbobble, Apr 20 2005

       I'm also puzzled, [squig], as to how dead animals attack livestock, or what the advantage is in shooting them when they do so.
Basepair, Apr 20 2005

       *sirens* *budget flashing lights* Yes, nice grammatical screw up there; let's try "shoot animals dead" then.
squigbobble, Apr 23 2005


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