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Rotationally symmetrical TV remote

Works either way round
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Sometimes I'm watching TV, and suddenly need to use the remote control - to turn down the sound of a suddenly loud section, to pause it or whatever.
And I know where the button I want is - but somehow the remote's gotten turned around so I'm holding it facing the wrong way, push the wrong button and it does something else, probably whatever will be maximally annoying.

So I want TV remote controls to have most[1] of the buttons duplicated so I can use it either way round.

[1] If there's one button on a row by itself on the axis of symmetry, there can just be one of those.

Loris, Jul 21 2024

How about just having a shape that makes it instantly clear when you grab it what the front is? https://www.dropbox...he&st=ru31k11x&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Jul 21 2024]

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       I have this issue too so [+].   

       How about the remote being shaped like a V? The top of the V is pointing towards the TV and the bottom being very rounded so there's no way you'd flip it. Wouldn't even have to look at it.   

       The narrower part would be where the controls you work most often with your thumb would be, the upper parts would be the buttons you used the least. (link)
doctorremulac3, Jul 21 2024

       The remote should know which way it is oriented. Put a tiny compass in it that registers the direction of the tv, and have the buttons and LED programmable bidirectionally.
RayfordSteele, Jul 21 2024

       Could just have a round remote that senses the tv direction like you said and just has a touch screen that's always oriented towards the TV.   

       You should put that idea up. I'd bun it.
doctorremulac3, Jul 21 2024

       //Could just have a round remote that senses the tv direction like you said and just has a touch screen that's always oriented towards the TV.//   

       I don't know - I mean, there's something to be said for physical buttons.
If it were a touchscreen I'd probably have to look at it to make sure I was pressing the right point.

       Relatedly, people disliked that round mouse Apple made, it was harder to hold it on-axis.
Loris, Jul 21 2024

       Hmm, now that you mention it I'd probably throw the round touch screen remote at the TV.
doctorremulac3, Jul 21 2024

       I think [Rayford] has it - however there is no need to have the compass. You have an IR emmittor at both ends; both emmittors are fired by each button press, but the one button sends a different code from each end, corresponding to the key layout as viewed from behind that end.
pocmloc, Jul 21 2024

       I dunno about that. With rooms that have reflective surfaces or a remote at 90 degrees you'd likely get both signals.
RayfordSteele, Jul 22 2024


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