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Roof Flash Bang

Get that colossal Kookaburra off my antenna
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Five minutes of bliss before the daily grind...cup of tea watching the morning news.....mmmmmmm...reception is very poor.

Press the wall mounted red button beside the telly to activate the Roof Flash Bang.

2am on a hot summer's night......it's the Possum Olympics up there....Oh No! ....now the males start their grunting contest.

Reach over to activate the Roof Flash Bang.

I see this utilising a capacitor of some sort, trickle charging up to full force in about five minutes. Much weaker than a real military flash-bang as we don't want to hurt the critters, just move them to the neighbour's roof.

ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 18 2004


       May work for pigeons, too (full strength would be ok by me).   

       For whatever reason, when I read this, I thought of adding treadmill style belts and photosensors over the entire roof area to shed the critters (before they get to the antenna hopefully). Look! It's raining possum! Really big roof edge gutters with big slippery downspouts might also be required.
half, Nov 18 2004

       //Five minutes of bliss before the daily grind...// I was sure waugs had written this.   

       Crows and magpies.
FarmerJohn, Nov 18 2004

       A light breaks in squirrel playland .... I like it.
reensure, Nov 19 2004


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