[At first sight, this idea may seem culturally insensitive, but it's really ecumenical at heart. Read on...]
I have a number of bells hanging on my Christmas tree. Some peal with crystal clarity, others just give a dull plastic think when tapped.
But I am inspired by the 14-member precision handbell
orchestra we just watched on a Christmas special. As beautiful as it is, it seems an awful lot of effort to make music.
So, for next year, hang this set of 61 tuned crystal bells on your Christmas tree, Hanukkah bush, Kwanzaa sheaf of corn, or, um, Ramadan twig. With wireless hammers in each bauble connectng them to the central controller, the full set will peal out Christmas carols, psalms, Motown, ragas, or really any religious music to suit your cultural preferences. Or if you're agnostic, plug the jack into your iPod and listen to your personal playlist rendered in bells.
Available from Hammacher Schlemmer, Tiffany, and other fine outlets.