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Riding Sport Jacket

Be stylish and safe on your motorcycle
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There is a lot of controversy in the states regarding helmet laws for motorcyclists. Personally, I rarely ride without an armored jacket, let alone a helmet. The problem with armored riding jackets is that none are styled to coordinate with formalwear. Carrying along a traditional sport jacket as cargo is a nontrivial endeavor on two wheels.

Like most fine clothing, the Riding Sport Jacket is tailored to the rider. The shoulder padding is functional EPS foam. The pinstripes are woven with reflective fibers. No silk lining here; only kevlar. The outer cotton layer unzips for dry cleaning. The inner layer includes pockets for wallets, keys, and firearms, and is machine washable. In place of faux exterior breast and side pockets, similar- looking flaps can be folded inward to provide ventilation.

Should you decide to ride your motorcycle to a formal event, be it a charity dinner or public execution, the Riding Sport Jacket would help *you* arrive in style.

ed, Jun 06 2008

Retroreflective pinstripes Retroreflective_20pinstripes
Ah yes! - Retroreflective pinstripes! [hippo, Jun 07 2008]

Formal Riding Jacket http://upload.wikim...bertusjagt-2004.jpg
Follow tradition, no? [dbmag9, Jun 07 2008]

Sport jacket http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sportcoat
Actually, "formal" is not quite the style I am looking for. (Thank you, Canuck) [ed, Jun 10 2008]

Riding Evening Gown .... http://img120.image...20/5503/2706ee5.jpg
Something like this, maybe ? [8th of 7, Jun 12 2008]

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       formal? reflective pinstripes?
Voice, Jun 06 2008

       Essential accessory: Top-hat crash helmet. {+}
8th of 7, Jun 06 2008

       Fierarms? Public executions?   

       With a homeland like that, it's no wonder you have a kevlar lining to your suit. Where do you live? Texas? South Africa?
ye_river_xiv, Jun 07 2008

       Many motorcycling garments have sacrificial kevlar inserts at the elbows, shoulders or knees - it's not just good for stopping high speed projectiles, but has excellent abrasion resistance.   

       All over the world, clued-up bikers use kevlar and similar non-woven polyaramids for protection, irrespective of the prevailing social conditions.
8th of 7, Jun 07 2008

       <overheard formal party small-talk:>
Inquisitive Party-Goer: "I say, old chap, that's a rather exotic-looking boutonniere. What kind of flower is it?"
Riding Sport Jacket Wearer: "I believe it's a Danaus plexippus. You might say I just ran into it."

       And I think you mean Dinner Jacket instead of Sport Jacket. A Dinner Jacket is more appropriate for formal occasions, whilst a Sport(s) Jacket is more casual attire.
Canuck, Jun 07 2008

       //All over the world, clued-up bikers use kevlar and similar non-woven polyaramids for protection, irrespective of the prevailing social conditions.//   

       Yes, indeed they do... generally on the exterior though. Yours has been conveniently concealed, along with the pockets for your wallet, keys, and firearm.   

       Biker or no, I see you've sidestepped questions regarding the prevailing social conditions in your home territory.
ye_river_xiv, Jun 08 2008

       // generally on the exterior though //   

       Not so. Some biking wear (one-piece leathers) have plastic pads containing kevlar on the outside, but quite a few have inserts accessed though internal flaps so that they can be removed when the jacket is washed. And the kevlar in biking clothes would be useless as body armour, as it's all in the wrong places for that.
8th of 7, Jun 08 2008

       Ah, the good old days, when you dressed up for executions.
mylodon, Jun 09 2008

       We still do.
8th of 7, Jun 09 2008

       [dons hat]   

       where did I put my knitting?
po, Jun 09 2008


       Over there, in the tumbril, just beside the MaxCo new improved self-acting mole-powered beheading machine.
8th of 7, Jun 09 2008

       // I see you've sidestepped questions regarding the prevailing social conditions in your home territory //   

       My apologies; I simply do not see how a discussion of penal systems, police states, terrorism, and xenophobia would benefit discussion of this invention. Worry not; things could be /much/ worse here.
ed, Jun 10 2008

       "Never apologise, never explain....."
8th of 7, Jun 10 2008

       I need a riding evening gown for my Wife/biker-babe as well.
n81641, Jun 12 2008

       // riding evening gown //   

8th of 7, Jun 12 2008

       //My apologies; I simply do not see how a discussion of penal systems, police states, terrorism, and xenophobia would benefit discussion of this invention. Worry not; things could be /much/ worse here.//   

       Sorry... just trying to get directions for the execution... Plenty of other folks out here with Kevlar suits to test out you know...
ye_river_xiv, Jun 13 2008

       // riding evening gown // -8th of 7   

       Yeah, Baby!.... I mean, absolutely not!
n81641, Jun 13 2008

       Come on, make your mind up (if any).   

       <off topic>   

       Can she really ride a motorcycle ? And in those boots ?   

8th of 7, Jun 13 2008


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