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If you truly have nothing to hide.
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This is a registry and a resource for those who have found a solution to relieving the grinding, incessant fear of ID theft, phishing, you name it. Days worrying about who knows, and how, and for how long, have had you in knots for a decade. Password protection, hopping VPNs, custom email addresses, changing personae, etc. are all things of the past. Marginally effective operationally, they actually do little to nothing to quell the anxiety.

You have decided to register with RevealMe, where every nook and cranny of your private and public presence is revealed. In essence you have thrown yourself on the mercy of the vicissitudes of daily life. It is a brave but necessary step toward shrugging off the worry plaguing your very existence. You will have peace of mind knowing that no one has hacked your data. You are in charge once again. Now you know.

Send your critical links to RevealMe and never worry again. There is no application fee and no subscription charge for the RevealMe service once you are fully enrolled.

minoradjustments, Jan 22 2024



       The latest online service to succumb to the attentions of a foreign cyber-extortion ring is the new startup RevealMe. The hackers managed to infiltrate RevealMe's password security protection systems, and downloaded plaintext files of all users' usernames and passwords. Using a complex system of fake logins, the hackers managed to use the stolen data to access the accounts of every single user, and then used the infiltrated accounts to make large bank transfers into foreign bank accounts. Some users also had their hacked credentials used to log in to popular social media sites such as HalfBakery, where fake stupid ideas were posted under their usernames. "I find it hard to tell the difference quite honestly" said an anonymous HalfBakery user. International police are currently conducting investigations, and hope soon to issue formal warnings to anyone stupid enough to send their critical links and entire private and public presence to an internet website.   

TARGETED ADVERT: Send us all your money and you might be in with a chance! Just enter your credit card details and you never know what might happen!

       Disclaimer (the small print): .. ... .... . ..
pocmloc, Jan 22 2024

       No, no, no. There’s no need to hack RevealMe. The data is as public as can be. An open book. The clients have thrown their fates to the wind and the vultures will converge. It’s potlatch for the 21st century. Molting after the consumer society and revealing your true butterfly. Taking off into the desert for 40 years. Fuck it.   

       All that’s missing is the soma in the story. Oh my, that just got taken care of by your local dispensary.
minoradjustments, Jan 23 2024

       [a1] Good advice for anyone here in the HB. The entire HB archive will be a juicy part of the surrendered privacy info from clients. But then, this band of bunners would likely never sign up with RevealMe, considering the obstinacy and paranoia evidenced in their postings. Data vultures will have to look elsewhere for the easy pickings RevealMe will provide.   

       Band of Bunners [marked for tagline]
minoradjustments, Jan 24 2024


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