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Reusable Annotations

Some annotations are multipurpose!
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I've noticed there is no facility for an 'annotation bank' to allow us to annotate ideas with only marginal scanning of the text and putting no thought into the annotation at all.

We could massively increase the annotations per idea if this were implemented. For example, I could have: "This idea looks good in theory but may run into practical problems during implementation." and "I wonder if you could explain something about how you arrived at this idea?" or even just "[marked-for-deletion]"?

vincevincevince, Jan 18 2008

What do you think of this then? Autoboner_20revisited
[zeno, Jan 19 2008]


       Do we really want to //massively increase the annotations per idea//?
I'd prefer to read well-thought-out, idea-specific annotations, rather than generic drivel.
If you must use this concept, create a .txt file (Notepad is your friend) of responses, and use copy/paste as you need.
neutrinos_shadow, Jan 18 2008

       One thing about this idea that I like is that it has a GOOD QUALITY. However, it also has a BAD QUALITY, so I'm gonna have to say neutral.
daseva, Jan 18 2008

       Perhaps with such a feature, the autoboner might comment? I presume the autoboning without comment is due to the high volume of ideas to assign bones to, and not enough time to write comments.   

       [daseva] - it means much to me that you took the time to comment :)
vincevincevince, Jan 18 2008

       Grrr, sometimes this autoboner stuff really gets my goat.   

       Sometimes I find an idea sufficiently annoying/bad/nasty/bleh to bone, yet uninteresting enough to comment. No big deal.   

       Presumably, there are others like me who act like rational human beings.   

       In a given community of x people, all of whom have differing tastes, moods and preferences, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that out of the entire population, many ideas will attract at least one bone. Not only is it likely, I'd guess that the phenomena that we ascribe to the autoboner is an inevitable consequence of this kind of system.   

       It's not cowardly, it's not a matter of good vs evil, or people holding grudges or having personality flaws, it's just the way it is. Please, for the love of all that is pure, good, and wholesome, can we all just get over it?   

       We're all rational creatures, and many of us are comfortable with the truth about Father Christmas, why is it so different in this case?   

       If we must have our craven images, and want someone to dress up and pretend to be The Autoboner, I hearby announce that from now on (this idea excepted, I'm boning it because I don't like it) any idea where the poster references the autoboner, or whinges about getting bones and no comments will receive my bone, on principle, without comment (assuming I can be arsed to do even that).   

       I will happily don the mask, cloak and other trappings of our merry fish-hurler. Laughing evil-geniously, I will skulk from idea to idea with my little sack o'bones hoiked over my shoulder, dishing out my smelly charms to all the naughty 'bakers who invoke my displeasure - muahahahaha! And don't forget, when you tuck your children in at night, to tell them that if they don't stop crying over silly things, The Autoboner will put a fishbone under their pillow!
zen_tom, Jan 18 2008

       I think that it's a *first* thing.
skinflaps, Jan 18 2008

       //sometimes this autoboner stuff really gets my goat.//   

       Had I one, it would get my goat too. However, I ate mine last Wednesday with some fava beans and a nice chianti.   

       I offer my services as sidekick to you in the form of THE MONGER. I have a stockpile of aquatic distaste suitable for flinging at sulking bakers from afar. They'll never know it was me!
theleopard, Jan 18 2008

       "annotate ideas with only marginal scanning of the text"   

       Hm....been there, done that. It's just a sign you're spending too much time on the site, and need to go put the kettle on, make a nice cup of tea, and get a life.
DrCurry, Jan 18 2008

       //Sometimes I find an idea sufficiently annoying/bad/nasty/bleh to bone, yet uninteresting enough to comment. No big deal.// Which is why you need reusable annotations - you can comment with a single click, even whilst you are in your guise as The Autoboner
vincevincevince, Jan 18 2008

       This would be a boon to spamlords. (-)   

       Besides, I like the HB's trait of unique anno's and humor. This would kill that.
Shadow Phoenix, Jan 18 2008

       This would be bad, but I once set it up for annotations about a couple of my pet peeves. I put a line of text in my profile saying, "I'm the guy who often says, 'This is obvious, and is only waiting on developing technology.'" Then I could copy and paste it without having to find a text file. I deleted it recently, in favor of writing something original each time. But if you look in my profile, you'll see that I can still copy and paste, then do some editing.
baconbrain, Jan 18 2008

       I wonder if you could explain something about how you arrived at this idea?
evilpenguin, Jan 18 2008

       [Actually, in retrospect, we should have all just annotated this idea with annotations randomly recycled from other ideas.]
DrCurry, Jan 18 2008

       You didn't?   

       "may run into practical problems during implementation." [marked-for-tagline]
david_scothern, Jan 18 2008

       Nice. +   

       (oops, sorry, wrong macro).   

       Lame. -
RayfordSteele, Jan 18 2008

       \\However, I ate mine last Wednesday with some fava beans and a nice chianti\\ And I didn't even realise that leopards ate goats.
hidden truths, Jan 19 2008

       Sorry, but reusable annos are kind of like reusable toilet paper...
xandram, Jan 19 2008

       Sorry, but reusable annos are kind of like reusable toilet paper...
ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 19 2008

       This has unlimitless possibilities.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 19 2008

       I'm trained in jungle combat!
david_scothern, Jan 19 2008

       I believe this violates the second law of thermodynamics. You might want to consider implementing custard.
daseva, Jan 19 2008

       We have compelling evidence from our security forces that these weapons could be used to deliver an attack to the heart of the United Kingdom in as little as 45 minutes.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 20 2008

       I could easily bake this by acting like a complete idiot.
angel, Jan 20 2008

       "Oh no, not another idea involving (x)"   

       where (x) = custard / exercise power / pirates / bluetooth...
RayfordSteele, Jan 20 2008

       You could call this "Bog Standard".
egbert, Jan 21 2008

       Databasing is fun, but it would be a real mess implimenting this system due to the gigantic number of annos in the database already that would need to be scrolled through in order to come up with repeat anno trends, and you wouldn't want to use a computer for it because it could easily get tricked.
quantum_flux, Mar 04 2008

       Databasing is fun, but it would be a real mess implimenting this system due to the gigantic number of annos in the database already that would need to be scrolled through in order to come up with repeat anno trends, and you wouldn't want to use a computer for it because it could easily get tricked.
quantum_flux, Mar 04 2008

       //Sometimes I find an idea sufficiently annoying/bad/nasty/bleh to bone//   

       Is that why you've boned all my ideas? I didn't realize I was a sufficient condition to bone.
bleh, Mar 06 2008

       It's off my topic, but who wants to post "Gyroscopes for motorcycles"?
Shadow Phoenix, Mar 06 2008

       //It would also lead to repeated propagation of spelling errors. // Sp.: propagation.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 06 2008


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