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Repelling dust

Repeling dust from objects
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Well, since dust tends to 'stick' to objects due to static-electricity, maybe it is possible to construct a device, that will generate negative static electricity, and thus repel dust from objects. It can be used on spesific objects, or maybe even on an entire house, saving a lot of work
Icarus, Apr 09 2001

Antistatic airgun http://www.buystati...html?pid=237&step=4
This airgun is ionic but some of these used in aircraft/composite structures work and photography are radioactive, using Polonium 210. (Can't find a link for those, though)    [bristolz]

Another antistat gun http://www.2spi.com...photo/zerostat.html
Again, an ion emitter type. No compressed air required for this one, though. [bristolz, Jan 02 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Another antistat gun http://www.2spi.com...photo/zerostat.html
Again, an ion emitter type. No compressed air required for this one, though. [bristolz, Jan 02 2002]


       Not necessarily. Removing electrons -- by friction as well as any other method -- leaves a positive charge. Example: rubbing a plastic comb with fur transfers electrons to the comb, leaving the fur positive.
This idea would actually work: hook up a Van der Graaf generator to your conductive shelf: any dust that lands on it picks up a charge (+ or -, doesn't matter) and is then repelled. (Though this may produce a haze of dust levitating over a sufficiently large shelf.) This idea is different from the antistatic spray, which merely makes surfaces conductive.
rmutt, Apr 11 2001

       Or you could build a big panel and charge it up to attract dust to it. It would regularly clean itself off and remove the dust before charging up again to attract more dust.
Trajen, Apr 11 2001

       The Corinthians,then?
; º )
beauxeault, Apr 11 2001

       Leave a kettle boiling in the room. This will not only dissipate static charge, but wash all the dust onto the floor and away through the cracks in the floorboards. Thus one will only have the moss and fungus on the walls, ceilings and shelves to deal with. P.S The snails and slugs provice useful source of nourishment.
john b, Jan 02 2002

       then chuck some sawdust down
po, Jan 02 2002

       Beauxeault: Yeah, but they couldn't afford to build the things since the <rich Corinthian> leather cost so much...
StarChaser, Jan 02 2002

       I have the Montalban Ionic filter in my room
bristolz, Jan 02 2002

       I think a humidifier helps with the static problem. If you have central AC and heat it can be installed in the ductwork.   

       The electronic assembly area of the factory where I work uses an antistatic ionizing gun to treat the work area before and after shifts. Im not familiar with its operation or how it works, but I saw the very impressive price tag. I'll wait for the Ronco/Popeil version.
whlanteigne, Oct 13 2002

       You'd think that considering how easy it is to collect dust that someone would have found an use for it by now.   

       Replacing down in comforters, perhaps?
rapid transit, May 15 2003

       how about a smart material that kind of "eats" the dust? You could spray it on like pledge, or it could be added to the paint or other surfacing material
xenobyte, Jul 17 2003

       How about designing some nano-bots that could take the dust and re-assemble it into socks and underwear? You could just walk around each morning and collect your new-old clothes from under the bed and dresser.
abigmug, Nov 01 2006


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