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Re-live the oldies

black and white contact lenses
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Live every day like "in the olden days",evrethings black and white.
gizmo, Nov 26 2001

Film Noir Home http://www.halfbake...r_20Home#1004485813
Includes link to 'Noir' by K.W.Jeter in which the hero has eye implants which make him see the world in black and white. [DrBob, Nov 26 2001, last modified Oct 04 2004]

(?) Color Comes To The Movies http://www.iatse.lm.com/mhist12d.html
"The first two-color process film was The Toll of the Sea in 1922. Walt Disney produced the first film using the three-color process, the animated cartoon Flowers and Trees, in 1932. The first full-length feature shot in three-color process was Becky Sharp in 1935." [bristolz, Nov 27 2001, last modified Oct 04 2004]


       clicks red shoes together ..." no place like home " ..." no place like home " ..." no place like home " ..." no place like home " " no place...."
po, Nov 26 2001

       Yeah, 'cuz they didn't invent color until 1983 or so.
phoenix, Nov 26 2001

       I believe it was in the 50's or 60's, phoenix. That's why old people have grey hair, of course; they evaded colorization.
Guy Fox, Nov 27 2001

       Color has been around longer than that. "The Wizard of Oz" was produced in 1939 and is half in black&white and half in color (in order to conserve materials in wartime, I've been told). I can't say for certain which was the first color movie.
TeaTotal, Nov 27 2001

       Sorry [TeaTotal]. I forgot my <Sarcasm> </Sarcasm> tags.
phoenix, Nov 27 2001

       Wait a minute, though. All those Biblical epics and Westerns are in colour, so the world must have lost its chromaticity somewhere along the way, right? Damn it, who stole our colour, and how did we get it back? I smell a conspiracy and a cover-up here. Nazis? Saucer Aliens? Saucer Nazis? Soup Nazis?
Guy Fox, Nov 27 2001

       In th 1940s and early 1950s, Hollywood made historical pictures in colour and contemporary stories in black and white, supporting Guy Fox's hypothesis. I reckon the world became black and white with the invention of black and white cinema, to make it easier to film, and then it was all painted in colours through the 1950s, as a conspiracy by Hollywood to halt the spread of television (then only b&w).
pottedstu, Nov 27 2001

       At risk of taking this idea seriously, I don't think that it's possible to remove colour purely with lenses or such. You can separate out single colours easily enough, but turning everything into sepia or black and white images would require a little electronic gizmo.
cp, Nov 27 2001

       Or surgical removal of the cone cells in the retina.
angel, Nov 27 2001

       I've seen that one
thumbwax, Nov 27 2001

       My contact lenses weren't really for watching films, because that can be achieved by just buying a black and white telly. It was really to live in a black and white film - for a short time.
gizmo, Nov 27 2001

       GF: //Nazis? Saucer Aliens? Saucer Nazis? Soup Nazis?//
I think Video Nazis are the scourge of our society, dontchoo?

aw gizmo, yer so earnest. aw bless...
lewisgirl, Nov 27 2001

       I collect old cameras, projectors, etc. Have a movie camera (don't know make/model, don't want to dig it out) that was made in the '30's - '40's. Has a flip-up red filter for the viewfinder. Theory was that, viewed through the red filter, the world would exhibit the light values and contrast that would be captured by B&W.
quarterbaker, Nov 27 2001

       Any colour filter will have pretty much the same effect, with slight variances. Basically, instead of seeing in grayscale, you'll just see in "redscale", or whatever. Coloured lenses are used for just this reason in B&W photography. A red filter will tend to give you a very high contrast image, because it cuts out yellows, blues, greens, etc. which we tend to see as mid-tones; a blue filter would be better for seeing those mid-tones (which is why you might see a B&W photographer using a blue lens on a bright day, to give his images more subtle tonality). Blue-tinted contact lenses or sunglasses might well give you something close to what you're looking for, gizmo. Try wearing them on a dark and rainy night.   

       lg: What, like the 1/2B Film? Gruesome and altogether gratuitous, indeed.
Guy Fox, Nov 28 2001

       van, lost your email addy. hard disc died - please write.
po, Dec 24 2002


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