Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Random Vending

"Random" Button on Vending Machines
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I sometimes don't know what I want from a vending machine. Proposed is a "random" button so the machine makes the decision for me. Perhaps the price could be reduced while the machine dispenses the product with the highest excess inventory.
kevinthenerd, Jun 14 2012

Random_20Selection_...20Vending_20Machine [hippo, Jun 14 2012]

Random_20Soda [hippo, Jun 14 2012]

Youtube: http://www.youtube....watch?v=H4nKJYV3UKs
[hippo] allow Jim Carrey to explain. [rcarty, Jun 15 2012]


       I imagine this is how blind people use vending machines anyway. Maybe better if you called it the 'Blind Person Vending Machine simulation button'. This is why I always think its slightly odd to have braile on vending machines.
S-note, Jun 14 2012

       Searching the Halfbakery for "Random vending" gives lots of similar ideas, two of which I've linked. Do you think you could do a search yourself before posting ideas?

[marked-for-deletion] Redundant.
hippo, Jun 14 2012

       The same was said to me, hippo. Perhaps when you joined this site in 2000 you were the perfect halfbaker?
Phrontistery, Jun 14 2012

       Why are you taking it personally, [Phront]? Take a look at the FAQ (click on "help" on the bar at the left). You're expected to do a search to see if your idea has been posted (or baked) already before you post.   

       Sometimes it's hard to tell that an idea may already exist on the Halfbakery. Some ideas may be very similar, but may be described very differently. In these cases, usually someone who recalls seeing the original idea (or posting the original idea) will bring it to your attention. It's not really a big deal. But if it only takes a cursory search on either the HB or Google to find the exact idea you're describing, then you haven't done your due diligence and you should expect to get a bit of shit for it. Just take it in stride, delete the idea, and move on.
ytk, Jun 14 2012

       [Phrontistery] I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with your question. Anyway, [kevinthenerd] has been here since 2006 - plenty of time for anyone to go and read the 'help' page.
hippo, Jun 15 2012

       I think most of us have committed the sin of posting an ill- researched idea or two. It's no big deal. You take your lumps, then everyone moves on.
Alterother, Jun 15 2012

       All vending machines are random. You either get something for your money or you don't.
sqeaketh the wheel, Jun 15 2012

       I thought you were patronising, hippo. ytk conveyed the same point far more civilly.
Phrontistery, Jun 16 2012


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