It is the beginning of a unique baseball game, the first ever baseball game played this way.
The players are clothed in flame retardent suits. There are firemen at the ready. Fire extinguishers are everywhere.
Then it begins.
The ball and bat are soaked in a flammable substance, much like
in Pyrotechnic Billiards......
The lights are dimmed....
The bat is then set aflame....
The bat is swung at an incoming pitch...
When the bat is swung, it leaves a trail of flames momentarily.... the it connects with the ball, setting it on fire....
The ball arcs upwards, leave a trail as a comet does. Except.... it is a trail of fire and flame!....
It is a long drive into left field, where the left fielder catches it.....
His glove alights upon contact with the flaming sphere, the mitt having been soaked in the very same liquid as the bat and ball.....
He tosses it to another player, who in turn tosses it to another player, until all have had their glove flaming.....
The next batter comes and takes the flaming bat.....
The pitcher gets ready to throw again.....