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Put taxes on every pleasure

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(+1, -6)
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In todays society pleasure is becoming more and more accessible without any effort, and pain is becoming more and more avoidable with no effort. Making the existence of either in todays world meaningless and useless. This is what an economy would look like if both we're used to their full extent.

I imagine this being done in a voluntary system where people sign up to the system voluntarily.

In this economy people would have to pay a tax to do or buy anything pleasurable. For example you would not have privacy without paying to be able to do sexual things.

The money raised would then be redistributed in some way. It could be destroyed to increase it's value through deflation, used to reward people for things like getting educated, or used to fund things like research or healthcare.

A lot of things would be cheaper in this economy. It would be easier to start a business or invent things, people could take care of necessities easier.

You would potentially have to pay to use your own property so it would be smart to have those things on a timeshare so you don't have to pay full price on something you don't use often.

If you really want to risk it for the biscuit you can join the punishment system. Every tax decreases to way less than it was before for you but you have to make payments or reach some kind of goal or risk getting some kind of punishment.

flireferret, Sep 30 2024

Taxation thingy https://www.youtube...watch?v=eDdnI87xLVY
/not/ poo-poos. [Loris, Sep 30 2024]

more prior art, this time from 1999 https://www.pistonh...?h=0&f=141&t=221528
Oddly, they've replaced Ted Heath with Gordon Brown, and made a few other changes to make it more partisan. [pertinax, Oct 05 2024]

Wainfleet Ontario... https://www.rebelne...ng_their_properties
Stealing your shit [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Oct 07 2024]


       I foresee huge tax breaks for masochists!
hippo, Sep 30 2024

       I hate everything and everyone. Tax refund please. Thank you.
pocmloc, Sep 30 2024

       //I imagine this being done in a voluntary system where people sign up to the system voluntarily.//   

       Are you channelling Kamala Harris again?...   

       Can we write off or take deductions for being miserable?
doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024

       Sounds like a Monty Python sketch.
Loris, Sep 30 2024

       Okay, NOW this is getting good!   

       Bar full of guys watching the football game cheering, laughing high fiveing then a black clad IRS Pleasure Tax Enforcement Agent walks in with an assistant behind him with an iPad taking notes.   

       Bar sees him and immediately freezes. Bartender quickly turns the TV with the game off.   

       IRS PTE agent walks up to a now horrified patron.   


       "Uh, Dave, I mean uh... David Smith."   

       (The assistant points the iPad camera at his face, looks at the screen and nods at the IRS PTE.)   

       "Having... fun... are we David?"   

       "Uh... oh no! I'm uh, very sad I hate football, it's a waste of time when I should be out saving the environment, working towards equity and... and... uh... stuff."   

       (Agent grabs the iPad.)   

       "Says here you paid very little in joy tax last year, yet I see you in here whooping it up with your... friends."   

       "Friends? Oh... no! I hate these guys, don't I?" (looks around the room as everybody quickly nods their heads in agreement.)   

       "Oh? Let me see how much you hate them!"   

       "Uhhh! FUCK YOU GUYS!!"   

       (rest of the bar in unison) "FUCK YOU TOO!"   

       Then something funny happens.   

       Bun for this new direction contingent on it being made into a Monty Python sketch. [+]
doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024

       (Cue The Beatles)   

       If you drive a car, I'll tax the street. If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat. If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat. If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet. Taxman!
whatrock, Oct 06 2024

       <slightly off topic>   

       There is a town in Ontario that made it against their bylaws to rent your property for short terms and are issuing fines of $10,000,00 per day per owner.
Bureaucracy is getting to be bullshit.

       On an up-note that fellow in the UK who blogs about old-fashioned woodworking and smithing techniques has finished building his guillotine...   

       //There is a town in Ontario that made it against their bylaws to rent your property for short terms and are issuing fines of $10,000,00 per day per owner.//   

       Is that $10,000 Canadian dollars per day per owner?   

       If that's true as written, I can imagine all the owners consolidating their business into one. Then the single, per-day fine will be distributed between many short-term renters, putting up their rent by a fraction.   

       Alternatively, (or if there was a per-property clause which you forgot to mention) I imagine the owners will just change their contract to 12-month terms, with very lenient early-termination clauses. Problem solved.
Loris, Oct 06 2024

       Sure, but one guy says he's already been fined more than $100,000,00 Canadian dollars because he and his wife are both owners. Yes, the fines are per day per owner per property.
The town is abusing its power to hand out parking tickets to steal people's property. [link]

       He really built that guillotine well.
It should function adequately for a very long time.

       //$100,000,00 //   

       Just so you're aware, writing values like this is unclear.   

       Is it $100,000 and zero pence?
Or is it $10,000,000?
Or did you drop a zero?

       From the article, it looks like the fine is $10,000 (per owner per dwelling per day).   

       I wonder what that means for any hotels in the vicinity.   

       As I said in my post, one solution might be to rewrite the rental contract such that it works around the law.
In any case, from the article you link it looks like it's being dealt with in court.

       If it's found lawful /and/ if it's as egregious as indicated, I doubt the current council will be re-elected. Instead the 'tax Doug Ford party' candidates will be elected on a platform of billing (current premier) Doug Ford and his supporters a million dollars a day for the right to exist or hold property in Wainfleet, and equilibrium will be restored.
Loris, Oct 07 2024

       Woops I added a second comma instead of a dot.
$100,000.00 so far. Hotels and Motels are licensed for short term rentals but even they need to be careful not to get caught up in long term rentals. Once you rent monthly you fall under the landlord and tenant laws and can't kick someone out without notice. The few monthly renters we've had have all been charged at a daily rate.

       What if some really sick person enjoys taxation?
RayfordSteele, Oct 07 2024

       [Rayford] they get taxed on it. Suppose the usual tax rate was 10%, they would then have to pay an additional 10% of that on top. And so on, so that they would end up paying rate of 11.1111•%
pocmloc, Oct 07 2024

       Actually that math doesn't quite work out.   

       .1 of .11 is .011, which when added back to .11 is .121, and so on.
RayfordSteele, Oct 08 2024


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