Those QR things look kinda ...square. visualize an app that can read obvious software elaborations of a QR map
thus a pretty anime girl might have a bunch of pastel circles near her like cheerful bubbles The software does the obvious location of center from visible radius points to regenerate a QR
the updated QR reader recognizes hundreds of simple geometric elaborations from the qr dot pattern. The photoshop add on lets graphic creators make scenery as well as motif friendly QRfunctionalikes
pretty pretty pretty useful
then a graphics professional remembers the cumulatively appreciated glyphs from the "electric sheep" program. The geometric primatives are among those humans most like viewing, thus there are QR workalikes that are actually proven to be visually appealing. People get used to the idea "that whirly thing thats more visually appealing than the rest of the ad is the URL" to make their pictures