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Potato/GroundBeef Masher+Ladle

Wooden Slotted Spoon in Shape of Ladle Mashes Potatoes/GroundBeef
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A slotted spoon made of wood and in the shape of a large ladle can be used to mash up ground beef or cooked potatoes, including even inside a pan with fragile non-stick coating. It can also be used to scoop up pieces of food (although obviously not liquids)
sanman, Sep 25 2024

L-shaped Masher https://en.wikipedi.../wiki/Potato_masher
Needs non-scratch coating [minoradjustments, Sep 25 2024]

Avocado Masher https://www.amazon....2Caps%2C117&sr=8-17
Plastic, only works for cold stuff [sanman, Sep 25 2024]

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       Haven’t you found one yet? I just looked for a minute and was inundated with options. The lead illustration on wikipedia is just what you are talking about but needs a plastic coating or hard plastic molding.
minoradjustments, Sep 25 2024

       @ minor adjustments: I did look around, spent significant time on Amazon, because I was looking to actually buy something like this. The closest I could find was a plastic version (not wood) which could be used to mash avocadoes - but it wasn't suitable for a hot pan while cooking hot food like the ground beef or the potatoes.   

       See link. So I'd like a wooden version of that, because it could be used in a hot pan/pot during cooking, and also wouldn't damage fragile non-stick coating. Also, it can be used to scoop food items.
sanman, Sep 25 2024


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