Now your poohba is fully compatible with the Magnomeal & Magna-poo lines of pet food additives for a superior yard cleaning experience. Retrofit kits are also available.
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The next generation of the popular Roomba and Scuba robotic vacuum and floor cleaning robots.
robot would be programmed to follow a random path within your backyard after being triggered by a RFID tag attached to your pets collar with a sensor near the door and would be outfitted with a Dog Poo detection system comrised of 2 parts.
1)Wide angle infrared sensors to detect fresh poop within several feet of the robots path.
2)chemical sniffer to home in on poo once generally located by the infrared sensors.
3)NEW** Onboard magnetometer for poo detection utilizing the Magnomeal and Magna-Poo lines of pet food additives.
Once located the poo would be collected through the use of vacuum and a disposable liner bag that can be removed when full The bag would extend to the end of the collection port and so cleanup would be easy.
Upon completion of its collection the unit would return to its base station to await the next deposit.
Large ballon type tires would allow the unit to operate over rough uneven terrain(unmowed grass, Snow etc.)
The unit would be weatherproof.
the unit would be about the size of a small push lawnmower and would be outfitted with numerous sensors to keep it from hitting obstacles(similar in function the the roomba robots sensors)
A dual purpose invisible fence system would allow for control of both your pet and your poohba in unfenced properties as well.
The unit would include a small control remote that could communicate using bluetooth or radio technology to allow for manual activation and would indicate when the collection bag was in need of changing(perhaps based on Weight of material in the bag) The unit would also have a manual control feature to allow for assited cleanup of "old" deposits with indication of deposit location.