Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Professional croissant on closed course. Do not attempt.

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Point Zero One Inch Thick Food

Meals served that are flattened so thin you don't know what they are till you taste them.
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So you get little plates of sheets of foot about .01 inch thick that have been compressed through a roller, by a hydraulic press or whatever, and the less than paper thin sheets are folded into interesting origami shapes, perhaps representing what they are. Chicken shaped, fish, whatever.

So you'd get to say "Oh, this is pizza!" or "Wow! Great tacos!" after taking a bite.

Since there's so little food per bite the meal could last hours, or throughout the day at a carnival, festival or whatever.

Even if you didn't do this for full meals at first, the idea should be tried out for desserts. There's rice paper candy I seem to remember from my youth so it's not without precedent.

I'd try chicken cordon bleu paper.

NOTE: The lack of mass would eliminate it's ability to retain heat so you would need to serve it in some kind of heating appliance, dish or whatever.

ADDENDUM: The below link is the commercial for succulent Cloud 9 Mist Light Desserts. Just change "chinese meal" to "Cloud 9 Mist Light Desserts".

doctorremulac3, Sep 19 2024

Thin Sandwich https://www.youtube...watch?v=g0F7falA6g8
Prior Art, but cut thin not squished... [neutrinos_shadow, Sep 20 2024]

Now take that and put it in this. https://www.youtube...watch?v=q9BtYEnrkg4
[doctorremulac3, Sep 20 2024]

Who I'd hire as the spokesperson for my "Cloud 9 Desserts" https://www.youtube...watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU
The AI version obviously, his estate would get all the appropriate proceeds. [doctorremulac3, Sep 20 2024]


       careful not to cut yourself.
po, Sep 19 2024

       I think it'd be all floppy like the rice paper.   

       In fact, this is basically rice paper for stuff like beef stroganoff or lasagna.   

       Paper thin lasagna. I'd want to try it at least.   

       But at least for appetizers or deserts this could be cool. Meat you could see through might be kind of off-putting but caramel apple paper? I'd be all about it.
doctorremulac3, Sep 19 2024

       Not the best thing for your teeth.
Voice, Sep 19 2024

       0.01" is 0.254mm or 254 microns thick. Being very approximate, that's about 2 cell lengths, or about 4 cell thicknesses. So this would provide interesting information about the concept of texture in things like meat. What is the lower limit on the number of cells required? How does cooking time scale? If "minute steak" is ~1/4" is 0.01" thick steak cooked in ~2s?
bs0u0155, Sep 19 2024

       Needs to be served on a roll with a direct-to-tongue dispenser
pocmloc, Sep 19 2024

       That link is absolutely brilliant.   

       Now that a quarter inch square section of that sandwich and put it in the machine in the link below it.   

       Occurs to me you might need to pick these up with a long toothpick looking thing wrapping the micro-thin food around it.
doctorremulac3, Sep 20 2024

       I know this sounds increbly un-appetizing, but have you ever wrapped a spider web around a stick while brushing it out of the way? That's what I'm picturing this looking like. Not something you'd put into the ads for "Food Mist Desserts" or whatever, but that's what I picture actually eating this looking like. You'd twirl the stick, maybe chopsticks around it and savor it. This guy in the link might even call it "succulent".   

       And yes, I'm just posting this again because he's my hero.
doctorremulac3, Sep 20 2024

       //have you ever wrapped a spider web around a stick while brushing it out of the way?//   

       Mmmm, spiderfloss.
It's technically vegetarian. Provided you don't get any flies.
Loris, Sep 20 2024

       Okay, the link is the commercial, the only difference is that using AI "chinese" is replace with "Cloud 9 desert".   

       "What is the charge? Eating a succulent Cloud 9 crème brûlée! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PENIS!!"   

       But everything else stays the same. Everything.
doctorremulac3, Sep 20 2024


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