Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Plague Fashion Makeover Service

Rock that pox.
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It's so embarrassing to have last year's infectious disease, when all the cool kids are getting the next big thing, which is currently the Monkey Pox. Which even sounds like the sort of disease that fun people might catch.

So, this service would have a small but viable sample of pathogen couriered around to your address in a refrigerated container, with instructions on how to self-infect.

Nowhere would the service explicitly claim to cure your existing condition - magical thinking in the target market would just assume that it did.

Just because you're isolating, doesn't mean you have to feel left out!

pertinax, May 27 2022

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       Does anyone else read 'nowhere' as 'now here' or is it just me?   

       Approved +
xenzag, May 27 2022

       Wouldn't it be better to piggyback on the vaccine labs? If they can make a jab than tricks your body into producing antibodies without you getting ill, then surely they can produce a jab that tricks your body into displaying external symptoms without you getting ill.
pocmloc, May 27 2022


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