Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Sugar and spice and unfettered insensibility.

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Pirates and Mimes, Ninjas and Custard

To the tune of "Raindrops and Roses and Whiskers on Kittens"
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Pirates and Mimes,
Ninjas and Custard,
Croissants and annotating,
and multi-use Ustard,
Hullaballoons and film noir homes,
and cream cheese rings,
These are a few great Halfbakery things

When the troll votes,
When the fish gather,
When I'm feeling ignored,
I simply remember halfbakery things,
And then I don't feel so bored

Roaming Goldfish bowls
and those flocking road cones,
Shrodinger and Tesla
And anything to do with gnomes,
High voltage and Addam's HHGTTG
These are a few great Halfbakery things

When the troll votes,
When the fish gather,
When I'm feeling ignored,
I simply remember halfbakery things,
And then I don't feel so bored

Inventions with flakey crust,
sometimes insanity,
Oh the Halfbakery,
is certainly where I wanna be!
FarmerJohn's drawings and
ballistic intercontinental springs
These are a few great halfbakery things!

When the troll votes,
When the fish gather,
When I'm feeling ignored,
I simply remember halfbakery things,
And then I don't feel so bored

DesertFox, Mar 12 2005


       Um... define 'better'.   

       I've not heard of a tune called "Raindrops and Roses and Whiskers on Kittens" but presumably you mean "My Favorite Things".
waugsqueke, Mar 13 2005

       Shame the very first line doesn't span.
DrCurry, Mar 13 2005

       You didn't see the anno, waugs.   

       DrCurry, nobody's perfect. Just draw out some syllables. It's done often enough.
DesertFox, Mar 13 2005

       Which anno? The one you've since deleted, where Curry complained about your line spacing and suggested you use br's and so you edited your idea, and then asked is that better? Yeah, I didn't see that one.
waugsqueke, Mar 13 2005

       He deleted it, not I.   

       And I did what he asked, too.
DesertFox, Mar 13 2005

       No names, but some people are way too suspicious.   

       Pirates and Mimës. Sounds French.
DrCurry, Mar 13 2005


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