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I remember mentioning this briefly once before, but I
can't remember if it was as part of one of my own
or something I mentioned in an annotation
somewhere... I think it deserves a post of its own.
This is an idea to keep maritime pirates from
boarding their targets,
is yet another
of the versatility of detcord.
What this is is a set of lengths of detcord running
the top portion of a ship's hull, on the outside just
below the level of the deck. The section of hull that
the detcord rests on is reinforced with armor plating.
There are several 'rungs' that completely encircle the
ship, each rung spaced about 2 feet apart. The
is encased in a braided steel mesh to prevent
of a pirate boarding party from simply cutting it. Each
length of detcord is approximately 10 feet long, and
suspended between two vertical poles. Looks kinda
If a pirate attempts to climb over the 'rungs' of
pressure sensors attached at either end of the length
being climbed over trigger that length of cord to
detonate. This is going to blow up whatever is
that length of cord, ie hands, feet, climbing gaffer,
In addition to providing limited protection from being cut, the
steel mesh also creates some pretty nasty shrapnel, which will be
assisted on its downward trajectory by gravity. The pressure
sensors also work two ways. Even if a pirate does successfully
cut the detcord, the sensor will react to the sudden decrease in
tension and trigger it either way. Given the speed at which
detcord ignites, it'll explode before it has a chance to fall and
swing out of his way.
Electrified ship's railings
http://beamsandstru...e-for-the-high-seas [AusCan531, Aug 29 2011]
Pirate skull decorations for Remulac Industries ships
http://www.youtube....watch?v=CfhMj6NJ5YY "Wanna come on board? There's plenty of room for more pirates on this ship." [doctorremulac3, Aug 29 2011]
So what do you do about the second pirate ?
(also more properly in ': landmine' than ': bomb') |
That's why there are multiple rungs. The idea is to make
it impossible to climb on deck without setting off a rung
of detcord. I'm thinking it's unlikely for a single pirate to
set off more than one or two rungs, and pirates usually
operate in small units. |
For various reasons I don't usually sign in on this stuff, but I like that accidental triggering won't hurt the crew. |
(Also not exactly a landmine either, given its maritime
application. Is there a naval mine category?) |
I was under the impression that some of the merchant ships in the area were already electrifying their railings which isn't too far off what you're suggesting.
"The industry-approved, Best Practices Manual, for dealing with pirates recommends using barbed wire on ship railings, electrified barriers, high-slip paint for side walls side walls, and maneuvering tactics that increase a boarding pirates exposure to wind, waves and stern wash." See link |
Isn't this simply a maritime implementation of the
standard tank anti-personell defenses? |
I'd decorate my ships with the skulls of previous
pirates who tried to attack them. They'd be lit up
and strung as shown in the link.
Remulac Shipping lines would not be your first
choice when looking for a freighter to knock off.
[+] for anything that blows up pirates. |
Arm the fish catapult and aim for the welcome mat! Fire! [-] (BAM!) |
In a similar fashion you could simply have the handrails be much less sturdy than they appear. |
I thought about those measures, FT and Aus. The problem that
arises is the danger it poses to the ship's passengers.
Swimswim, you really think they have room in a hollowed out
log (from which many of the pirate speedboats are made) for a
catapult that's large enough to reach the upper deck of a large
cargo freighter or cruise liner?
MechE, if it is, I was not aware of that, but if it is then that just
lends further credence to the idea. |
They tow it behind their hollowed-out-log-speedboats. Have you not seen the post of my Pontoonapult idea? |
Hm, it turns out that tank mounted anti-personell mines may be one of those things that although extremely common in tank based science fiction, doesn't exist in the real world.
In any case, claymore type mines have the advantage of not damaging your hull and taking out a larger swath of the attackers at the same time. |
That's not entirely accurate... Claymores do have a blowback
and a minimum safe rear distance. |
Isn't this what hull-mounted flechette grenades are for? Horrible things, I know, but, if you're going to do this sort of thing, you may as well do it properly. |
Claymores have a blowback because all they have backing them up is a steel plate and a couple of light stakes in the ground. If they have a ship's hull backing them up, I don't think that would be a problem. Detcord, on the other hand, is designed, at least in part, to cut through whatever it's placed against (such as the hull). |
No, it isn't. That's just a side effect of the design. It's designed to conduct a supersonic detonation front from one point to another. The ability to cut was not part of the original spec.
A pad mine suitable for the use described would be possible, but auto-triggering is a dangerous feature outside a live combat situation.
It really doesn't take much to protect a big ship; nothing more than a couple of guys on watch with binoculars/night vision kit, and a couple of .50cal Brownings on the bridge wings. Much cheaper than paying multi-million dollar ransoms.
Best of all, the number of pirates will steadily decrease over time, providing the guys on the MGs wait until they're close before opening up, then give them the whole nine yards. It would be best not to publicise this policy, as this may have a deterrent effect on the pirates, reducing the effective cull rate.
Ships in international waters have the absolute right to protect themselves against piracy by the use of lethal force. UNCLOS is quite clear on that. |
Okay, for designed to, read as functions to.
The problem is the transition from international waters, where carrying those guns is legal, to national waters, were it may or may not be, to national ports, where it is often frowned upon.
Which just gave me the idea for offshore weapons check boats. "Let's see, that was two 50 Cals and a set of five RPGS. Here's your claim check and we'll see you in a couple of days on your way back out to pick these up. |
I hope the weapons check boat is similarly protected. It would
be awfully embarrassing if it were to be successfully hijacked. |
The captain is responsible for the ship, and the safety of the
crew. When the ship enters territorial waters, it is the captain's
responsibility to ensure that all ordnance is secured. Providing
the ship's flag nation approves its ships carrying weapons (as the
USA does) then nothing more is required. A ship is in some ways
like an embassy; a little mobile bit of the sovereign nation who's
flag it bears. Interference with that could touch off a diplomatic
row, which helps no-one except the pirates.
No particular technological innovations are needed to deal with
piracy. The weapons, techniques and legal framework are
already in existance. |
You are correct about the status of a ship transitting territorial waters (although not all parties agree to that reading), but a ship which intends to transfer cargo it is subject to search by the nation who's port it is using, and that nation's laws regarding the transportation of contraband can come into play with regards to private ownership of heavy weapons. |
Of course, a host inspection ship could board the incoming
vessel and log every weapon found. When the visitors leave,
they had better be able to account for every weapon logged
during port entry. If any weapons are missing or unaccounted
for, the entire ship and crew are held until they are found. |
i.e. "anything bigger than a megatonne yield"
[MechE], it's a legal grey area. If the ship is operating legitimately, does not intend or attempt to unload its weaponry, and has the necessary paperwork from its flag nation, then it would be a very brave port or customs official who tried to interfere. |
I would think a weapons search would need to be accompanied
by some sort of international version of a warrant, or an across-
the-board policy stating ALL incoming ships must be subject to
search and seizure of defensive weapons. |
The across the board policy is that all ships MAY
(not will) be subject to search and seizure of
contraband. It's part of every single country's
customs enforcement.
Classing personal/defensive weapons as
contraband would be unusual, but say a North
Korean flagged ship had a long range cruise missile
on board with paper work claiming it as a
defensive weapon. I have very little doubt that a
US customs inspector would declare it contraband
and seize it (and the ship). There are limits to
what is considered an acceptable weapon, and
some countries don't allow much of anything. |
Det cord, even in the quantities necessary to circle a cargo ship a few times, wouldn't cause much of a stir... I imagine it would have to be removed and stored before docking.
At this time might I point out that you've just reinvented the Bangalore Torpedo. |
The detcord doesn't need to be declared at all... the steel mesh
it's wrapped in would make it look like simple utility cable. Just
remove it and wrap it around some spools on the deck before
you get boarded, and reinstall it on your way out. No need for
anybody but the ship's crew to know its purpose, and there's
certainly no need for the media to find out and alert pirates to
its existence.
And this is nothing like the Bangalore Torpedo, which was used
for *clearing* obstacles such as the Welcome Mat. And even if
pirates were smart enough to use a Bangalore Torpedo, the
sound of the explosions would alert the crew, giving them time
to form a welcome party for the pirates. |
Can't stop reading this as Private Welcome Mat.
Y'know, facial recagnition software determines whether it reads; -Welcome Phil-, or -Go piss up a rope- |
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