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Parent child videogame/educational software

The child plays for 30-60 minutes then their parent plays for like 5-10 minutes superenergizing the game, and then the child plays again, this produces a topic of conversation and a shared interest
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I was imagining that when children play videogames/educational software they talk less to their parents, and their parents talk less to them. Both parents and children could mix personal interaction with away-time on purpose to create new shared interests and have what might be called "quality time" with videogames/educational software where the child plays the video game for 20-60 minutes, then the parent steps in for 5-10 minutes to participate. I have not played minecraft but I am imagining something kind of like minecraft and breakout combined.

Then they could measure and quantify that people like this and that they actually spend more quality time with their children and that the children are happier.

beanangel, Feb 14 2020


       // quality time with their children //   


8th of 7, Feb 15 2020

       Augmented with outside play would be the best, now that there are fitbits or accelerometric and gyroscopic controllers.
wjt, Feb 16 2020

       Are you suggesting launching children from trebuchets ?
8th of 7, Feb 16 2020

       Videogames are fun in the same way passing out and having visions is fun. I've played probably 2000 hours of videogames in my life and it's made my life objectively worse; it's the last thing I'd want my future kids doing. Children enjoy play that's real; play that's a rehearsal of adult activities. So take the kids along doing real things: hiking, camping, household tasks, negotiation, dinner parties, etc. and include the kid at the level the kid can do, i.e. give the kid a safe plastic version of whatever the adults are doing so the kid can rehearse.   

       Recently a friend's kid came to dinner and the kid wanted to use a fork and knife like an adult, but the table was glass so the kid wasn't allowed, and he cried a bit when the fork and knife were taken away and placed just out of reach while the mother said "remember, gentle hands". Later the adults saw a greeting card with a pop-up paper ornament and the kid started crying in earnest when the pop-up card was placed just out of reach, while the mother said "remember, gentle hands". Then the mothers agreed the kid was "tired". No, the kid's not tired, the kid is sad because he is being denied the opportunity to practice and learn what the adults are doing, and the kid needs plastic tableware and a used magazine to practice adult motor skills in a good way. That kid's going to have issues when he's older, I just know it.   

       Maybe parents should play videogames with their children in split-screen mode to teach their children how to livestream for tips and social media fame.
sninctown, Feb 16 2020

       Another thought would be restricted material. Having locks that a co- playing adult can open, would allow playing through material in stages. Stages would allow the content to be dissected and discussed, for the growth of both players.
wjt, Feb 16 2020

       I do this! It's great fun. City building games are good for it. Kiddo builds a city for 30 mins, then I get to make a neighborhood or a highway for 10 mins. Kid takes over again and it's fun to cooperate/compete about who can do the best job.   

       [sninctown]: Camping, hiking, chores, etc we do all that, too. Why not both? If I've learned anything from kids it's that outright prohibition of an activity makes them want it more. Same reason US college campuses have major alcohol abuse problems. Booze was taboo at home and now it's time to binge! How cool is it to binge on the stuff dad and I sipped and home during family meal time?
the porpoise, Feb 18 2020

       Cool factor isn't the only influence. My sister's ex became a hard drunk, as did his brother. Their mother and father were social drinkers that drank in front of their kids a rather normalish amount, but denied their kids ever had a problem until it was too late to successfully solve. The father poisoned his liver to death.   

       My parents were teatotalers. My whole family is. My sister will only touch champagne now on New Years.
RayfordSteele, Feb 18 2020

       My favorite for this is Minecraft Pi. My grandkids can play the Minecraft screen, while I've got a Python programming environment open on the adjacent display. We discuss some function he'd like the game to have, and how it should be triggered and controlled; I code, he watches; when I've got some code in, he tests it, and we review how it went. We both win if it works; we both lose if we can't communicate ideas and requirements.
lurch, Feb 19 2020


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