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Pain of living in the wild index

for balancing standards for animal care
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If we research how much pain, starvation, and other discomfort animals suffer in the wild and require no better a life for our domesticated animals we can save a lot of time and money.
Voice, Mar 03 2011

We is. http://www.medicaln...articles/113202.php
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Mar 03 2011]


       We could save even more by doing the same for ourselves...
RayfordSteele, Mar 03 2011

       ... Is something about the word "domesticated" confusing ?
FlyingToaster, Mar 03 2011

       ...Let me put it this way. If you do this, then your standards for housepet care go down to "ignore them"   


Hive_Mind, Mar 03 2011

       "domesticated" means we take care of that shit, no?
WcW, Mar 03 2011

       But you'd be spending a lot of money on research, so that wouldn't save any money at all!
xandram, Mar 03 2011

       The wild can be cruel to animals therefore this would only justify animal cruelty.
rcarty, Mar 03 2011

       [rcarty] - I think that's the (controversial) point [Voice] is trying to make. The difference between a battery hen and a free-roaming chicken is quite wide - but I'd still rather have the free-roaming, expensive one as it wont have been fed on a diet of growth hormones, vaccinations and reprocessed chickenmeal. It probably wont have spent its life breathing in ammonia from all the chicken faeces its lived covered in all its life. And it will have had the opportunity to have exercised its muscles. Yes, it may have spent fearful evenings worried about a nearby scent of fox, or been hungry once in a while, and it may have been caught out in the cold, or even eventually had its neck wrung by a stout-legged farmer's wife. But I'd still prefer it to have gone through all of that stuff, rather than the intensive alternative. And I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to be able to make that choice. And as long as I and other people are able and willing to spend more for better kept animals, there will always be a market for keeping animals and taking good care of them. The alternatives are the disease-pits that currently exist, from which drug-resistant strains of bird-flu, and other really unpleasant biohazards are incubated in warm, cosy nurseries in which germs are free to mutate and safely evolve new and deadlier strains. Still, the meat is much cheaper - at least it is untill you factor in all of the economic externalities that are exploited in order to provide a profitable source of low-cost protein.
zen_tom, Mar 03 2011

       Well this is dead wrong then. The index shouldn't be of wild living standards, but of domestic living standards. What's the worst conditions that humans can expect to live in? How filthy can the tenements become, and how quiet and how desperate? Domesticated animals need a basic standard somewhere on the scale of domesticity.
rcarty, Mar 03 2011


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