Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Packet switched food

Build pipes between houses that accept pneumatic containers
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A bit like how supermarkets used to have those pneumatic pipe system to send money upstairs to be counted.

People cook food and place it into a rounded pipe container and send it to nearby people by address.

Can send food to other people and subscribe to food subscriptions.

chronological, Jan 07 2020

Berlin "pneumatic food network" http://www.douglas-...ss/pneumess.htm#ger
Probably a hoax, but a good one; either way, Prior Art ... [8th of 7, Jan 07 2020]

physical internet physical_20internet
[hippo, Jan 07 2020]

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toob toob
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[hippo, Jan 07 2020]

cheese taps https://web.archive.../idea/Cheese_20taps
[hippo, Jan 07 2020]

Hot beverage district heating Hot_20beverage_20district_20heating
Another scheme... [8th of 7, Jan 07 2020]

The Dabbawalas of Mumbai https://adventure.c...walas-mumbai-india/
A manually operated variant. [Wrongfellow, Jan 08 2020]

Pneumatic tube railway https://en.wikipedi...blic_transportation
Acceptably low lethality [8th of 7, Jan 08 2020]

Pizza delivery via the extant water pipe sytem Aquatic_20drone_20d..._2e_2e_2e_2enetwork
...just check that is brown sauce [not_morrison_rm, Jan 08 2020]

"Crack piped" https://1000waystod...om/wiki/Crack_Piped
From "1000 ways to die" [8th of 7, Jan 18 2020]


       If the containers were sufficiently well sealed, you could reuse the sewage network pipes for this
hippo, Jan 07 2020

       Er, "physical internet" yet again ... ?   

       Not an innovation.
8th of 7, Jan 07 2020

       Cheese taps
calum, Jan 07 2020

       (t)Uber delivers? Ideal for liquid lunches, too, I'd've thought. Bun! Would a bun clog it up, though?
I like the idea that they can be re-directed, DNS/router-like mannor
Dub, Jan 07 2020

       It's a technological progession:   

       1. You go to vendor.
2. Vendor delivers to you via their own driven vehicle, or a pool vehicle i.e. Uber.
3. Vendor delivers to you by drone or autonomous vehicle.
4. Vendor delivers to you by switchable fixed link (pneumatic tube).
5. Replcators.


       1. & 2. are Baked and WKTE; 3. is being trialed; 4. is technically possible pending investment in infrastructure; 5. we are keeping to ourselves for the moment...   

       This isn't a bad idea, [chron] - it's simply that it's been halfbaked to death in various forms ...
8th of 7, Jan 07 2020

       //5. we are keeping to ourselves for the moment.// Your security needs some improvement - I've already got one of your replicators. No, wait, two. No...
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 07 2020

       When you get home from the supermarket, laden down with your shopping, make yourself a nice cup of tea and open a new packet of biscuits only to discover that it's full of baked beans, that's when you realise that you inadvertently went to the new "packet switched food" shop. Nervously, you inspect all your other shopping...
hippo, Jan 07 2020

       // I've already got one of your replicators. No, wait, two. No... //   

       <Humms opening bars of "The Sorceror's Apprentice", photoshops [MB]'s face onto a pic of Mickey Mouse dressed as a wizard, giggles/>
8th of 7, Jan 07 2020

       Looks like [8th] has assimilated a few too many.
wjt, Jan 08 2020

       //A bit like how supermarkets used to have those pneumatic pipe system to send money upstairs to be counted.//   

       The newly built supermarket near me has those. I was a little surprised, but they are really something.
Loris, Jan 08 2020

       It's not surprising at all. The technology is cheap, simple, safe and reliable. If there was something more cost-effective, it would be used. There isn't.   

       If you want to move small items rapidly through a large building, pneumatic tubes are the (current) optimal solution. Larger, heavier items, or those of diverse shape, generally require conveyors (as in airport baggage handling) or stacker trucks, and both those solutions often use an intermediate container like a tray or a pallet.   

       It's perfectly practical to move living* humans by pneumatic tube, too.   

       *At least, initially.
8th of 7, Jan 08 2020

       //It's not surprising at all.//   

       If it's so optimal, why did chronological (and the wikipedia article "Cash carrier") use the past tense?
And why doesn't every large supermarket do it?
The supermarket which the new-build replaced was (I assume) built for purpose, certainly didn't predate the technology - and didn't have such a tube system. Instead it used the technology of a person physically going round and collecting the money. That's going to be cheaper in capital costs, although perhaps not as secure.

       I suspect that tube delivery has become more reliable, in terms of reduced jamming. Or it may be that with fewer, larger cash payments the tills don't need to stock up on change quite so often.
Loris, Jan 08 2020


       Aquatic drone delivery of pizza via existing network
not_morrison_rm, Jan 08 2020

       If using the ‘physical internet’ means that physical cookies get sent to me, I’m all for it
hippo, Jan 09 2020

       // a person physically going round and collecting the money. That's going to be cheaper in capital costs //   

       That's probably why the old store didn't have it. The new one had deeper-pocketed investors, probably.   

       // it may be that with fewer, larger cash payments the tills don't need to stock up on change quite so often. //   

       That would favor having a human do it, I think.
notexactly, Jan 15 2020

       Packet sniffing will have a whole different connotation especially with a human system .
wjt, Jan 17 2020

8th of 7, Jan 18 2020


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