Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Olympic Pin Impression

Highest Impression Wins
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There they go!

A bounce, a prance, a little jump-ity jump, the athlete runs down the track, and off the vault with a bump.

Up, up into the air, high, high as they dare!

Into a wall of metal pins, this is metal, in which pins are set in.

Impacting they leave a trace, of their height and even their face.

The highest of lowest, of pins inset ins, olympics gold wins!

Then, upon their metal, an impression of their mettle!

It's a pretty good way, to do an olympic metal battle.

mylodon, Aug 10 2024

https://www.fun-bou...wall-graffiti-theme [pocmloc, Aug 13 2024]


       Impressive posting.   

       So a self actuated one sided iron maiden?
pocmloc, Aug 12 2024

       How to prevent/encourage pin climbing?
Voice, Aug 12 2024

       I worked with a fellow who kept the book-sized version at his desk by the visitor chair - you could tell who'd done the face impression on it last.
normzone, Aug 13 2024


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