In continuation to part I: Here is how it is governed.
Reminder: It has to be a safe haven for refugees. Allow anyone
who vows to contribute, in. Gives everyone a fair and good
Promises no one will be without basic provisions, so a basic
and basic food and basic meds are free
(and everybody must
participate once in a while accomplishing that). And it will be a
beautiful and fun place to live in.
And it will not have any tolerance for extremists or extremism.
So, in advance, people who wish to live there must renounce
religion that forces itself on others.
Anyone living there must once a year give a few days for public
service, making the place beautiful with vegetation, or helping
out those who have less.
If caught steeling or harming others, or even engaging in
speech in any way, you loose your right for privacy and can be
followed by the police. And you may be voted off the island.
Any exploitation of people is punished by sending the
perpetrators away albeit with a small amount of money so they
may start life elsewhere, after a short period of working for the
people they exploited. (But without exploitation).
Children from the age of 16 are obliged to participate in these
Bribing is considered one of the worst exploitations, and will be
punished accordingly. So if you are rich, and want to live here,
you gave your consent that your assets can be all taken and you
may find yourself thrown out of your home without anything.
This may seem old-timer but there will be some way to
encourage people to watch and choose non-violent content and
to be more helpful and nice to each other, and to themselves.
So people who like listening to heavy metal or to violent rap
will have to stay in Iceland or on their boats.