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Ocean Anchored Floating Island Governments

Sustainable system for running the OAFI's.
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In continuation to part I: Here is how it is governed.

Reminder: It has to be a safe haven for refugees. Allow anyone who vows to contribute, in. Gives everyone a fair and good start. Promises no one will be without basic provisions, so a basic house and basic food and basic meds are free (and everybody must participate once in a while accomplishing that). And it will be a beautiful and fun place to live in.

And it will not have any tolerance for extremists or extremism. So, in advance, people who wish to live there must renounce any religion that forces itself on others.

Anyone living there must once a year give a few days for public service, making the place beautiful with vegetation, or helping out those who have less.

If caught steeling or harming others, or even engaging in violent speech in any way, you loose your right for privacy and can be followed by the police. And you may be voted off the island.

Any exploitation of people is punished by sending the perpetrators away albeit with a small amount of money so they may start life elsewhere, after a short period of working for the people they exploited. (But without exploitation).

Children from the age of 16 are obliged to participate in these activities.

Bribing is considered one of the worst exploitations, and will be punished accordingly. So if you are rich, and want to live here, you gave your consent that your assets can be all taken and you may find yourself thrown out of your home without anything.

This may seem old-timer but there will be some way to encourage people to watch and choose non-violent content and to be more helpful and nice to each other, and to themselves.

So people who like listening to heavy metal or to violent rap will have to stay in Iceland or on their boats.

pashute, Mar 27 2022

Pashute's first stop, UN CitizenShip SS_20UN_20CitizenShip
Living on this ship, and satellite ship/islands, UN rules of 'fair play' apply [Sgt Teacup, Mar 28 2022, last modified Mar 29 2022]


       //And it will not have any tolerance for extremists or extremism//   

       Sadly, I think this will fail on problems of definition. Even within one culture, one generation's extreme is another generation's normal. Also, in a culture of corruption, anyone standing up and protesting will look like an extremist.
pertinax, Mar 27 2022

       [-] A loose collection of ill considered and unrealistic political ideologies
Voice, Mar 28 2022

       I thought like this once. You are a good person. If I don't miss my bet then,you, like me, don't understand why or how another rational person could chose to use others rather than contribute to a glorious collective effort.   

       Some folks are assholes. They lose no sleep by using other humans to elevate themselves. They excel by ruthlessness and they take over the writers and enforcers of our 'laws'.   

       Welcome to 2022.   

       ... and I kind of like heavy metal music   

       ...and if I got dual citizenship with Iceland, because of a fucked up youth where I realized that headbangers were the only group I've met which didn't discriminate, then that would be totally awesome.   

       This idea seems to be a natural continuation of one previously posted (see link); note that UN rules already solve for basic public asshattery.
Sgt Teacup, Mar 28 2022

       You forgot 3 important parts of creating a "good" society:
1: Education
2: Education
3: Education
neutrinos_shadow, Mar 28 2022

       You can't have a good society until you have a society.
Voice, Mar 29 2022

       I, myself do not care for much heavy metal or violent rap, but to exclude people who do listen to this music is certainly not the same as those who do violent acts. So this is an unfair government. -
xandram, Mar 29 2022


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