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According to a recent court case (see link for BBC article) it has become known that it is perfectly legal to wander around naked in the privacy of your garden (in this country at least) even if it should piss off the neighbours. Now whilst it is obvious that the rights of the home owner to enjoy their
property, it's also expected that the owner of adjoining properties may not wish to be subjected to the sight of their neighbours in the buff, or more importantly, not want their children to see it.
To avoid such awkward situations is this set of connecting one-way mirrors that can be put together to form one big super-mirror. They have specially designed edges so that they can connect without too much effort, much in the same way as laminate flooring.
These come complete with a series of ground bases to allow the mirror to be fastened to the ground with releative ease, and a set of pegs and ropes which connect to the top of your structure to prevent the mirror from toppling in wind.
The mirror can be as large as desired. Expansion packs are sold (containing just mirrors) in case you have a particularly large house or your neighbour buys a trampoline.
Of course, you then have to install a series of high-power outdoor lights so as to make your side of the one-way mirror noticably brighter, but if you care enough about it to build a giant wall of mirrors, then this shouldn't be inconceivable for you. It doesn't even have to be just used against nude sunbathers, but you would probably want a pretty good reason to not have to see your neighbours to go to this effort.
This way, you get to retain your delicate sensibilities without interfering with your neighbours access to light and view. And if other neighbours take up the practice, you can just buy more sets.
Or you could move.
Aforementioned case
http://news.bbc.co....i/wales/5014450.stm [hidden truths, May 25 2006]
Why would you want to stop your children from seeing nude people? So they grow up to be as repressed as you? |
I wasn't clear on which way the mirrors pointed, but mirrors might not be a bad idea if used by the sunbather. She could use these to reflect the sun back at her prudish neighbor, blinding him, his pasty-white children, and his offensive camera, and thereby sparing them the horror of seeing an Englishperson in the nude, while also avoiding an unwanted appearance before the town magistrates. |
With all due respect [kinemojo]. There are somethings children shouldn't see if the parents don't wish it. This is for the same reason that if I had small children, I wouldn't want them to be watching porn films. |
If I can elaborate [Idischler], I feel little sympathy towards the man in the case. This is a ridiculous solution to a ridiculous problem. |
In the UK you may photograph anyone if you are either on public land or have the permission of the landowner. However, to photograph someone naked i beleive you need their permission and they must be over 18. |
I'm not for this idea by the way. If someone wants to be naked in their garden then let them. If it bothers you to see it, don't look. |
I do not accept the argument that nakedness is wrong or damaging to children, in fact I believe it is normal and an individual is able to choose if they want to expose their body or not. |
Most children have seen both their parents and other children naked I would expect, so what difference does it make seing someone else as long as it is in a non-threatening and non-sexual way. In fact, it can help a child to understand the differences between adults and children, how their body will change when they grow up and the difference between the sexes. |
We should not be ashamed of what we are. |
The complainant filmed it as well! How can he disagree with it so strongly and them film it. Madness. His video itself could potentially be illegal. |
//This is for the same reason that if I had small children, I wouldn't want them to be watching porn films.// |
You can't draw any connection with doing normal things and happening to be naked and overtly sexual activities such as those shown in many porn films. |
Of course I agree that children should not see porn, but someone sunbathing or watering their plants or whatever naked? What is the issue here? |
I think you are trying to link two completely unrelated issues together in such a way as to evoke an emotional response in order to prove your point, in a similar way to sensationalist politicians do and personally I feel this is counter productive and does not help reasoned debate. |
Reasoned debate? This is the halfbakery! Nothing here is reasonable...not much, anyway. |
>>There are somethings children shouldn't see if the parents don't wish it.<< |
God forbid, children could find out what adult human beings look like! |
This is a weak argument anyhow. There are plenty of religious extremists out there who are "offended" by women showing their face. Does that mean we should all cater to their "sensibilities" and force women to wear hooded cloaks? There is a line somewhere, and nudity on you own property is still within reasonable conduct, regardless of what a puritan fringe might think. |
>>This is for the same reason that if I had small children, I wouldn't want them to be watching porn films.<< |
If porn is the first thing you think of when you see a nude person, you must have a very perverted mind. |
Out of curiosity, would those who have commented feel the same way had the case involved someone sitting in their front-garden in full view of everyone? Or what if they have just been wandering around the streets naked? |
[webfishrune] (with regard to your second comment), it was a comparison, not an equation. My point was not that under no circumstances should small children by in the presence of naked people, it was that it should be the decision of the parents, not something thrust upon them. |
[boysparks], the law of offence caters to public and private property equally. If your neighbour went into a tirade of profanities towards you from their garden, you would have a right to sue, despite it occuring on their property. From my understanding of the case, it is what the prosecution based their case around, and she was found not guilty on grounds that she had no intent to offend. |
\\We should not be ashamed of what we are\\ [webfishrune] please don't put words in my mouth. I never suggested nor implied such a thing. My point was that there are apparently those who can be offended by seeing others naked, and that they might have such a use for this idea. |
\\There are plenty of religious extremists out there who are "offended" by women showing their face. Does that mean we should all cater to their "sensibilities" and force women to wear hooded cloaks? \\ At least I'm not the only one who is linking "two completely unrelated issues together in such a way as to evoke an emotional response". If you actually read the idea, rather than skim it and make a snap judgement you might notice that I went to great lengths to ensure that all effort would be on the part of the one who chose to be offended, and that it in no way would adversely affect the hypothetical neighbour. |
\\If porn is the first thing you think of when you see a nude person, you must have a very perverted mind\\ That both involved nudity had nothing to do with it. It was a simple base comparison between two things that a parent might consider their children too young for exposure to. I could have equally used swearing, violent or scary films, or death. And thanks for the perverted mind remark, it's probably the nicest thing I've heard all day. |
If it's done in a tasteful manner with due care and regard for your plants, neighbours, family members and their pets, why not? |
"Mirror mirror on the lawn, who is the
fairest of them all ? ...." |
"Why you are my child, at least until the
sun rises
and these mirrors focus the boiling mid-
day rays on your pasty hide, and shrivels it
up like a burnt rasher twitching on a hot
griddle...." |
mmmm...twitching rashers... |
yes........we should add some vaseline onto those mirrors for affects.......give it a nice shiny pictureque quality |
Repressed? Do you have children? |
| |