Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Nosey Parters

venetian blind security system
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Nosey Parters are a set of mechanical fingers that rove around the inside of your venetian blinds, parting the slats randomly, when you are away from home.
xenzag, May 18 2007

https://www.tumblr....y-2007?source=share [xenzag, Jan 31 2024]

Holiday Pictures- Willem De Haan https://www.willemd...liday-pictures.html
responses to other people's art, each with attribution [Loris, Jan 31 2024]

I 'ham a good egg! https://www.youtube...watch?v=SHqaG6CnBh4
totally brilliant [xenzag, Feb 01 2024]

"It was all in self-defense!" https://www.newswis...ked-anyone-is-false
[pertinax, Feb 02 2024]



       (put them in the guest room)+
skinflaps, May 18 2007

zeno, May 18 2007

       Change them into large mechanical toes, and then call it "Neighbourhood Sasquatch"
Ling, May 18 2007

       Perfect for a window facing the nosey neighbors. [+]
nuclear hobo, May 18 2007

       Are these the same disembodied fingers that have been turning your brother's soap after his shower (see link)?
pertinax, May 18 2007

       I think that the creator of the link may have been sent out of the room.
xenzag, May 19 2007

Odd. He arrives, he posts like a maniac for a couple of weeks, (including some quite good ones), and then he vanishes. Maybe the other brother is after him for identity theft. Either that or his date murdered him for bringing her the wrong soda. Or Long John Silver took revenge for the appropriation of his inflation-proof bullion coinage.
pertinax, May 19 2007

       These might go well with my...   

       Where did my venetian blades idea go? Did I delete that myself...   

       Well, your idea is better anyway, and I guess the venetian blades could be hard on the parters.   

       Do the nosey parters come in a curtain variety as well?
ye_river_xiv, May 19 2007

       See last link: I came across this work on instagram. On looking further I have noticed several other pieces of "his" work that are more than similar to ideas I posted here many years before this Willem person generated them. There's not much anyone can do about this sort of thing of course, but it saves me making the piece of course. I'll just use his pic of my idea instead! ha
xenzag, Jan 31 2024

       //See last link: I came across this work on instagram. On looking further I have noticed several other pieces of "his" work that are more than similar to ideas I posted here many years before this Willem person generated them. There's not much anyone can do about this sort of thing of course, but it saves me making the piece of course. I'll just use his pic of my idea instead! ha//   

       xenzag, the world is filled with other people, and some of them may have ideas similar to yours independently. You say he's posted other derivative ideas, but... well, I think you may have forgotten to add the last link.   

       I found the artist's portfolio, I haven't found the image you reference.
I'm not saying he's not been inspired by you - from his portfolio, I found examples of him being inspired and responding to various artworks - and each time, with attribution. (I will post a link to one such page.)
So if he's not attributing to you, perhaps he just thought up the idea independently?

       What are the other ideas of yours which you think he's been inspired by?   

       I mean, I'd say it's good if your ideas are inspiring things, but yes, attribution is appropriate.
Loris, Jan 31 2024

       Know what I'd love to see? You xenzag having an actual traveling art show of your very original pieces. Make that the center of your life. Anybody can throw out political insults and start dumb flame wars on the internet, but you've got a talent for interesting visual art.   

       What would be more satisfying for you? Flame wars on the HB or a traveling art show making you some actual big money and making people happy? Just a thought.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

       I show work constantly, including at international level. I just choose to keep that world separate from this one.
xenzag, Jan 31 2024

       Well I'd love to see a show of yours, I'd support it totally but I understand wanting to keep anonymity.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

       I'm not a creepy stalker so if somebody wants to retain their anonymity I'm gonna respect that.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

xenzag, Jan 31 2024

       //I won't post the proofs here though, as [xenzag] insists he needs to keep HB separate from his professional work, and likes to pretend he's done so.//   

       That's some top-tier trolling, right there.
Loris, Jan 31 2024

       Ugh, no kidding.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

       Or we could just leave each other alone to enjoy the HB without bothering each other, that would work too.   

       If you don't like somebody obsessing about them seems pretty pointless. Just avoid them, enjoy your life and move on.   

       That's my approach anyway.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

       Never once threw the first punch, ever. Here's what you're referring to: //Anybody can throw out political insults and start dumb flame wars on the internet, but you've got a talent for interesting visual art.// That on the heels of that other mess on another post, me pointing out that I think xenzag's above that. That's a compliment, not an insult.   

       But tell you what, let's just stay away from each other, agreed?   

       Don't post on my ideas, I won't post on your ideas, we'll just be out of each other's lives. Okay?
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

       I'll put some tea on.   

       {waits for cries of "How dare you? We're coffee drinkers here!"}
pertinax, Jan 31 2024

       //Never once threw the first punch, ever// "You throw ball against me, I throw ball against you" Roberto Benigni - Down By Law (one of best films ever made) - see link for clip
xenzag, Feb 01 2024

       Yup, that's how it works. Except the guy was the aggressor who technically fired the first shot by cheating. Defense is moral, offense is immoral.   

       Hey, that's Tom Waits, one of my many heroes!
doctorremulac3, Feb 01 2024

       //Defense is moral, offense is immoral//   

       If only it were that simple.   

       Large empires often tell a story about themselves in which all their wars were defensive wars, and all those extra territories arrived by some kind of accident. (See link for a recent example, but other examples go back at least as far as Julius Caesar).   

       On a smaller scale, consider this scenario:   

       Tetricus makes what he believes to be a pertinent and reasonable statement of fact. Procrustes believes it to be a mortal insult and a grotesque distortion of reality. In the resulting flame war between Tetricus and Procrustes, who is the aggressor?   

       You might say, it depends on whether the original statement was true. But, to resolve the matter in that way, you need a previously agreed epistemological model of some kind, and it turns out those are surprisingly hard to find. You might think everyone agrees that science and evidence should decide these things - but then you find out that different people have different definitions of what's science and what's pseudo-science, and different standards of evidence.   

       Anyway, it's complicated.   

pertinax, Feb 02 2024

       The winners decide the causes of all conflicts.
xenzag, Feb 02 2024

       That's just what a winner would say. wait...
Voice, Feb 02 2024

       Procrustes should be designated the loser because he has a sillier name.
pocmloc, Feb 02 2024


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