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Nootropic 3d glasses

the 3d glasses give longer duration of view to either eye loading one hemisphere or another to affect cognition either creatively or conceptually
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currently available 3d polarized glasses that syncronize with video show each eye a different view of the screen.

The idea is that if you view 3 images at your right eye to each image at your left then the right hemisphere processes a different amount of visual activity as well as symbol n content recognition

Theoretically then psychologists would measure the same film with different hemisphere feed ratios as producing different emotional as well as cognitive effects. With those measured effects Users could then favor a presentation with their creative brain hemisphere or a spreadsheet with their cognitive hemisphere. If you can prove they remember more numbers or generate more divergent solutions or simply emote more about the product then it works. Based on what I have read of previous research this should work now.

Also, a kind of partial-resolution 3d advertising might occur (while 3d glasses still are a part of 3d viewing) as the advertisers could modify the presentation to load more heavily at the emotive or rational hemisphere if they simplified the motion. If they do it with advertising that also suggests efficacy.

Its remotely possible that viewing online material with 3:1 hemisphere ratio glasses could cause completely different emotive or conceptual ways of being at a website as well. Most students learn better from text or still pictures than video yet there is a possibility that you could just set your educational web surfing to "cognitive 3:1 ratio" to retain more of what is surfed online.

beanangel, Jun 09 2011

a few words onscreen about the way each hemispheres EEG goes with mood http://core.ecu.edu...er15_background.png
[beanangel, Jun 10 2011]

Pulfrich Glasses http://en.wikipedia...iki/Pulfrich_effect
Baked, I believe... [cowtamer, Jun 12 2011]

70 to 100 new nootropics I put at the recreation drugs smart group http://groups.googl...bd65ac7a4c85?hl=en#
70 to 100 new nootropics like Saccade nootropics or genetics mimic rapic reading When people follow their finger during rapid reading they can absorb knowlege tens or hundreds of times more rapidly with similar comprehension. This suggests that a brain system waits on the saccade eye movement cueing from a different system, the genetics of the speed of saccades as well as chemicals that beneficially heighten saccade rate may make the aquisition of visual knowledge 11 or more times faster just like rapid reading. Similarly deeper social knowledge from the eye viewing the area with a cueing laser dot visiting things ordinarily omitted could increase visual area social intelligence Sexy function nootropics Clitorises as well as nipples are more sensitive when engorged with blood. Finding the mechanism that causes this neuron behavior like: turgor directs cytokines, or pressure causes synaptic osmotic pressure then applying these mechanisms to the CNS creates new nootropic drug forms as well as creates a genetic technology of higher pleasure as well as higher IQ with the new chemicals. [beanangel, Jun 13 2011]


       Good stuff.   

       [+] but I don't get how you're going to load the 3:1   

       A/A, A/B, A/C, D/D, D/E, D/F .... ?   

       Surely adjusting the brightness/contrast of one side to the other would be easier (and doable without even a software mod).
FlyingToaster, Jun 09 2011

       Are the eyes wired this way, one to each hemisphere?
RayfordSteele, Jun 09 2011

       No. The right visual field of each eye is wired to the left hemisphere, and vice versa. Which is even weirder.
spidermother, Jun 10 2011

       What [spidermother] said - it's visual fields, not the eyes, which are hemisphere-specific.   

       Also, has anyone shown that the right visual field is processed and interpreted differently from the left? A lot of the visual cortex is strongly symmetrical, although it does feed into other areas that are not.   

       Also further, unless you want this to be irritating, I think you'll need the same average brightness going to each eye*. So, you'll see three dim, fast frames with one eye alternating with one bright, short frame with the other eye. All the frames will have to be fast enough to be flicker-free (something like 18 frames per second for the slower eye). Is there anything to suggest that the three fast, dim frames will have any "bigger" effect than the one slow, bright frame?   

       *If you don't have the same average brightness, and if that isn't annoying, would it not be a simpler way to get the same result?   

       But also furthermore howsoever, if this theory is right (which I would bet a lemon meringue pie it is not), there is a much simpler way to implement this idea: have the guy in the advert appear on the left of the picture (left visual field for both eyes; right cortex) when making an emotional appeal, and on the right of the picture (right field; left cortex) to make logical arguments. Duh!
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 10 2011

       What [MaxwellBuchana] said, when he said "Duh!"
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 10 2011

FlyingToaster, Jun 11 2011

       what [FlyingToaster] said, when he said "what!?"
RayfordSteele, Jun 13 2011

       People that like nootropics may like visiting the list of near 100 new nootropics I placed at the recreation drugs smart group   

       I have tried nootropics. It would be wonderful to try them again.
beanangel, Jun 13 2011


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