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Non Real Time Facetime Phone Conversation

Text conversations can go all day and response times can be in the hours, this does that with a Facetime call.
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Instead of pushing "Real time Facetime call" you push "Deferred Facetime Call". This works the exact same as a text conversation except with of video of the conversationalists being sent back and forth when they're ready. Just shoot a video of you saying "Hey, let me know if you're coming to watch the game sunday." They get it and respond with a video of them actually talking to you whenever they have the time.

You'd do this the same way and for the same reason you'd do a text conversation. You're working on something and a text comes through, maybe a funny meme. You look at it and do an LOL emoji or something. When you have some time later you send something back, maybe a longer commentary on the subject featured. Push send and put it away, when your friend gets a moment they respond.

I do a lot of my conversations through texts because you don't have to schedule any time for them, they fit into those little timeslots throughout your day.

This is the exact same thing, only with a video of you talking, and unlike a real time video conversation, it's understood that the person can respond when they have time.

Reason? Many times you can't take a call, but you can always take a text. This allows you to always take a call by allowing you some flexibility as to when you respond to it. And like text conversations, these can go on, well, indefinitely.

You could do this by sending short video files but nobody would ever waste time doing this, this would have to be one simple button that does everything or it would never happen.

doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

All right, then. :-) Tube_20and_20Countertube
[pertinax, Apr 29 2023]


       Android/Samsung Messages lets video (among other things) to be attached to a txt without any difficulty. It's 2 buttons to push instead of 1, so you might struggle...
neutrinos_shadow, Apr 28 2023

       //Android/Samsung Messages lets video (among other things) to be attached to a txt without any difficulty. It's 2 buttons to push instead of 1, so you might struggle...//   

       Like I said, fully aware of this feature. I’ve never used it and never will use it. There’s a reason nobody else uses this either.   

       Gotta be one button on FaceTime. Put it this way, the idea has to be sold, gotta look at the fact we all know sending a video has always been available and nobody ever does it. It just needs to be sold as extended telephone calls. The new title is as much of an idea as the one button.
doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

       Anybody do "your avatar animated to speak your text messages" yet? I'm sure somebody's thought of it. Haven't seen it though.
doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

       I don't know anything about Facetime (is it apple's proprietary app for video calls and things?) but given that there are a gazillion and a hundred different apps and things for every platform which do exactly what you want (just not on the proprietary Facetime platform) this seems to me to be not a new idea, but a request to a private company to implement a specific feature which its competitors have already implemented.
pocmloc, Apr 28 2023

       I'm not familiar with any apps that do this exactly but okay. Wonder if anybody's done the talking avatar thing.   

       I'd assume they have, but if not maybe I'll switch this to that. Retaining the anno chain might be kind of interesting.
doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

       I had a related thought recently about youtube comments. I'd been thinking about how youtube conversations were skewed by the fact that the original poster presents their view on video, while the comments down below are merely in text, which tends to create a sort of celebrity/ fan dynamic, rather than a dialogue of equals.   

       I thought, what if, below the original video, we saw a series of thumbnails of people's video responses to it?   

       That would create a sort of non- real- time audio visual conversation, a bit like this idea, except between angry strangers.
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

       I’d bun that.
doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2023


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