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Noisy Bicycle

Get out of my way...
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When my wife and I walk in the morning we use the sidewalk.  We use the whole width which means we're constantly looking to see if a cyclist is approaching.  This can be a pain in the neck for both parties.

Most bicyclists don't want to use their bell because it's startling.  There should be a little switch on the bike handle which, when pressed, extends a little flex plastic tab that gets placed right over the wheel spokes.  This causes the tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak sound.  Tab resistance is small.  The cyclist presses the switch when approaching walkers and walkers move out the way.  On passing press button again and the tab gets pulled away.  If that doesn't work, go ahead and startle with bell.

nomadic_wonderer, Aug 09 2010

What can you drive on roads and pavements? http://news.bbc.co....agazine/5271874.stm
A brief overview. [8th of 7, Aug 10 2010]

Rikshaw van with a similar mechanism http://www.trekeart...ery/photo597766.htm
[kneeslider, Aug 12 2010]


       This could easily be done with the brake levers. If the spoke clickers are positioned properly, it should be possible to pull the levers just a little bit - enough to activate the clicker, but not enough to make the brake pads touch the rims.
hippo, Aug 09 2010

       [+] <aside>Nice bikes get ripped off quickly in big Chinese cities, so people take care to cultivate bikes that just barely work but are still too crappy to attract thieves. They have a saying, "everything on this bike makes noise, except for the bell." With those bikes, people always know you're coming.</a>
swimswim, Aug 09 2010

       [bigsleep] Any title suggestions? I'm terrible at it :)
nomadic_wonderer, Aug 09 2010

       Pull your brake levers a tiny bit and let them flick back. Makes a little click that people hear, without startling them with a ding-ding. Also, don't ride on the pavement!
pocmloc, Aug 09 2010

       I run a lot, have good hearing, but cyclists still make me jump when they ding their bells. In fact this just happened to me this afternoon, so I approve of the idea + (who's fishboning every idea recently, like a sad idiot? - don't suppose they'll own up now though)
xenzag, Aug 09 2010

       I agree with [pocmloc] about clicking the brake levers. And, yeah, bikes off the sidewalk.   

       On trails, I ring my little bell, too, at times, but many folks are startled by that, or take it as a demand to move (there was also the bicycling woman wearing headphones who thought my bell was the sound of her keys dropping onto the pavement , so she swerved in front of me and locked her brakes).   

       A greeting by voice is always good, but I will bun this idea.   

       Bicycle Buzzer?
baconbrain, Aug 09 2010

       Not thinking that makes you a sad idiot . . .   

       I agree about the parts, weight and maintenance.   

       By the way, if you want a cheap, funky, retro-ish bike bell, there are two brass hemispherical bells in telephones from the 60s and 70s or so. Dig them out and figure out a way to hang them from your handlebars, suspending only from the bell's center hole, of course, so when you waggle the bars, the bells bang against something. The tone is lovely.
baconbrain, Aug 09 2010

       I wouldn't buy a device like this. I already have a bell; that's one noise-making system. If I need to convey complex messages, I have my voice. And if I want to make subtle noises, I have about half a dozen options, from a backwards-pedaling motion, which makes a distinctive tik-tik-tik-tik-tik noise, to squeaky brakes, to clicking my gear-shift, and other things. That said, I guess it's always nice to have options. [+]
Bootbuckles, Aug 09 2010

       Carry a broom handle. As the cyclist passes, insert the broom handle through the spokes of the front wheel.   

8th of 7, Aug 09 2010

       Have to agree with [21]. If you don't want to startle someone with the bell, ring it far enough back that you don't.
MechE, Aug 09 2010

       Pavements are for People. You shouldn't have to be on the lookout for cyclists on a pavement in the UK (I don't know about the laws in the US or elsewhere)
If a fully grown cyclist is approaching me on the pavement when I am in London then I point at them to get off the pavement and hold my ground. They usually move or at least are seriously inconvenienced (i.e. stop or practically stop). When questioned a simple "Shouldn't be riding on here, Mate" usually suffices.
Note that this does not apply to small children or even the parents accompanying small children on bicycles.
gnomethang, Aug 09 2010

       Clothespins and playing cards on spokes.
bungston, Aug 09 2010

       The challenge is when motorists tell you that you shouldn't be on the road.... So where the hell should you ride?   

       Here in Australia we've got this whole cars VS bikes thing going on that's just plain exhausting to listen to. As far as I'm concerned, a bike track is for bikes (and woe betide any pedestrians on it) - and a "sidewalk" is for pedestrians. Problem arises when cheaparse local governments won't put in separate facilities for both.   

       ....Annyhoo, I like the idea, but personally like to call out "excuse me...", or "coming up on the left" - I've found too many pedestrians and other bike riders use i-pods and the like, and are completely oblivious to their surroundings. Voices, for some reason, are enugh to attract attention.
Custardguts, Aug 09 2010

       Well [Custardguts], in the UK a bicycle is a vehicle, just like a car, lorry, traction engine, barouche-landau, chariot, dog-cart or hand-cart. And therefore has equal rights alongside all of them to use the public highway. And should not be on the pavement.
pocmloc, Aug 09 2010

       Where do skateboards fall in the UK classification scheme? And what about those sneakers with the retractable wheels, hmm? HMMMM?
bungston, Aug 09 2010

       //Well [Custardguts], in the UK a bicycle is a vehicle, just like a car, lorry, traction engine, barouche-landau, chariot, dog-cart or hand-cart. And therefore has equal rights alongside all of them to use the public highway. And should not be on the pavement.//   

       You'll find that (like a lot of laws) - our law is technically the same. Equal rights is all fine and dandy until you get run-over or road-raged.   

       How does the saying go? "equal, but separate"? I think that's it, maybe that's a good idea.
Custardguts, Aug 09 2010

       //Pavements are for People. You shouldn't have to be on the lookout for cyclists on a pavement in the UK (I don't know about the laws in the US or elsewhere)//   

       I'm a bit confused. By pavements, do you mean sidewalks? Here in Canada pavement refers strictly to the roadway.
If you are saying that cycles should not be allowed on sidewalks then I couldn't disagree more.

       Pedestrians should have the right of way on every sidewalk with cyclists making way or vearing around them.
Here they have made it illegal to ride on the sidewalk and force all riders to interfere with traffic. I really can't see how they've got their heads shoved so far up their asses.

       Cyclist/pedestrian accident equals boo-boos.
Cyclist/motorist accident equals cyclist getting pounded by a several thousand pound hammer.

       It's a no brainer...and I know no brainers.
They may deposit their laws adjacent to their heads as far as I'm concerned.

       When I'm approaching a pedestrian from behind on my bicycle, and about five meters away, I force a cough. So far, everyone who heard it has turned around, after which startlement does not happen.
Vernon, Aug 10 2010

       // traction engine //   

       Actually, [custardguts], the reality is that ten tonnes of rumbing, hissing, coal-fired, steam-driven vehicle wih poor brakes and limited turning circle has right of way over just about everything else on the highway. If you wish to dsipute right of way with a traction engine or a steamroller, write your views out clearly and concisely and ask that the Coroner read them out a your inquest.   

       // By pavements, do you mean sidewalks? //   

       Pavement (UK) = Sidewalk (US).   

       Pavement (US) = Roadway or Highway (UK)   

       Cycle Lane = Bloody Nuisance (UK) (US)   

       // I really can't see how they've got their heads shoved so far up their asses. //   

       That's pretty much the definition of a militant cyclist, isn't it ?   

       In the UK, unpowerd wheeled vehicles are not permitted to be used on the pavement (sidewalk). Thus, most cycles and pedal cars ridden by children, skateboards, etc. are not permissible, but a child under the age of ten cannot be prosecuted.   

       The situation regarding roller skates/blades is unclear.   

       Wheelchairs and mobility scooters, whether powered or unpowered, are covered under separate legislation, the main point being that the operator must have a medically certified disability which impairs their movement.   

8th of 7, Aug 10 2010

       Three wheeled rikshaw vans is Bangladesh have a similar mechanism. When activated, one end of the tab passes through the spokes and the other end hits a bell.
kneeslider, Aug 10 2010

       US law prefers bicycles to be on the road (and it's reasonably safe to do so, if you're careful). Bicycles are allowed on sidewalks, except if specifically disallowed by local laws (usually in city centers). If riding on sidewalks, one is required to ride slowly, and yield right of way to pedestrians. If riding on the road, one has all the rights and responsibilities of any slow moving vehicle (primarly, if holding up traffic for any length of time, pull over to let them pass).
MechE, Aug 11 2010

       [kneeslider] Do you have picture of the rikshaw van? Would love to see.
nomadic_wonderer, Aug 11 2010

       [21 Quest] I think you can sue the crap out of the motorist.
nomadic_wonderer, Aug 11 2010

       hmm, let's see... Assault ? Harrassment ? Dangerous Driving ? Interfering with the operator of a vehicle ? Improper use of an emergency device ? etc.   

       Of course the driver can say "I just wanted to let him know I was there" for whatever that's worth.   

       re: the idea: bikes are fine on the sidewalk if their riders are keeping an unhurried pace, but common courtesy requires you to at least slow down to a walking pace, if not actually dismount, when passing a pedestrian.
FlyingToaster, Aug 12 2010

       That's the only image I found from google images. The small round thing between the front wheel and the flat fork tensioner is the bell. The tapping mechanism is hidden behind the bell.
kneeslider, Aug 12 2010

       [FT], in twilight conditions, an interaction between a manic pavement cyclist and a dog walker with a long-ish lead can have unpleasant consequences for all concerned.
8th of 7, Aug 12 2010

       [kneeslider] thanks for posting the image.
nomadic_wonderer, Aug 12 2010

       Just hang little brass belly-dancing bells and miniature windchimes all over your bike. It'll play a pretty melody as you ride. Plus, children will assume you are an ice cream truck and chase you, adding to the fun.
WhatArmy, Aug 12 2010

       [8/7] but the sidewalk is often right next to the roadway so I don't see much of a difference: the doggist can leash in the mutt and/or the cyclist can take to the road or grass for a few yards... "manic" pavement cyclists aren't a good thing dog or no.
FlyingToaster, Aug 12 2010

       I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like. It's got a basket, a bell that rings, and things to make it look good. I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.
jaksplat, Aug 12 2010


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