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No-Choke Collar

Apparently, this is a problem for some people.
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Apparently, it's not uncommon for animal control officers to raid a place and find dogs who's collars have become embedded because they were placed on the dogs as puppies and the owners just... I don't know, forgot? to loosen them or replace them with a larger collar.

So I propose a new type of collar that detects tension for prolonged periods of time (say, a constant pull for 3 days), and sends out an emergency signal to local law enforcement with its GPS coordinates.

The service needn't cost anything. Even basic cellphones will let you make emergency calls without an active SIM inserted, and the GPS could be linked with a free service like Google Maps or Google Earth.

21 Quest, Feb 10 2012


       If an owner forgets to change or loosen the collar, would he remember to replace the battery? Of course it needn't broadcast all the time, just when it is triggered by too much tension... I can imagine a lot of false alarms though, when the pet is scratching at a flea or gets the collar hung on something.

       Every owner should get a breakaway collar though, one that has a release catch that parts under a lot of pressure, for just the problem you mentioned.
Psalm_97, Feb 10 2012

       A movement charged battery or capacitor would prevent the need for recharging.

       And a three day requirement would minimize the number of false alarms.
MechE, Feb 10 2012

       How did I miss that part? My only defense is I just got up... sorry.

       Bun for something that should be mandatory, because a lot of people who own pets don't even think about their comfort, much less their safety.
Psalm_97, Feb 10 2012

       Almost all nylon-web collars sold today have break-away clasps, as do a small number of choker designs (predominantly non-chain chokers).

       I've seen almost every type of collar-related injury, and all are tragic. I've heard both sides of the clasp vs. choker argument, and both have valid points. The sad truth is that animal neglect cannot be prevented by any product.

       // The service needn't cost anything. //

       Except for the additional cost to law enforcement agencies to integrate the system into their dispatch protocols and make the extra responce calls. I suppose that tab could be picked up by the fines imposed in animal cruelty prosecution.

       Thanks for trying though. Your bun's in the right place. [+]
Alterother, Feb 10 2012

       //Almost all nylon-web collars sold today have break-away clasps//

       I've seen those myself, but break-away clasps cause their own problems. My pet, Boba (a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog), sometimes strains very hard at the leash while on walks, and I need to be able to control him until he learns to behave appropriately. He's had several near-misses with traffic thanks to those cheap plastic clasps giving out. What good is a collar that can't do it's job effectively? That said, there is a good compromise between break-away clasps and chokers: heavy-duty clasps that neither choke the animal nor give way under pressure. That's the kind I use on Boba. It doesn't choke him, but it does allow me to stand my ground and restrain him when the situation arises.
21 Quest, Feb 10 2012

       I'd reccomend a 'German choker', especially for a large breed like that. They may look like a mideival torture device, but they're actually much less painful than a standard choker. The prongs only apply pressure when the dog pulls, and they never actually cut off air or blood flow, nor will a properly-fitted German collar do the dog any harm at all, because the design limits the constriction. I sometimes put one around my own neck to demonstrate this to people weighing the pros and cons of different collars.
Alterother, Feb 11 2012

       //I sometimes put one around my own neck//. Photographic evidence please.
AusCan531, Feb 11 2012

       Sadly, I cannot allow myself to be photographed, so your imagination will have to suffice.
Alterother, Feb 11 2012

       What looks like a medieval torture device usually is. I expect you're referring to what is commonly known as a 'Pinch' collar, and from what I've seen demonstrated, they are quite cruel, indeed. One trainer even said he's seen puncture wounds on dogs who's pinch collars weren't fitted absolutely perfectly. No, thank you. I'd rather use a shock collar if I'm going to go that route. I don't mind having to apply my own strength to restrain my dog, I just need a collar that won't choke him and won't break, and I have one of those.
21 Quest, Feb 11 2012

       I have to go with 21 Quest on this one. I'd never put something like that on my dog.

       But normally I'd never agree with someone with numerals in his name. ^.^
Psalm_97, Feb 11 2012

       A German is also called a pinch collar, yes. I agree that they look drastic and painful, but most dogs respond to them long before the point where they cause pain. As I mentioned, I've put them on myself to dispel the negative image. Fit is very important, and I've seen those punctures, too. We don't sell them to just anybody, and we make sure every collar is properly fitted. Then again, we're not running a pet store, so we can afford to have high standards.

       Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what's best, of course, and it sounds like you've made a well-informed decision.
Alterother, Feb 11 2012

       // normally I'd never agree with someone with numerals in his name. //

       <Makes note to schedule [Psalm_97] for a course of intensive "re-education">
8th of 7, Feb 12 2012


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