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Like lip stick, but for your nips
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Let's face it, goth girls need a better way to accessorize with their nipple rings. Sure she could get some more face holes, but how about something a little less invasive and a little more colorful. (not counting when the new face hole is bleeding).


NipStick - plump lush colors that are bold and in your face.

NipGloss - fruity flavors with a delicate shine

Nip Liner - defining colors enlarge the areola

NipClips - for your adornable nipples

ObPickle, Feb 26 2003

Nips! http://www.dolanfam.../nips/nipstick.html
For all your nipple cosmetic needs [ObPickle, Oct 17 2004]

Nipple Cream http://www.rocklube...il_nipplecream.html
no...wait...wrong kind of nipple, sorry! [DrCurry, Oct 17 2004]


       I'm confused by that link. Is this an advertisement for something that exists, or did you just go way nuts creating a site to back your idea? Or thirdly, did you create the idea around someone else's fictional site work?
waugsqueke, Feb 26 2003

       I'm not confused, but I'm far too old to be caught sharing my opinions on what goth girls should be adorning their bodies with and why when they were born with all the requisite bumps, flavors and colors.
jurist, Feb 26 2003

       <endlurk>an addition to the existing product range. NipSil - for chapped nips? </endlurk>
TonyDevilUK, Feb 26 2003

       Dude.. I made the link.
ObPickle, Feb 26 2003

       Tee hee - I like this idea, and don't really see why it wouldn't work - you could certainly sell it at "Dead classy" ann summers parties etc...   

Seaneeboy, Feb 26 2003

       My nipples came off once, but there were new ones underneath. It was one of the few things in my life that was both cool and not cool at the same time. True story. Mmm, goth girls with painted nipples. That gets a croissant from me [ObPickle].
sild, Feb 26 2003

       [ObPickle], you do deserve kudos for the link, and for originality. Keep your subject matter to a soft "R" rating and you'll do fine around here.
jurist, Feb 26 2003

       Please put your gun away. I was responding to a nasty note that has since been erased. Didn't mean to offend anyone with errant "dudes" and x-rated materials.
ObPickle, Feb 26 2003

snarfyguy, Feb 26 2003

       Er, why? You put lipstick on your, um, nips?
DrCurry, Feb 26 2003

       This product might create quite a problem with the laundering of those expensive 'goth' garments and whatnot... unless this product is intended to be used by topless women... in which case I heartily approve.
X2Entendre, Feb 26 2003

       Was this tested on aminals? (don't think sick, just curious)
Pericles, Feb 26 2003

       (Waiting for FarmerJohn to illustrate) :)
Cedar Park, Feb 27 2003

       It does, but not as odd as when I wear it.
PeterSilly, Feb 27 2003

       Why just for goths, I think this idea appeals to all women. Likewise, why only women?
JesseOQ, Aug 10 2003


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