Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Nightime clock dimmer

Does the opposite of those "transistion lenses"
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Some clocks are smart enough to dim when you turn out the lights. This is a $10 item that dims the other digital clocks at night. 1) polarized film layer 2) liquid crystal layer preoriented at 90 degrees to the film so it is normally in light-blocking mode 3) cheapo solar cells designed in series to generate a high enough voltage to disorient the liquid crystal when a light is on.

The cost would all be in the solar cell - similar to the kind used in sidewalk lights.

davea0511, Oct 17 2007


       Nice! + Could also be applied to computer screens, which need not be so bright at night.
csea, Oct 18 2007


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