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New England Bakers Unite 10/22/06 @ 3pm

Finalizing of a New England region get together on October 22nd 2006
  [vote for,

****Update 10/10/06****

Current list of those planning to attend and number of people;

Shz (3)

xandram (2)

NotTheSharpestSpoon (1)

jhomrighaus (4)

Sartep (2)

Lets get the word out and let everyone know this is coming up.

****Update 9/28/06*****

So we are agreed the event will take place on October 22nd at 3 pm till ? at the Amherst Brewing Co. shown in the link below.

As to call-in attendance how about anyone who is interested in getting a number to call in to send me an e-mail and I will email you back with the phone number to call(that way we dont post #s out in the open to invite telemarketers) If anyone else would like to use their number as a call in number they are welcome to send me an email and I will add it to the list of the numbers I send out to those requesting them.

I have made a reservation for 3pm but I will need to confirm with them the total number of people when I am in Amhearst on the 16th-17th so please let me know if you are attending and how many people will be coming.

The restaurant and lounge are family friendly though they try to keep kids out of the bar area.(for those of us so afflicted)

jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

oh wow - thank u jutta As_20the_20Croissant_20Crumbles
[po, Aug 18 2006]

Amhearst Brewing Company http://www.amherstbrewing.com/
[jhomrighaus, Aug 31 2006]

I pledge £50 (max. - not made of money!) to these people if more than 4 make it to this event. http://www.cancerre...k.org/breastcancer/
that includes jhom and family (alone) if he emails proof [po, Sep 28 2006, last modified Oct 13 2006]

Group photo http://home.comcast...mherstHalfCon06.gif
Lower left: jhomrighaus w/ s/o and 2 jhomrigi. Behind them: xandram's s/o. Upper left: mini Shz 1 in pirate garb (left), xandram (right). Right side (left to right): mini Shz 2, Shz, NotTheSharpestSpoon, sartep, sartep's s/o. [Shz, Oct 24 2006]

Baker lake. http://www.bakerlakehotel.com/
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Oct 29 2006]


       I almost freaked out when I saw this idea because I was thinking about putting it up but then I realized that I had just mentioned it in another idea. If you didn't read it there [jhomrighaus], then if I were you, I would start freaking out right about now.   

       And yes, I'm in Western Mass near Springfield (every state has one, yo know) Name the time and the place.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       Sure. Mass (coast). I volunteer [waugs] and [blissy]'s place.
Shz, Aug 15 2006

       Great! I'm in Manchester, New Hampshire.
jellydoughnut, Aug 15 2006

       [NotTheSharpestSpoon] Im freakin.
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       Are you really freakin? Are you trying to tell me that you didn't read about this idea in "Halfbakery Outing?" 'cause you're starting to freak me out.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       Unexplained, the hand-drier starts...
methinksnot, Aug 15 2006

       saw your post after I posted this, why is there hot air blowing in my face?
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       And the hand-drier begins its own maniacal laughter from deep within its evil hot blowing heart...
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       The chowder & biscuits bunch brunch? Is Albany considered New England? (Never been to N.E., just asking).
Zimmy, Aug 15 2006

       [zimmy] probably not, but its only like 30 minutes to Mass. or Vermont and maybe 40 to Conn.   

       Since nobody lives in upstate NY(or at least will admit to it) I figured, I had a better chance of success.
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       So... let's do this. Anyone have any suggestions of when or where?
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       I am in North Central Mass, but would be willing to travel a bit. I'm between NTSS and jellydoughut!
xandram, Aug 15 2006

       Whoa there! Kinky.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       hey hey now... I think it would be fun to meet other 'bakers. I was willing to drive to NYC, but those big apples have it mid-week and with no notice. I would prefer a weekend, but with enough notice I can take a day off. If it's after mid-Sept. I'll be jobless anyway.
xandram, Aug 15 2006

       I think a weekend is definately in order. I dont know about everyone else but I pretend to have a job during the week so that the people I work for will give me money(we all know the real job is to argue on the HB)
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       Will you be able to afford gas after mid- Sept.?   

       Just give me two weeks notice and I can come any time in the state. Maybe someone can make a 3-d map out of dough and mark with little flags where we are all coming from and calculate the median distance, factoring law of averages thermodynamics, and cosine stuff to figure the best place to meet.   

       Or we could go to the beach and hope for the best.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       What if we submit our hometowns or nearby town(for those concerned about privacy) I would be glad to coordinate. My email is in my profile and people could email me direct and I will assemble everything and come up with some options.
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       //Or we could go to the beach and hope for the best.//   

       That works for me, since I'm already there. Long drive for the rest of you, though.   

       FYI: There's 6 or 7 'bakers other than those who have already responded that I know of in the area, not including two I haven't seen in a while. It's a dense 'baker area. ;)
Shz, Aug 15 2006

       I live in upstate New York.
GutPunchLullabies, Aug 15 2006

       [gotpunch] That encompasses an awful lot of ground, can you narrow down just a touch.
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       Logical meeting places: New York or Boston. Not that logic should ever play much of a role in a Halfbakery convention.
DrCurry, Aug 15 2006

       Southern Tier? Finger Lakes region? Kurt Vonnegut's old alma mater?
GutPunchLullabies, Aug 15 2006

       Logical? I was hoping for a game of hide and seek at the Eastern States Fair or something.
xandram, Aug 15 2006

       I was thinking along the lines of like Western Mass, Northeast CT. NY and Boston is a lot of trouble for those that don’t live there but everyone else can weigh in.   

       I know some places in the Salisbury/Canaan, CT area that are nice(waterfalls, Restaurants, Antiques/shopping, Playhouse Etc.) It is also a beautiful area. There is also a large Classic Car Show and Race at Limerock Park over Labor Day Weekend.   

       What kinds of things would everyone else like to do? Road Rally(know a great drive), Wine Tour, Dinner Theater, Exhibit or Museum, Hike, View, Historic Site, Car Show,
jhomrighaus, Aug 15 2006

       Western Mass... Orange? Skydiving?
Shz, Aug 15 2006

       Ooh, Orange is really close to me, but I'll just watch. All of the other suggestions are nice as long as food and drinks are involved.   

       ...and I wish [po] could come along!
xandram, Aug 15 2006

       //Springfield (every state has one, yo know)//   

       Oh my gosh! I checked my own state and found one here too.   

       If anyone every has a get-together anywhere near N34 09.819 W097 25.330, let me know.
Klaatu, Aug 15 2006

       Actually, Springfield isn't even in the top 10 most common names.
Shz, Aug 15 2006

       //I was thinking along the lines of like Western Mass, Northeast CT//   

       I'm down with that. I'll send you my town info. Don't stalk me. I would be really put out if you stalked me.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 15 2006

       <Hides candid picture of [NTSS] in wallet, behind driver's license>
methinksnot, Aug 15 2006

       I say we meet in Phoenix.
jellydoughnut, Aug 16 2006

       Phoenix, AZ? Yeesss, you can say that. I'm not sure how many people are going to listen to you, but you could say that.   

       Ack. I hate Phoenix, just a really, really hot L.A.   

       Ack. I hate L.A., just a really, really pretty peopled Phoenix.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 16 2006

       Not letting this one go (unless you people tell me to, of course)...   

       How does the first or second weekend in Sept. sound?
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 17 2006

       I'm pretty sure I can make it, depending on how far the location is.
xandram, Aug 17 2006

       Connecticut, where I live is.
sartep, Aug 18 2006

       what is everyones availability for then next several week ends? I think based on the response so far that western Mass or North Western CT would be a good realatively central location.   

       Either thinking lunch time on Saturday. I will come up with some activities later today.
jhomrighaus, Aug 18 2006

       On Labor Day weekend I will be 'out west' already, camping, with no kids, near Sturbridge I think. A simple lunch / chat / meet fellow 'bakers thing would do the trick for me, but whatever works for everyone...
Shz, Aug 18 2006

       sounds OK to me
xandram, Aug 18 2006

       I will Put together some options and get them up today.
jhomrighaus, Aug 18 2006

       See links for some possible activities over labor day, LimeRock on sunday will be a neat old car show, or saturday to see racing(big infield perfect for wine and cheese type picnic and room for kids to run for those that have them)
jhomrighaus, Aug 18 2006

       I am personally a car guy and I have 2 small children so I like the Limerock option myself, The Rolex Festival is really neat, they will have cars spanning the history of cars and on saturday they will be racing them(there is nothing like seeing a racecar from the 1920s. They have an open infield and outfield area and all passes include access to the paddock area so you can get closer to the cars. Its BOB or the have a snack bar. There are some nice resteraunts in the Vicicnty(in particular the Boathouse just down the road) there is a great waterfall about 10min up the road that is a fun visit. We could also get together at the track early for those interested and then meet up with those less inclined later for dinner. (For the non car people I would say that road racing courses are a LOT more fun than you might think, no roaring cars going in circles, beautiful landscape relaxed time)   

       Ive never been to the others but the look like things that people might like to do. There was no Rube Goldburg museum in the area so these were the next best.   

       Anyone else know of other things to do in the area?
jhomrighaus, Aug 18 2006

       I've been to the Butterfly place and it was cute but I don't know if it is the right place to meet as a group unless we went somewhere else to eat after we got bored (which was about 30 minutes for me).   

       I do know of a great pub in Greenfield called the People's Pint that has pretty darn good food, what people say is good beer( don't really drink it myself), and is pretty kid friendly (they run all over the place sometimes).   

       I'm amendable to the car show or there is also Old Sturbridge Village , a living museum of the old ways (see link). But the car show sounds cool.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 18 2006

       Old Sturbridge village could be fun but it might be better to wait till one of the schedlued event weekends so there will be more going on(some of them look cool)
jhomrighaus, Aug 18 2006

       "Ack. I hate Phoenix...": We've had a few halfcon's here. We know who not to invite to the next one.
half, Aug 18 2006

       I adore phoenix.
po, Aug 18 2006

       If you guys decide on something, just post it. Anything new is always fun. Greenfield is very doable for me, and I'll check out where Limerock is.   

       or I'll meet po in Phoenix (never been there)
xandram, Aug 18 2006

       phoenix - not the place :)   

       xandram hmmm, I think I could explore
po, Aug 18 2006

       //We know who not to invite to the next one.//   

       Aww, come on... I would go to Phoenix for you guys, even if I do hate the place. I moved from Tucson just to get away from the heat <starts sweating profusely just thinking about it> but I could brave it for a while, especially if I got to meet the legendary po.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 19 2006

       (just saw the London notice) Is anyone still up for this one?
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 29 2006

       Im thinking we should push it back past the holiday weekend as it seems everyone is otherwise committed.
jhomrighaus, Aug 29 2006

       //otherwise committed// <re-reads annos> ?
Shz, Aug 29 2006

       only 2 people sent me contact info and interest, I thought a later date would avoid holiday conflicts.
jhomrighaus, Aug 29 2006

       Ah, I wasn't aware I had to send anything. Reading this it appears there are at least 4 interested for this weekend, but whenever...
Shz, Aug 29 2006

       I, too, was waiting to hear. Please make it sometime before the snow flies, which looks like it's coming fast.
xandram, Aug 29 2006

       I was thinking during September.
jhomrighaus, Aug 29 2006

       And then you got distracted in October?   

       p.s. benfrost is coming to New York later this year to display his paintings. We will organize something around that.
DrCurry, Aug 29 2006

       Well lets try this again,   

       How about the Red Lion Inn, in Stockbridge(see link) at around say 2 pm on Sunday, Sept. 3rd(this comming Sunday.   

       What say you all?   

       It is located near the Mass Tpk. and prices dont seem horrible, its been their 200 years or something.
jhomrighaus, Aug 29 2006

       Sorry, relly coming in to town.
DrCurry, Aug 30 2006

       Can we make it the 10th? I have to schedule off for work. If it's too inconvenient to change dates I'll see if someone at work can switch with me.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 30 2006

       Ok what about the 10th instead?
jhomrighaus, Aug 30 2006

       The 3rd is fine. So is the 10th, I'll bring the kids. They're OK with road trips and would enjoy any of the activities already suggested.
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       I'd be good in October. (Salem comes to mind, the week of Halloween. Better than Mardigras. Even have photos of ghosts from there. Real ones, not waugs in a sheet...or crap like that!)   

       September is full of fun doctor appts and consults. for me.The season for New England is Fall anyway, you all know that!!! (Leafs, leafs, gotta see me some of them colorful New England fowliage.)
blissmiss, Aug 30 2006

       Nice! That's where I'll be for Halloween, every year.
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       So how about the 24th of Sept or the 1st of Oct? It's closer to fall but not so far away as Holloween? It's still in September-ish but hopefully before any snow. Blissmiss is done with doctors for awhile (hope everthings good, BTW) and the fall colors should be here by then.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 30 2006

       Hm, let me check my Vermont apple picking / cornfield maze schedule...
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       I'm open for all suggested weekends. (not Sept. 16) I've wanted to meet [Shz] ever since he corrected my *spelling test*.
xandram, Aug 30 2006

       Aw, how sweet. We will meet. Just trying to maximize the attendance at this point.
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       Hint, hint, my birthday is October 22nd, and falls on a Sunday. A comprimise might be October 14th? I'd have to come alone, unless someone from NY or NJ would like to pick me up on the way.   

       I'm good with anywhere in Mass...(Magic wings, Yankee Candle, Deerfield, North Hampton is waaay cool, Boston, uh never been to Providence but hear it is nice...Rhode Island-near the shore, The Umbrella Factory, etc.)
blissmiss, Aug 30 2006

       Yes, Northampton is a halfbakery kind of town.+
xandram, Aug 30 2006

       //not waugs in a sheet//   

       [blissmiss], I kind of miss [waugs].
Zimmy, Aug 30 2006

       xand. tryed to email you but can't seem to. Feel free to email at blissmiss@gmail. (sorry, off topic).   

       Zimmy, your nose is growing...(He may be on the market soon, as soon as he comes home and reads all the mentions I have made of his holy moniker.)
blissmiss, Aug 30 2006

       [bliss] check your mail.
xandram, Aug 30 2006

       I have a prior engagement Sept 17th. I will be out of town on the weekend of October 14th, and will be in Amhearst from Oct. 16th to the 19th.
jhomrighaus, Aug 30 2006

       In honor of bliss' birthday, I say we try for Oct 22. Is that too soon after your trip, jhomrighaus? This seems as good a date as any and I don't think there will be much, if any, snow by that point (setting myself up for the greatest wrong prediction of all time).
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 30 2006

       Since we're thinking that far out, why not Oct 29th, in Salem? It's a great time.
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       thanks, now I must edit. Salem sounds good, too.   

       OK, I deleted, but I do like Amherst. We might need to put all the dates and suggestions into a hat...
xandram, Aug 30 2006

       A big black shiny ten gallon stetson, with nothing but Salem write on all the tags of paper? (And an itty bitty snake for good luck, and/or to lick your fingers when you reach in.)
blissmiss, Aug 30 2006

       Is it something that is kid and visitor friendly(ie are we gonna be stuck in traffic for 6 hours, pay $50 to park in some guys front yard, etc.) Also Salem is Way the Hell and Gone from anywhere on the western half of the state.
jhomrighaus, Aug 30 2006

       True, jhom. It is far and a lot of traffic. I say, if you are the host, pick something good for yourself. Others can always do Salem later if wanted, or both.
xandram, Aug 30 2006

       Lets start with available weekends.   

       So far I see a date around the 21st or 22nd of October, or in Sept the 23rd, 24th or the 30th/1st weekend.   

       What say you all?
jhomrighaus, Aug 30 2006

       Yeah, Salem is not a central location. - Just a thought. I had suggested Amherst, while you were there, but it's mid-week. I can make any of those except the 30th/1st dates, unless you want to meet in central VT. :)
Shz, Aug 30 2006

       sorry Shz, you were right, I looked at the wrong month.   

       As for central Vermont I think that is where we are headed for the annual HB ski trip in January or February.
jhomrighaus, Aug 30 2006

       Is it always this hard to make a decision in New England?
methinksnot, Aug 31 2006

       Killington here we come! I'll bring my Flaming Rooster Tail Skis.   

       Quiet methinksnot, we're trying to work here.
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       Sorry Shz. I guess I'm just jealous that everyone is going to one of these meetings except me.
methinksnot, Aug 31 2006

       Well, you're invited. Teleconferencing is acceptable.
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       Number, date and time, please.
methinksnot, Aug 31 2006

       Yeah, we're working on that, just give us a minute will you? Can't even hear ourselves think with all of your nattering on, methinksnot. ;)   

       I vote for Oct. 22, just to give a solid vote for *something* that will work. As for location, either the Red Lion Inn or Northampton. There is a good restaurant in Northampton called Paul and Elizabeth's that serves mainly vegetarian and fish- quite good.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 31 2006

       I second the 22nd. Mmmm, fish.
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       I'll 3rd this. The 22nd of Oct. in Northampton.?
xandram, Aug 31 2006

       At least one of us here is a carnivore, do they have any meat at this place? Do they have a bar?   

       I still like the Redlion Place, also there is a place in amhearst that has great reviews(see link)
jhomrighaus, Aug 31 2006

       See links for all restaurants in Amherst and Northampton. I don't have personal reviews for any of them as all I remember of fine dining in the area is late night pizza delivery to the dorms of U-Mass, and I barely remember that.
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       Atleast one of us here is a cannibal, do they have any flesh eating, oh nevermind, let's keep it simple!
blissmiss, Aug 31 2006

       I've been to Pinnochio's in Northampton, simple and elegant, also big enough to accomodate large parties.
xandram, Aug 31 2006

       Is there someplace Quirky, I mean this is a HBakery event, there has to be at least a little Half Bakedness in there.
jhomrighaus, Aug 31 2006

       I think at least preliminary data indicates that the 22nd is the day we will do this thing.   

       Anyone object?   

       If not I will update the main post to indicate that.   

       Now we need to come up with a where.   

       Oh and [blissmiss] stop making trouble up there, this is after all your surprize birthday party we are planning here...Oh Crap, never mind.
jhomrighaus, Aug 31 2006

       The location will be quirky (quarky?) when we get there, and make it so. :)
Shz, Aug 31 2006

       to true!
jhomrighaus, Aug 31 2006

       I was thinking exactly that. (I seem to have that effect a lot of places I go.) Northampton is really condusive to that. If you haven't been there before, it's a treat to find so many contrasts and an openly artistic atmosphere.
xandram, Aug 31 2006

       Iron Horse, Jeffery Gains. (Sighhhhhh...)
blissmiss, Aug 31 2006

       You can reach me through many means. Easiest, would be the contact button, from the link in my profile. Ooo, I like north hampton too, but that thing that Benfrost is going to do sounds nice also.
sartep, Sep 01 2006

       I have most all of ben's promos from all of his exhibitions. He sends me a lot of samples. Anyone interested let me know. I'll ask permission to share.   

       The vagina jam portrait was a bit iffy, but then, that's our ben. ((((;-0)))).   

       Oh, btw, I forgot, my birthday is really in December, I'm gonna be 18, (sorry no bars), and I'm really not a cannibal, I meant to say I love carnivals. Damn, life is confusing when you think about it too much.   

       Ian, you and any other UKers/Aussies up for a tele-con?   

       And sartep, I can quite easily find you, sitting outside in your driveway, dressed as a deranged stalker.
blissmiss, Sep 01 2006

       Uh.. carnivals? <hides human thigh roasted with just a touch of ginger lemon marinade and wrapped with a big red bow for blissmiss' birthday behind back>
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Sep 01 2006

       vagina jam portrait! don't tempt me blissmiss ;)
benfrost, Sep 02 2006

       //I'm gonna be 18//   

Zimmy, Sep 02 2006

blissmiss, Sep 02 2006

       Alright so the 22nd of October is the day, the location is now to be determined.   

       I have a vote for the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA which is reasonable for us NY Bakers and for the NYC Bakers as well as all in the greater NE area.   

       **On a seperate note not connected to the event on the 22nd** I will be in Amhearst, MA the 17th and 18th at the soils Conference and would be interested in having a halfmeet on the 17th or 18th in the evening for say dinner or a couple of drinks if anyone is in the vicinity and interested please let me know.
jhomrighaus, Sep 27 2006

       Sorry [jhomrighaus], I will be working on the 17th and 18th at night, but stop in at Trader Joe's and ask for me.   

       I like the Northampton option as well for the 22nd but that might be a little to far west.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Sep 27 2006

       I don't see where Northampton is too far west... but anyway I can do Amherst easily, even on a week night, as I am out of work right now. I would consider the Red Lion for the 22nd,(now that's too far west) but that part of the state is over a 3 hour ride for me. I'll decide when everyone finally comes up with a solution.   

       [jhom] thanks for all your efforts.
xandram, Sep 27 2006

       I dont have a problem with northampton or amherst, Its just a question of drive time more than anything. What are our options in those areas?
jhomrighaus, Sep 27 2006

       Hi - fuckheaded prat here - I voted against mostly for the very unnecessary comment you made up there towards [jurist], who was purely pointing out the plainly obvious fact that this is taking fucking ages to sort out.   

       Make you a deal, I'll get rid of my vote once you manage to finalize your plans.
hidden truths, Sep 28 2006

       well said, ht.
po, Sep 28 2006

       I agree with what everyone has said here. So now I am hesitant to say anything. This has become a painful situation. I would say, just post a time and a place of your choosing, then whoever can make it will do so.   

       [jhom] If you are familiar with Amherst and Northampton you should know that there are plenty of restaurants and bars, etc. If you just don't want to go there, then it is up to you to just choose somewhere.   

       Anyway, YOU were the one who suggested Amherst on the 17-18th, so what were you thinking?
xandram, Sep 28 2006

       [xandram] I will be in amherst for a conference on those 2 days and I didnt know if anyone was in town there while I was there.   

       I did not intend that to be an alternative to the weekend event on the 22nd or to in anyway detract from a wider gathering which would appear to be a moot point now.
jhomrighaus, Sep 28 2006

       Okay everybody, act like the Fonz and be cool. Amhearst Brewing Co (or ABC to the locals) on Oct. 22 at 5:00 pm sound okay? [jhomrighaus] put a link to there earlier and I've been there- nice place, it's where all the cool people go and since we're all being cool I think we should go there too.   

       I hope in the efforts to make this happen for as many people as possible this hasn't put a bad feeling on it. I hope that as many people as possible that can make it will.   

       I have gotten into ridiculous fights with my friends over where to eat and usually all the bad mojo goes away after we eat. Maybe we're all just a little hungry... :-)
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Sep 28 2006

       [jhom] I understood and was ready to go down one night in the event the 22nd was somewhere too far away for me. I understand that you are trying to accomodate everyone, but it seems like the 22nd was picked by blissmiss as her birthday, then elsewhere I read something that sounded like she wasn't coming.   

       anyway I'll go to Ahmerst Brewing Co. I would prefer late afternoon, but I won't quibble. see ya there [NTSS] at 5pm. They better have top shelf Vodka!
xandram, Sep 28 2006

       I'm thinking 5:00 till very late. Just show up whenever you can...
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Sep 28 2006

       Yes! See you there. <quibble> 3:00, anyone? - To allow more time. - Can't keep the kids up too late or they'll be grumpier than a bunch of halfbakers planning an outing come Monday morning. ;) </quibble>
Shz, Sep 28 2006

       I agree with Shz an earlier time would be preferable like 3 pm or even earlier, with 2 kids and a 2.5 hour trip to get there it will be a long day.   

       However it may be better if I did not come as other people have expressed that my presence may keep others from attending and I am most concerned that others be able to get together and have a good time.
jhomrighaus, Sep 28 2006

       OK... 3 or so is great. [jhom] It is mandatory that you attend!
xandram, Sep 28 2006

       OK [xandrum] but only cause you said so. So we are agreed the event will take place on October 22nd at 3 pm till ? at the Amherst Brewing Co. shown in the links above.   

       As to call-in attendance how about anyone who is interested in getting a number to call in to send me an e-mail and I will email you back with the phone number to call(that way we dont post #s out in the open to invite telemarketers) If anyone else would like to use their number as a call in number they are welcome to send me an email and I will add it to the list of the numbers I send out to those requesting them.   

       I have made a reservation for 3pm but I will need to confirm with them the total number of people when I am in Amhearst on the 16th-17th so please let me know if you are attending and how many people will be coming.   

       The restaurant and lounge are family friendly though they try to keep kids out of the bar area.(for those of us so afflicted)   

       Anything else we need to cover?
jhomrighaus, Sep 28 2006

       So the big question is how do we introduce ourselves when we get there?
jhomrighaus, Sep 28 2006

       I will be wearing a big, stupid smile on my face...   

       <rare pedant moment> (trying not to be pushy) you might want to change the date on your title to reflect the real date.
xandram, Sep 28 2006

       Hello, my name is Shz and I'm a halfbaker.   

       Oh, how will we find each other? Make the reservations under the name 'halfbakers'. I'll have 3 people, self included, and be easy to spot: Tall guy with a nametag reading "Hello my name is Shz". Or just look for a pirate; I'll have one with me.
Shz, Sep 28 2006

       Thanks [xandram] My brain must have shorted out there for a minute.   

       I need to find a big croisant shaped hat to wear.   

       As for us we will be a group of 4, and I will be the big guy in the middle everyone else is tiny(me, 6',wife, 4'11", son, 3', daugter, 2')
jhomrighaus, Sep 28 2006

       //Anything else we need to cover?//   

       Anno's deleted. I shall take the very same route that you suggest a fellow baker to take.   

skinflaps, Sep 28 2006

       Unfortunately I may not be able to make it after all. Waugs is in the hospital. Should be out soon, but will need care. I'm not going anywhere without him. Also daughter is coming up for my B-day. Don't want to sound snooty, but I really do love her more than you all. But just by a little bit. If possible I would do a tele-con.
blissmiss, Sep 28 2006

       As promised, my negative vote is gone. I wish all who attend (and all who can't for that matter) a great time. Much as I would like to attend, a large body of water precludes me from being there.   

       I truly hope that you do not consider [jurist]'s remarks to be 'making fun of you', as I highly doubt that to be his intentions.   

       [blissy], please give [waugs] my best wishes.
hidden truths, Sep 29 2006

       Done :-(
blissmiss, Sep 29 2006

       So sorry to hear that, blissy. Take good care of waugs and yourself and have a very happy b-day. The weekend after this gathering I will be amongst the bizarre and unusual in Salem. Perhaps things will be better by then and we can have a nice incense-laden semi-ritualistic wiccan mini-half-con of sorts, er, or something. So mote it be!
Shz, Sep 29 2006

       Shz, second only to heaven. The center of town at midnight, with the ceremonies, and the smell, yup it's the smell, when you park in the parking ramp across from that huge church, as soon as you step out of your car, it hits you. It *is* Salem. And the dock and Bung Hole Liquor, and the parade and the actual feel that the dead are having fun making fun of the living, who fear the dead, and the absolute insanity.   

       Yes, Alan has only got to go twice before. He would love it. If we do go anywhere, we would go there.   

       I'll let you know what/who we will be prior, and maybe we could have a "baker" hunt.   

       Of course walking up to total strangers dressed as giant frogs with big ass warts might be kind of embarrassing inf they are NOT from the bakery, but as you and I both know, no one would give a flying casket.   

       I will give Mr. Waugs a hello from all. Be well and keep your buddies and your lovers close to your hearts, tonight.   

       Blessed be. c
blissmiss, Sep 29 2006

       //If this is all focused on trying to discredit me or punish me for having said something rude in response to a rude action by others then please send it to me directly by email, or go through and bone all of my ideas, but I am truly at a loss to understand why you would attack an idea and event that is designed to bring us together to meet each other, especially in light of the recent events here.//
Hardly! (warrants a capital!)
having enjoyed many a fine halfcon - I just wish you all well and just wish I could join you.

       //share your motivation// many here will understand my motivation - lets just say, its my favourite depository for spare cash at the moment.   

       btw, blissy. many happy returns (I must write very soon, sorry) and please pass on big hugs to his waugness. x
po, Sep 29 2006

       yes, it was bloody funny!
po, Sep 29 2006

       Count me in for 2, male and female of average height.
xandram, Sep 29 2006

       //Thank you all for sticking up for my rights//   

       [jurist] I resent the implication that your rights were somehow violated. I never trampled on your rights to say whatever you wanted to say, I did not delete your comments nor did I make any other attempt to prevent you from expressing your opinion. I did not agree with your statement and I felt it was negative and I said so as is my right.   

       The fact that you can express your opinion openly and that I can express mine is why a whole lot less people in the world are "paying taxes to the crown and placing British postage on our mail" and not because of the Boston Tea Party or any other single act in history.
jhomrighaus, Sep 29 2006

       I'd love to phone in, but unfortunately, Sunday afternoon/evening in New England is Monday morning where I am, so I'll be busy sleeping, getting the children ready for school, going to work, etc.   

       ...but my regards to everyone!
pertinax, Sep 29 2006

       To keep this as low-key as possible, I would please ask halfbaker's to no longer refer to blissmiss and waugs, in the form of a couple. He will no longer be living in this house, nor will I be able to use this computer after today.   

       I will check in now and then from the library.   

       The very best to you all, and I would appreciate it if this were the last on the subject. Thank you in advance.   

       love, bm.
blissmiss, Oct 02 2006

po, Oct 02 2006

skinflaps, Oct 02 2006

       How cool! I gotta mark my calendar and get my hullabaloon ready for the trip. I live in Mid-state vermont. About 4 hours by car and 40 by hullaballon.
MoreCowbell, Oct 03 2006

       Oh sure [MC] - now that I'm back ya say something. That's where I was all weekend (stayed just outside Rutland).
Shz, Oct 03 2006

       [Shz] I live in South Barre near the quarry (If ya know the area any). Were you vacationing? The fall leaves are peak right now in our part of the state. Were they good in Rutland?
MoreCowbell, Oct 03 2006

       The foliage has a little ways to go, but was quite impressive nonetheless, especially in the Green Mountains. One of my sisters lives there. My local sister and I (and the kids) make a weekend trip every year around this time to go apple picking out by Lake Champlain and to get lost in the corn mazes. We had a great time as always. I just finished making my first batch of applesauce. Mmmm. Tomorrow, it's apple cinnamon squares. The next day... I'll think of something.
Shz, Oct 03 2006

       Save some for the rest of us!
jhomrighaus, Oct 03 2006

       I did, the trees are half full.
Shz, Oct 04 2006

       Funny, I thought they were half empty...
Canuck, Oct 04 2006

       My guy is from Vermont and he makes applesauce every year, too. I love guys who cook!(apparently)
xandram, Oct 04 2006

       The way to a woman's heart...
Shz, Oct 04 2006

       ain't it the truth
xandram, Oct 04 2006

       Current list of those planning to attend and number of people;   

       Shz (3)   

       xandram (2)   

       NotTheSharpestSpoon (1)   

       jhomrighaus (4)   

       Sartep (2)   

       Lets get the word out and let everyone know this is coming up.
jhomrighaus, Oct 12 2006

       like a military operation...   

       who fancies a home made beer in IT's back yard?
po, Oct 12 2006

       Londonderry NH , I'm not sure I'm wanted there, I'm not sure Amhearst want's me either. I can't say I'll hold an intelligent conversation with any degree holders, but I'll show up and drink if the community will have me.
SuperHole, Oct 12 2006

       The more the merrier. If 13 people show, [po] will pledge £150! um, if I interpreted that correctly.
Shz, Oct 12 2006

       Will we be able to view pictures? Or are there concerns about the statue of limitations?
normzone, Oct 13 2006

       I am actually in Boston (Waltham, actually) on the 22nd but I am attending a Microsoft Conference (read: brainwashing) all day :(
MoreCowbell, Oct 13 2006

       [Shz] oops!
po, Oct 13 2006

       [SuperHole] please do come along. There are no degree holders in my pack.
xandram, Oct 13 2006

       are you de-hydrated, poor thing?
po, Oct 13 2006

       Reservations for 14 are confirmed. Anyone else who wants to come please email me ASAP so i can update the reservation.   

       Cant wait to see everyone there.
jhomrighaus, Oct 18 2006

       What party's name shall I ask for?   

       Looks like a decent travel day - 58F and sunny, but this is New England, so don't hold me to that.   

       See you all there!
Shz, Oct 18 2006

       I'll be asking for *halfbakers* ~ hope that's it. see ya.
xandram, Oct 22 2006

       Halfbakers or halfbakery will be perfect. If you get there early just hang at the bar or else the reservation is under Homrighaus.   

       I will try to be there early and be hard to miss.   

       Cant wait to see everyone there.
jhomrighaus, Oct 22 2006

       ...later that evening... A great time was had by all. Dancing on the tables with long stem roses in our hair...ahem... wonderful intellectual conversation... cant' wait to do it again. I give it 3 whole buns!
xandram, Oct 22 2006

       <Gets out of car after 100+ mile drive...stretches> Yes, an excellent time. Must do it again. I'll post some of the less compromising photos later this week. For the record, 12 attended, 5 'bakers.
Shz, Oct 23 2006

       Hmmm! Beeer
Dub, Oct 23 2006

       I trust that no one will post any photos of me looking crosseyed or whatnot...thank you in advance.
xandram, Oct 23 2006

       I think 5 halfbakers can make 2.5 buns. Had a really fun time. Glad to meet you all.
sartep, Oct 23 2006

       I would also trust that there will be no photos of me looking anything resembling sane. Got a rep to protect you know.   

       P.s.- I had a great time meeting everyone, nice to have faces with the annotations. So when's the sking trip again?
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Oct 23 2006

       <Hand dryer suddenly comes on> I have all the pictures, will try to post some tonight. It was a great time and one of the most relaxed and enjoyable dinners I have had in a long time, not to mention a whole lot of fun.
jhomrighaus, Oct 23 2006

       One group photo from me. <link> I'll leave the rest to you, jhom.   

       Oh, and xandram, I'll email you the ones you spoke of. Actually, for a small bribe, I'll e-mail them to anyone.
Shz, Oct 24 2006

       //So when's the sking trip again?....[NTSS]// Why not Stowe, December, 2010? That will give you ample time to work out the details.   

       Seriously, glad you folks finally put the connections together and had a great time. Following [po]'s generous example, if you assembled a quorum I pledged to match her contribution (approximately $100USD) with a similar donation honoring halfbaked comradery to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in the US. Since [Shz] provided the photographic proof, my check will be in today's post.
jurist, Oct 24 2006

       It's so nice to see that people who spend 1/2 of their lives in the HB still end up looking loke normal happy people.
senatorjam, Oct 24 2006

       //end up looking like normal happy people.//   

       I'll have you know that we spent over two hours with the hair and make-up people and that was the normal-est they could make us look. In fact, my hair person took one look at me beard and started crying on about how the hell was she to make "normal" out of that.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Oct 24 2006

       Thats why the Photoshopping work was so important.
jhomrighaus, Oct 24 2006

       I miss all the good stuff.   

       what [jurist] said.   

       I created a page at Cancer Research UK - drop me a line if you wish to see the link and/or make a donation.   

       glad you had a great time. its fascinating putting faces to names that have become familiar over the years... as well as the new ones.
po, Oct 24 2006

       Oh [po], I so much wished you could've joined us. Next time I will bring a teletubby replica to be photographed in your honor, unless of course, some of us decide to storm London some day!   

       pssst- hey [sartep]...
xandram, Oct 24 2006

       xandram, you're gorgeous - possibly because you remind me of my best friend and I never ever imagined Sartep or shz come to that...
po, Oct 24 2006

       I guess Im just a forgone conclusion... (what a horrible photo of me to, wait till a get the rest of the pics up, then I wont look so goofy....I hope)
jhomrighaus, Oct 24 2006

       <sigh> beauty is skin deep...   

       have you tried Ulay?
po, Oct 24 2006

       [po] I'm speechless. (at least not crosseyed) As I do take horrible photos, that one does look good, thanks for the compliment, but I'm sure Shz will post one to the contrary. (btw, I will stalk him if he does)
xandram, Oct 25 2006

       I would never, well, probably not, um, I do have one here that... Note to self: Cast anti-stalking spell with the witches of Salem this weekend.   

       [2 fries], my kids wished you were there (as did I). They think you're funny and love the name. I said, "Well, if he started driving at this time last week..."
Shz, Oct 25 2006

       I would SO like to attend at least one someday. No one I meet in real life that has a thing for ideas, you guys must have had a blast.   

       That's it, I'm going to start saving airmiles right now. Tell the rugrats I said, "I know you are but what am I?"   

       I so wished 2 fries was there, too.
xandram, Oct 26 2006

       X O   

       Well the spoon may not be sharp but the beard sure is! Don't you pay them hair and makeup people no never mind.
pigtails_and_ponies, Oct 27 2006

       xoxox meet you half way...
xandram, Oct 28 2006


       Baker Lake? It's just north of Winnipeg (a mere 1000 miles).
Shz, Oct 29 2006

       //Well the spoon may not be sharp but the beard sure is!//   

       <manages to blush and look demure while at the same time preen like a proud peacock(not easy to do- difficulty level 7)> Ah, shucks. Thank you kindly.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Oct 29 2006

       {Waves at the photo}
Dub, Oct 29 2006

       Baker lake? Bbbbrrrrrrrrrr! [link]   

       We ain't havin Nunavut.   

       ...only if it were halfbaker lake...
xandram, Oct 29 2006


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