Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Your journey of inspiration and perplexement provides a certain dark frisson.

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Multiple metric rating system

Posts can be judged more than just good or bad.
  [vote for,

A website where instead of a liking system, it opens a dropdown menu with a search bar allowing you to choose what metric to vote the post with, the most popular metrics will be shown automatically. People can add metrics if it's not already added.

For example metrics could include: Funniness, factuality, character design, explanation of quantum mechanics, plot depth.

And then you could add the metrics to your search to better find the posts you want.

flireferret, Aug 30 2024

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       Funniness [-]
factuality [-]
character design [-]
explanation of quantum mechanics [-]
plot depth [-]
New poster [+]
Use of paragraph breaks [+]
Category choice [+]
Grammar [+]
Spelling [+]

       Net result [ ]
pocmloc, Aug 30 2024

       Newbie welcome bun: [+]
doctorremulac3, Aug 30 2024

       Welcome, [flireferret] [+]   

       Sorry about the broken furniture; the sash cord snapped on the Overton Window, and things went a bit sideways. The rocking horse has splinters and those aren't beans in that beanbag, but make yourself comfortable anyway.
pertinax, Aug 31 2024

writing cleverness[-]


Welcome to the halfbakery! Mind the flour dispenser, it's a bit wonky ever since [8th] readjusted the spring. Don't mind [doctorremulac], he looks scary but he won't hurt you.
Voice, Sep 06 2024

       //Don't mind [doctorremulac], he looks scary but he won't hurt you.//   

       Pretty sure nobody here’s dumb enough to be scared by //Newbie welcome bun: [+] //   

       Well… almost nobody.
doctorremulac3, Sep 07 2024


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