Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Motorway Lane Management

Using the "name & shame" method
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This is an attempt to address the age-old problem of slow drivers clogging the fast lane. I am working on the assumption that a lot of people pull out into the fast lane to overtake, but then forget that they should get back into the slow lane again afterwards. Using a license plate recognition system, a central computer calculates where each car is, and what speed they are doing. If the system calculates that a car is travelling at 50mph in the fast lane whilst there is no traffic in the slow lane, or that a car is approaching from behind travelling at 70mph, a message is posted on the overhead dot matrix roadsign. Something along the lines of "BM02 HGA please clear the fast lane" should suffice.
jtp, Oct 23 2006


       "Fast Lane" which one's that? sp. "3rd lane" or "lane 2"?
Dub, Oct 23 2006

       /Using a license plate recognition system, a central computer calculates where each car is, and what speed they are doing/   

       Much as I hate to say it, I think RFID would be better suited to this application.
Texticle, Oct 24 2006

       I actually work in the civil engineering field and that is why I was reviewing this bogus submittal. I don't think I would call this even 1% baked. In fact it should be shot and killed; but I like your idea of maybe ridiculing them in a public sort of way even though most people don't know their own license plate number.   

       Of course, I am all for more efficient trafic flow patterns. Hitchhiking on your idea gives me an idea though. What if each vehicle had a transmitter and receiver. Something fairly low grade without a lot of power output as you only need to transmit your need for speed to the slow poke in front of you that won't get out of the way. When you turn on your uni-directional transmitter, it could cause the receiver to make an obnoxious noise. An alternative could be to incorporate the receiver into the radio since it would be just as annoying to have your favorite song or CD suddenly get overtaken by static or, Barry Manilow or anything else that will undoubtedly make the slacker get in the other lane.
Wakt_Out, Oct 24 2006

       "BM02 HGA please clear the fast lane"   

       ...or what?
Jinbish, Oct 24 2006

       ...it'll do it again.
skinflaps, Oct 24 2006

       Obviously [Jinbish] if someone is determined to block the fast (3rd) lane, not much will stop them.   

       As stated in the idea...   

       /I am working on the assumption that a lot of people pull out into the fast lane to overtake, but then forget that they should get back into the slow lane again afterwards./   

       It's more of a polite reminder than an order.
jtp, Oct 24 2006

       I like blocking the fast lane, it gives me a sense of importance.
Chefboyrbored, Oct 24 2006

       The poster is obviously a Brit (because 'BM02 HGA' is a UK registration mark), and being the pedant that I am, I have the urge to point out that roads in UK don't have a fast lane; they just have lanes 1, 2, etc, of which the right-most (when it's 3 or more) is the overtaking lane, which may only be used for overtaking, no matter what speed you're going. It's totally legal to use the overtaking lane at 30mph if there's even slower traffic in 1 and 2, and if traffic is only in lane 1, you should use 2 to overtake. Strictly, you should use the left-most available lane at all times, but it's often sensible to stay in, say, lane 2 rather than dipping into 1 for 100 yds at a time.
angel, Oct 25 2006

       //Strictly, you should use the left-most available lane at all times, but it's often sensible to stay in, say, lane 2 rather than dipping into 1 for 100 yds at a time.//   

       Sorry [angel], but if that's your thinking, then you're one of the people responsible for all the delays. Why is it sensible to stay in lane 2? There's nothing dangerous or complicated about dipping back into lane 1 for a short while - You're just being lazy. Whilst you're pootling along in lane 2 at the same speed as the person in lane 1, lane 3 becomes a mess. You get relatively slow drivers forced out into lane 3, when it should be kept clear for those who wish to drive at or above the national speed limit. Not 60mph.
jtp, Nov 04 2006

       Changing lanes excessively is far more dangerous than cruising in one lane. If you are travelling faster than the traffic flow in lane one then you should stay in lane 2(and so forth for as many lanes as there are, the most ive ever seen is I think 8 lanes) however you should be aware of overtaking traffic and move over when they approach. The problem is people that do not move over even when signalled(with a flash of the headlights) in general I think they do it to be assholes, not cause they forgot, but thats just my opinion. ALso there are those people that expect you to pull over when you yourself are already travelling at well above the posted speed limit.
jhomrighaus, Nov 04 2006

       [jhom] 8 lanes? You're kidding, right? In the UK the most is 4. Are you saying that even with 8 lanes, there's still congestion?   

       //If you are travelling faster than the traffic flow in lane one then you should stay in lane 2//   

       My point exactly. If this is the case, then fine. But it's people driving in lane 2 at the same speed as people in lane 1 that I have a beef with.   

       //I think they do it to be assholes//   

       I disagree. I always prefer to assume that they're forgetful. But what do I know?   

       //Also there are those people that expect you to pull over when you yourself are already travelling at well above the posted speed limit.//   

       If that's the case, pull over. If they're going faster than you, regardless of the speed limit, then surely it makes sense to get out of their way.
jtp, Nov 04 2006

       //Sorry [angel], but if that's your thinking, then you're one of the people responsible for all the delays.//

You're misunderstanding. My meaning was that, if I'm driving at the speed limit (which I usually am - in fact, I'm usually doing a bit over it), in the three seconds it would take me to cover the 100 yards, I'm not delaying anyone sufficiently to necessitate two lane-change manoeuvres. If lane 3 is full and there's someone wanting to pass me, then I would probably use lane 1, but this doesn't happen a lot, hence my use of the word 'often'.
angel, Nov 04 2006

       [angel] Apologies. I had visions of you (visions of angels? Oh dear...) cruising in lane 2 when lane 1 is clear. This is one of my pet hates.
jtp, Nov 06 2006


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