Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Mini flame thrower / Fire extinguisher

Miniature flame thrower for killing pesky insects
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combined with fire extinguisher allows use of device indoors
evilpenguin, Jan 21 2011

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       This is an unsurpassably good idea. If I had a hat to hand, I would doff it to you.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2011

       I was thinking more of eradicating airborne insects, the fire extinguisher is present to justify the devices indoor capability claim
evilpenguin, Jan 22 2011

       No justification needed .... ahhhh, flames !   


       NB [21Q] is right about the scorch marks. Who cares ? The insect is dead, dead, dead, and we love the smell of Napalm at ANY time of day ...
8th of 7, Jan 22 2011

       I think IT is on to something with the foam. I wonder what adaptation could be made to use foam with butane on Mosquitos?
Ling, Jan 22 2011


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