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Microwave power testing booth

A photo booth style vending machine that tests the power out of your cell phone
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A photo booth style vending machine that tests the power out of your cell phone.

Certain health concerns make knowing how much your cell phone is radiating useful information. Some cells boost their signal as they find it hard to connect to the mother ship.

A photo booth style vending machine could slowly add obstructions to transmission. Think a dozen microwave doors closing serially. The resulting curve of the power output would display on a screen and print out for the patron. Video or books available nearby to yammer about the "hidden" problem and the evil cell phone makers.

Photo booth could also be a photo booth when not used this way.

Patron could be in booth as test is done or use swing out furniture to let the phone be tested solo.

Carrying your cell with the antenna pointed away from your body is good advice. But I found it hard to determine the antenna side. Some directional testing in the more advance version of the vending machine could keep the selling cycle going.

popbottle, Oct 27 2013


       //The worst case is when its hunting for a tower while travelling and boosts the signal to max.// How come I've never had a call from you, then?
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 27 2013

       You can likely simulate a cell tower at a dozen distances. But that raises the cost and screws up the results. Or at least makes them harder to explain.   

       The real killer to this business will be the one shot nature of it. No repeat customers, except for some paranoid characters who should be in therapy.
popbottle, Oct 27 2013

       // The real killer to this business will be the one shot nature of it. //   

       The real killer to this idea is that you have an imperfect understanding of the way that mobile telephony operates, and the associated issues of SAR (Specific Absorbtion Ratio).   

       Particularly for regimes like UMTS, a wideband technology, what you are suggesting requires an extremely large and complex installation occupying a volume equivalent to two standard freight containers, and costing a great deal of money.   

       Also, the whole "mobile phones are dangerous" scam was started by a few academics looking for research grants, and leapt on by the gutter press as the latest Shock Horror scare to sell their mindless gibberings.
8th of 7, Oct 27 2013

       So how do you find out if your phone will make you blind, sterile, give you a brain tumor or murder you ?   

       Just Trust the Cell Phone Companies to do the right thing ?   

       Tobacco told us: Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet!   

       What is the cell phone industry saying today that will look bad in hindsight ?
popbottle, Oct 27 2013

       // What is the cell phone industry saying today that will look bad in hindsight ? //   

       "Buy an iPhone !" is the obvious answer to that ...   

       // So how do you find out if your phone will make you blind, sterile, give you a brain tumor or murder you ? //   

       The simplest technique is to wait and see.   

       // Trust the Cell Phone Companies //   

       Certainly not, and government even less. Don't believe the newspapers either.   

       Reputable peer-reviewed scientific journals are the best source of information.
8th of 7, Oct 27 2013

       [8th], it's really not a good idea to go around trying to relieve people of their cupidity.   

       Remember, the more gullible people there are out there, the more money there is to be made.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 27 2013

       Mere amateur organisations.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 27 2013

       yes, I want a place to figure out how many watts my microwave actually puts out! It's rarely in the manual.
sninctown, Oct 27 2013

       [MB] I wouldn't worry about 8th relieving a mere one or two fools of their cupidity... after all, as PT Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute," so as long he doesn't educate people any faster than one sucker per minute, the world's supply will never go down.
goldbb, Oct 28 2013


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