Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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This microwave oven audibly counts down from Defcon 4 through to Defcon 1 once the food has recieved its required bombardment of electromagnetic radiation.
skinflaps, May 18 2013

PWEI Def Con One http://www.youtube....watch?v=v7Wm4qXC_j4
[not_morrison_rm, May 19 2013]


       Much more fun.+
blissmiss, May 18 2013

       Especially with eggs.   

       "Defcon 1" oven armageddon.
skinflaps, May 19 2013

       Bulletin of Atomic Scientists says it's five minutes to midnight snack.
rcarty, May 19 2013

       This product could present an amusing scenario within the missile command centres canteen.
skinflaps, May 20 2013

       I thought this was going to be a forthcoming HB meetup involving a millionth of a 'baker.
nineteenthly, May 20 2013


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