Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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An opaque white plant-based drink which is definitely not milk
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A recent successful legal decIsIon forbade the labellIng of products as "milk" unless they came out of mammary glands, despIte the fact that coconut milk and almond milk have both been called that for centurIes and the existence of Milk of Magnesia.

Well, no worrIes. Häagen-Dazs showed us the way wIth Its made-up descrIptIon supposèdly from ScandInavIa but obvIously not. it so happens that our AnatolIan frIends have for centurIes been preparIng theIr own whIte opaque beverages sourced from vegetables, whIch were coIncIdentally called "mIlk" In Turkish, and by some quIrk of usage, Is sometImes pronounced dIfferently and capItalIsed as "MiLK". NeIther has anythIng to do wIth milk or MILK, and It's just a weIrd coIncIdence.

it would've been a lot easIer to wrIte thIs If the HB supported TurkIsh.

nineteenthly, Dec 10 2024

I got a bone in my Froot(tm) https://www.youtube...watch?v=XstPD4a700Y
[Voice, Dec 10 2024]

Purple Milk https://www.leafly....strains/purple-milk
Yet another herbal milk product. [minoradjustments, Dec 11 2024]


       Well that dIdn't work did It? Ah well, i thInk you know what i meant.
nineteenthly, Dec 10 2024

       If I were emperor of the solar system I'd just make a law that you just had to call it "milk" with air quotes when being referred to in commercials. Not sure what I'd do next. Get a big house with a pool or something I guess.
doctorremulac3, Dec 10 2024

       At my nearest grocery store such things are done by implication. For example the substitute for cream cheese, That which doesn't have enough milk fat cannot legally be called "Cream cheese". So they package it in nearly exactly the same colors and put it with the cream cheese and cleverly don't put the words "cream cheese" in big letters on the real stuff, putting "Neufchâtel cheese" in very small letters on the 1/3 less fat alternative.
Voice, Dec 10 2024

       Could they not call it "creme cheese" though?
nineteenthly, Dec 10 2024

       Why not call it "emulsified seed oil blend paste"?
pocmloc, Dec 10 2024

       Well that too.
nineteenthly, Dec 11 2024

       Brilliant misdirection by a Jewish immigrant; Häagen-Dazs, the pride of Brooklyn, NY, now based out of Minneapolis. Have you seen KLIM, the powdered milk brand? We have tortured milk and milk products forever, so why not give it a break; condensed, condensed and sweetened, powedered, skinny-fied. Cheese has been worked over mercilessly; "Pasteruized processed cheese food." WTF is that?   

       What does this MiLK taste like?
minoradjustments, Dec 11 2024

       I'm not sure how you milk an almond. It sounds difficult.
RayfordSteele, Dec 11 2024

       They do the same thing with tea, and it drives me nuts. "Herbal tea" for instance. If it contains no tea, how can it be called tea?
21 Quest, Dec 11 2024

       In the land of Cheez-Whiz, why don't we yet have aerosolized milk?
RayfordSteele, Dec 11 2024

       [minoradjustments], it isn't a single entity but any drinkable opaque white liquid. It does sometimes attempt to mimic cow's milk but is more generic. In fact, how about three different substances:   

       1. Milk - comes out of a mammal, e.g. cow's milk. 2. MIlk - made from plant materials, e.g. soya mIlk. 3. MiLK - made from mineral sources, e.g. MiLK of Magnesia.   

       And then there's fungus m?lk. No idea what to call that but it does exist as there's a "milk cap mushroom".   

       [21 Quest], well it could be taken even further. Another idea may be forthcoming.
nineteenthly, Dec 11 2024

       There's a "Purple Milk" strain of cannabis that goes well with cookies.
minoradjustments, Dec 11 2024

       [++] Fungus M?lk is perfect.
minoradjustments, Dec 11 2024

       And don't forget about M1LK, who is of course Martin Luther King Sr.
RayfordSteele, Dec 13 2024


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