Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a rich, flaky crust

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Membership car wash that follows the member II

We know where you live.
  [vote for,

For the sufficiently well-to-do, this company will wash your car anywhere. Whether you're taking a rental down to Tuscany or drove through mud on your way to the charity event, call the number on the card and one of their subcontractors will show up where your car is with water, sponges, and etc. Whether it's your car, a car you borrowed or a car you "borrowed" doesn't matter. Call for a wash, any time, any where*.

*Not available in Antarctica or the Pitcairn Islands

Voice, Oct 19 2024

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Short name, e.g., Bob's Coffee
Destination URL. E.g., https://www.coffee.com/
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21 Quest, Oct 20 2024

       Northern B.C.?   

       You're going to vote the way we don't think so.   

       We'll all see how well these things pan,out.   

       Gold does not reveal itself.   

       It must be found.   

       2 Fries, were a bunch of annos deleted or are you just having a stroke?
5th Earth, Oct 21 2024


       ... sober Randy is now looking at past potentially inebriated state Randy's words and wondering the same thing.   

       I'm as surprised as you are and wondering which posting those words would have fit... because I usually make sense.   


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