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Use McDonald’s as voting locations
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(+2, -1)
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Since there is a McDonald’s almost everywhere in the country, use these as primary voting facilities (not the only). Elections could be set up easier, because Mc Corporation could make rules and procedures for the ballot taking. And they could train workers on the use of new voting technology. Also to increase voter turnout a free sandwich or ice-cream could be given to every voter. McDonald’s would profit from extra sales, the public would profit from an easily identifiable voting location. “Would you like fries with that?”
mjhughes, Jan 30 2004

Krispy Kreme http://www.krispykreme.com/glazed.html
For [squeak] - watch the video. Kind of half-baked automated process, really. [Worldgineer, Oct 17 2004]


       // Since there is a McDonald’s almost everywhere in the country, //   

       Which country?
waugsqueke, Jan 30 2004

       I do not want to live in a world where you have to give people free sandwiches to get them to vote.
Worldgineer, Jan 30 2004

       why not?
po, Jan 30 2004

       Worldgineer: So then how is the Democratic party going to get out the vote?
theircompetitor, Jan 30 2004

       Bush showed that a Republican vote can be bought for $300 USD.....Don't know what a Democratic vote costs.....
normzone, Jan 30 2004

       [po] Because in my mind the ideal democracy involves people voting only if they have a good grasp of the issues and candidates. Elections that give people free stuff encourages those with no clue about the issues to vote just to get the free stuff. This introduces noise and bias into the election system. For instance, less vegetarians would come out to vote than meat eaters (in the golden arches example).
Worldgineer, Jan 30 2004

       Yeah, I'm not about to trust McSoy after they announced that they add beef fat as a flavoring to their fries.   

       I'm definately not saying to test voters. I'm just saying it's a bad idea to incent people to vote with anything but a satisfying feeling of civic duty.   

       Oddly enough, this is mildly baked. At my polling place they sell Krispy Creme donuts at the entrance.
Worldgineer, Jan 30 2004

       sorry, normzone, don't get the $300 reference.   

       I was talking about fairly well publicized busing of voters. I'm not aware of any functionally equivalent Republican charter planes or limos.   

       Worldgineer, knowledge of issues is great as an abstraction, but in practice, as jutta points out, it can be used to disenfranchise people. However, I agree that only people that actually want to vote should vote.   

       One of the better initiatives along those lines, though, has been the "plain language" provision for bond issues that I've seen in New Jersey -- I hope it's used elsewhere.
theircompetitor, Jan 30 2004

       $300 is the amount of one-time tax refund that was given to the general populace after Bush was selected president. Vote-buying out front, instead of the usual back room manner.
normzone, Feb 02 2004

       normzone: oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice the $300 check because of the 30K I paid in property taxes and an unmentionable abount in income taxes.   

       But he did get my vote.   

       I'm assuming you're kidding if you think 300 would matter to the people you think of as Republicans (meaning the wild eyed greedy Geckos as opposed to the people who are sick and tired of watching 40% of what they earn dissapear).
theircompetitor, Feb 02 2004

       [jutta] - as far as testing one's understanding of issues - I thought that was the principle behind a mandatory level of schooling. Although that's more to ensure that people are *capable* of understanding the issues, not that they actually do.   

       It's a bit of a paradox, really. Representative democracy exists, in part, because it would be far to cumbersome for every single individual to comprehend and analyse every single issue put forth.   

       But buying votes? If a party can't be bothered playing on peoples fears and insecurities, then you know something's wrong...
Detly, Feb 02 2004

       The idea of putting polling stations in shops is baked where I live and it is going to be rolled out over the rest of the UK over the next couple of elections.
sufc, Feb 03 2004

       McDonald's can't get my order right. Why do they call them "orders"? They never get it right... Honest. 6 times in 3 years my household paid a visit - all 3 of us have ordered (so ya know *it ain't me*) - all wrong. Mayor McCheese is Mayor-for-life.
thumbwax, Feb 03 2004

       Fishbone just for the sentence "Mc Corporation could make rules and procedures for the ballot taking". What, like "No purchase = No vote" you mean?
DrBob, Feb 03 2004

       [worldengineer] These Krispy Kreme thingies, I hear about them often but cannot envisage them. They're doughnuts, right? But crispy!? doughnuts are doughy. And creamy? That should be jammy, surely. Do these consist of dough, deep fried until actually crisp with cream inside and then covered with sugar?
squeak, Feb 03 2004

       I weep for you, [squeak], for you have not tasted a Krispy Creme doughnut.
theircompetitor, Feb 03 2004

       They're just donuts (though a little bit sweeter than most). They have automated donut making machines - they form the dough, raise it, float it down a river of hot oil, flip it over, pour a waterfall of icing on them, and are picked up by employees to serve (and give free ones to people waiting in line, watching the process). That's the real draw, is having fresh hot donuts rather than cold ones that were baked hours ago. However, why someone would buy them from a box outside a polling place, being fried hours beforehand is beyond me.
Worldgineer, Feb 03 2004

       So what's creamy about them then?
squeak, Feb 03 2004

       Krispy Kremes, when delivered in all their smothered glory from the womb of the oven, are richly shrouded in a glazing, which embodies the very essence of "cream"... I think. Who knows. They're really tasty.
k_sra, Feb 03 2004

       Really? They sound revolting.
squeak, Feb 03 2004

       What exactly sounds revolting about fresh hot fluffy sweet donuts?
Worldgineer, Feb 03 2004

       Deep fried in a river of oil, sweeter than other doughnuts AND then covered in sugar and/or glazing from what I can tell. I do like hot doughnuts very occasionally but I couldn't handle that much sugar and grease.
squeak, Feb 03 2004

       Not as sweet or greasy as all that, I seem to recall. One of those "don't-knock-it-till-you've-tried-it" deals.   

       Actually, a free donut on election day wouldn't hinder me any.
k_sra, Feb 03 2004

       Hell, they could hand out just about anything free and more people would come along. All you have to do is make sure that people only get their free [insert freebie of choice] *after* they've voted. How about a nice relaxing face pack /cupasoup / house plant / pen / packet of condoms / badge / baseball cap / minature flag / ooooh ...just anything. As long as it's not a McAnything.
squeak, Feb 03 2004

       [k] Problem is, they aren't free.
Worldgineer, Feb 03 2004

       [World], you gotta know which dumpsters to search.
k_sra, Feb 03 2004

       k_sra, you must take life as it comes :)   

       btw, did you ever try the David Blaine trick or did I screw up your email?
theircompetitor, Feb 03 2004


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