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Maximally bright lamp

The light that burns many times as bright ...
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... but just as long.

To save energy and therefore money, existing holders are often retrofitted with CFL or LED lamps.

But these holders are quite capable of accepting a tungsten filament lamp of 60, 100, even 150 W dissipation.

This capability is being wasted.

So BorgCo engineers have developed a range of lamps using low-energy technology that fully utilize the capacity of the holder. Instead of a 12W CFL which emits as much light as a 60W tungsten, the BorgCo unit consumes and dissipates the full 60W of power, but emits the equivalent of 300W of light.

Thus a 100W BorgCo unit is as bright as an old style 500W tungsten lamp.

Brighten your life with BorgCo !

8th of 7, Nov 21 2019

240W of LED goodness https://www.lampsho...EAQYAiABEgItk_D_BwE
[MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 22 2019]

High efficiency Dark Energy lamp High_20efficiency_20Dark_20Energy_20lamp
The best you can get ... [8th of 7, Nov 22 2019]


       Uh, as I sit here, above and behind me is a regular light fitting with an 80W CFL bulb in it, equivalent to about 400W of tungsten. In one of my labs, I have two regular light fittings, each fitted with a massive, globular 120W LED lamp.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 22 2019

       Yes, but does your 80W lamp actually emit 80W of heat as well as its light output?   

       If you buy a BorgCo lamp rated at 60W, it will emit 60W of heat along with all the extra light. The point is that the lamp is rated to emit 60W of heat; it consumes rather more (but the buyer doesn't need to know that. It might encourage them to ask awkward questions. ).
8th of 7, Nov 22 2019

       I see nothing wrong with this.
sninctown, Nov 22 2019

       This is not quite maximising the lamp's brightness - to do this properly, the lamp would have to take account of the ambient temperature, air density and wind speed, all of which will affect the efficiency of heat dissipation and hence the wattage that is safe to put through the bulb. So, in windy, arctic conditions, the lamp will glow brighter than on a still, hot summer's day.
hippo, Nov 22 2019

       //Yes, but does your 80W lamp actually emit 80W of heat as well as its light output? // Hang on. My other neurone must be on the blink because I don't follow this.   

       You are proposing a "60W" bulb that draws more than 60W of electrical power, and emits 60W of heat plus 300W of light (total power consumption presumably 360W)?
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 22 2019

       It would probably make more sense to talk about amount of light in candela rather than Watts.
Loris, Nov 22 2019

       An incandescent light bulb emits a black-body spectrum, so a 60w filament bulb draws 60w of power from the wires and emits a 60w black-body spectrum.   

       A CFL or LED fixture emits a very spiky spectrum, with the spikes concentrated in the visible part of the spectrum (this is why they are considered a Bad Thing and not suitable for use in Human habitats). A 60w LED fitting draws 50w from the wires and emits 60w of radiation in total, mostly visible but a little infra-red.   

       I suppose the idea here is that the "maximum wattage" instruction is only specifying the maximum infra-red radiation allowed to be emitted by the fitting. So, the spectrum of a LED fitting could be analysed, and the maximum brightness selected consistent with not exceeding 60w flux in a (specified) infra-red range.   

       There might also be a consideration of the maximum electrical power that can be drawn through the wiring and connectors in the fitting; this also needs to be figured in otherwise the lamp body or supports might melt.
pocmloc, Nov 22 2019

       //A 60w LED fitting draws 50w from the wires and emits 60w of radiation in total// - that's pretty clever! Have you got a spare one of these bulbs I can have?
hippo, Nov 22 2019

       Actually it's more complicated than that, because the black-body radiation of a 60w incandescent bulb is only partly infra-red, because part is visible and small parts are outside the IR-visible band in each direction. So the 60w limit specified on the lampshade implies a lower-than-60w maximum IR radiation. It should be possible to calculate the approximate amount of radiation for a given specified bandwidth, and use that figure to specify the amount of radiation in the same given bandwidth permitted for an LED / CFL unit.
pocmloc, Nov 22 2019

       [hippo] it's something to do with phase lag in the internal capacitors or something.... or maybe my nose slipped when I tried to press the 6 button.
pocmloc, Nov 22 2019

       Yes, some days it's hardly worth gnawing through the straps, eh [poc] ?   

       // Have you got a spare one of these bulbs I can have? //   

       Perhaps we can interest you in one of our extensive range of Dark Energy emitters ? <link>
8th of 7, Nov 22 2019

       //A 60w LED fitting draws 50w from the wires and emits 60w of radiation in total//   

       Every time you walk into the the light , a slight draining feeling takes over. Rest seems deeper, though.
wjt, Nov 28 2019


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