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MaxFizz Cola

2x the carbonation
  (+6, -8)
(+6, -8)
  [vote for,

Basiccally the ingredients are the same for average cola- but with a lot more fizz inside so that the pop will taste better and won't go flat as quickly. Plus, if you shake it a lot for fun and pull the top off the thing will probably soar 15 feet in the air. Now that's entertainment! Also try making ice-cream floats- guaranteed to float any kind of ice cream or your money back!

P.S. This idea can NOT be baked because if there is already a super-carbonated cola out there, well MaxFizz Cola will have TWICE the carbonation of that!

croissantz, Dec 20 2004

ice cream bricks are baked, in a manner of speaking. http://shop.nirula....dex.php?cPath=22_41
I know you know that, calum. [po, Dec 20 2004]

speaking of dry iced drinks... [croissantz, Dec 21 2004]

Codswallop http://www.askoxfor...dorigins/codswallop
A gassy drink, not a "real" beverage. [reensure, Dec 22 2004]


       PS: Infinity +1
Mr Burns, Dec 20 2004

       What about ice cream made out of bricks?
calum, Dec 20 2004

       Well, bricks are not exactly icy. Or creamy.
croissantz, Dec 20 2004

       Sorry [calum]?
wagster, Dec 20 2004

       hydrogen beer. haha.
DesertFox, Dec 20 2004

       [oniony] "deplating"? - do you mean "depilating"?
hippo, Dec 20 2004

       NB. Increasing the gas lowers the density. Ice cream (or any object) is more likely to sink, not float.
swamilad, Dec 20 2004

       //MaxFizz Cola will have TWICE the carbonation...//

       There are physical limits here that you can run up against. The more the carbonation, the higher the internal pressure the can or bottle will have to be able to withstand, especially if you intend to ship it at room temperature.
krelnik, Dec 20 2004

       [krelnik] touches on something related to what I was thinking. Was this idea bourn of a thorough knowledge of the physics of gas dissolved in liquid? Let's really spice it up. Just throw a chunk of dry ice in a bottle. Yee haw. [><>]
contracts, Dec 20 2004

       Is there a non-toxic gas considerably more soluble in water than carbon dioxide? Alternatively, is there a substance that can be dissolved in cola which will liberate a lot of gas on exposure to oxygen?
nineteenthly, Dec 20 2004

       Pop Rocks.
Mr Burns, Dec 20 2004

       FWIU, the amount of sugar dissolved in a beverage will affect how much CO2 it's "willing" to hold. If one were construct a beverage container that would hold the syrup separate from the carbonated water until a tab was pulled allowing it to mix, that might allow a higher concentration of CO2 than would otherwise be practical.
supercat, Dec 20 2004

       I have wondered if clathrate compounds would be any use here. Maybe something that holds gas molecules inside which is then broken down by some change such as warmth, exposure to oxygen or reduced pressure, releasing the trapped gas.
nineteenthly, Dec 20 2004

Machiavelli, Dec 21 2004

       <looks on, bemused, as [Machiavelli] rockets backwards around the room>
david_scothern, Dec 22 2004

       I think the gas should be near to inert. What about xenon or argon in a clathrate? Would that work?
nineteenthly, Dec 23 2004

       By the way, it might be too pressurized for a plastic or aluminum container. So, if necessary, it could be drunk from a mortar shell.
croissantz, May 01 2005


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