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Mass and Gravity

Magnets and Vitual mass and Gravity Effect
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Gravity is created by mass, and mass is force. You could say the force of a mountain is too great for the force of you to do anything about it even if one was so rude as to land on your mother. Between the repelling sides of magnets, there is created invisible force. I'm wondering if this could become virtual mass as well. In a zero-G environment, with the repelling side of electromagnets held really close together (by a frame of some kind) and then turned on full, they would create a lot of this invisible force and virtual mass between them. Would this create gravity in space?
arclyte, Mar 20 2003

Mass Energy Conversion http://hyperphysics.../nucene/eneein.html
"one kilogram of mass conversion could supply the needs of about 180,000 U.S. citizens for one year" [Worldgineer, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Vitual Connections http://www.cisco.co...186a00800f4f50.html
[Amos Kito, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Vitual Pets http://www.vetricare.com/vitual_pets.htm
Unfortunately, no magnets. [Amos Kito, Oct 21 2004]


       I'm more interested in the idea of a visible force than an invisible one...   

       //Gravity is created by mass// - not really - it's a consequence of the way mass and the fabric of spacetime interact - you couldn't really say either 'created' the other. //mass is force// - nope. Energy, you might have an argument, but not force.   

       So the answer to your question is probably not.
yamahito, Mar 20 2003

       Hey arclyte...Ok, the amount of energy you'd have to put into this to generate any amount of "false mass" (whether or not any of this energy would be converted to this) would be quite a bit more than any frame could possibly hold...the repulsion of the two fields would most definitely break chemical bonds and probably break even nuclear bonds if given the chance...it'd make a spiffy way to blow a couple holes in your space ship, though, as the two electromagnets wrenched free.
DrOuD, Mar 20 2003

       While I was reading this something spun loose and fell on the floor...my head.
pluterday, Mar 20 2003

       Well duh, of course it fell on the floor. Your head is a mass and the floor is a visible force and gravity just intersected somewhere in space and time.
<thud> sound of my head falling.
roby, Mar 20 2003

       <thud> What the hell's going on here? What have you done to gravity arclyte?
Worldgineer, Mar 21 2003

       How much energy is released as the life force leaves a human being who dies, as in the case of the mother upon whom the mountain landed (how rude), and how can this energy be put to productive use?   

       Theoretically, such energy could conceivably, properly and efficiently utilized, sustain Earth's needs for perhaps a year; or even longer, depending on scientific and technological advances.   

       Considering the number of deaths occurring worldwide, a virtually endless supply of energy could be provided; and if the energy demands of the growing population tended to exceed this potential supply, war would furnish a solution (1984/Soylent Green).
galukalock, Mar 21 2003

       Eeew! Science! I'm going off elsewhere to rant about the war a bit more.
DrBob, Mar 21 2003

       Science, bob? Where?
yamahito, Mar 21 2003

       <Reads idea through several times, shakes head in despair at Scots educational system>
8th of 7, Mar 21 2003

       //and mass is force.//
for that misconception, a fishbone...

//even if one was so rude as to land on your mother//
for that laugh, a crescent...

hmmm, no gain, no loss.
ato_de, Mar 21 2003

       And Newton's little known 58th law concerning the conservation of pastry is demonstrated yet again.
Worldgineer, Mar 21 2003

       Was that gravity or gravy? Massive gravy? Hmm...gravy and croissants...along with cosmic soup.   

       There's lots of energy in that.
galukalock, Mar 23 2003

       All this discussion of //vituals// and gravy is makin' me hungry.
<thud> whoops, my head fell off.
Amos Kito, Mar 23 2003

       a mountain killed my mom. <sob> it's very emotional to talk about. this is why i created the club, called Daughters Against Mountain Neglegence. Soon we will have t-shirts and buttons featuring a picture of each first letter in the club title on top of a mountain.
audgepodge, Apr 30 2003

       Audgepodge has a point...there are mothers getting hit by mountains all the time!! A mountain landed on my mom and do you know what she said...she said, "Hey mountain get the hell of my back before I burn this mother down..." So you know what that mountain did...that mountain just got up and it took its invisible force crap and went home....thats why my mom always says...son, if you get a mountain on top of it....you tell that mountain to stop player hatin' and to back up off!!! Thanks mom!!
Veryverysmallrocks, Apr 30 2003

       this "invisible force" you speak of that is between magnets, it's called magnetism.
urbanmatador, May 01 2003

       I have got no idea about this arcticle.......   

       But if it worked it could be the 'down-load' end of a matter transfer system...........   

       The upload end would reverse the dynamics described..
peter2, May 01 2003

       practical yet unproductive
Apple and Orange, Jul 20 2003

       i belive that magnets would be a waste of energy, it would be more expensive, and would cost more to maintain, i belive that the way to create artificial gravity would be to mimic black holes on a smaller, less extreme scale, by condensing matter to the point that it creates its own gravitational pull, like a black hole, this would possibly solve the problem of bone degeneration in space stations and missions. comment on this idea as you please, just don't be too harsh. thanks
runicrules, Apr 18 2006

       i belive that magnets would be a waste of energy, it would be more expensive, and would cost more to maintain, i belive that the way to create artificial gravity would be to mimic black holes on a smaller, less extreme scale, by condensing matter to the point that it creates its own gravitational pull, like a black hole, this would possibly solve the problem of bone degeneration in space stations and missions. comment on this idea as you please, just don't be too harsh. thanks
runicrules, Apr 18 2006

       further to ato_de's comments. the unit of mass is kilogram = kg the unti of force is Newton = N = kg.m / s^2 and therefor mass is not force.   

       Also electromagnets creat magnetic fields ( measured in T teslas) not forces. Electric Currents (measured in A ampers) in magnetic fields create forces ( in a round about way by creating their own magnetic fields.)
I was a poet, Apr 18 2006


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