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Manual water pick

Squeezing it, a steady and powerful thin stream of water cleans your teeth
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Fitting in the palm of your hand a rubber like squeezer delivers a thin but high powered stream of water to clean in between your teeth.

Better than the expensive permanent one, because only you use it, it has a replaceable "pick" and simple nylon pick cover for hygiene, costs much less, and above all is portable. Take it with you even on the air plane, fill it with water only on flight.

pashute, Apr 03 2013

(?) Bulb Syringe For nasal or oral use
http://www.amazon.com/Mabis-DMI-First-Aid-Aspirator/dp/B001OTK6JG [Cedar Park, Apr 04 2013]

Not for nasal or oral use http://www.machinem...-heavy-duty-trolley
(except under extreme circumstances) [angel, Apr 04 2013]

For [FT] http://www.vance.af...ry.asp?id=123309170
three dentists in the family... [4whom, Apr 05 2013]

For [Alt...] http://en.wikipedia...oulli%27s_principle
from the article. // If a fluid is flowing horizontally and along a section of a streamline, where the speed increases it can only be because the fluid on that section has moved from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure; and if its speed decreases, it can only be because it has moved from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure.// [4whom, Apr 05 2013]

Just right for cleaning out removed wisdom tooth holes. http://www.bing.com...BC&selectedIndex=14
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Apr 06 2013]


       Nice to see the link for the "Bulb Syringe For nasal or oral use" is not working, please do not fix it.   

       The obvious question would be, what's wrong a pressure washer?
not_morrison_rm, Apr 04 2013

       //what's wrong a pressure washer?// I was about to answer this question and then I realised I was grammatically incapable so doing of.
pocmloc, Apr 04 2013

       You'd need something better than just a squeeze bulb, since the pressure of the jet can't be more than you can exert with your hand, and would be pretty feeble. Some sort of pistonish arrangement, with a high hydraulic advantage, could give you a small jet at suitably high pressures.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 04 2013

       [+] The pressure would be okay if the nozzle were fine enough; you're not going to get any more pressure with a syringe: it's the same thing topographically.   

       [Cedar] your link is messed.
FlyingToaster, Apr 04 2013

       //The pressure would be okay if the nozzle were fine enough// No, really it wouldn't. If you squeeze a rubber bulb at 10psi and make the tiniest hole you can, the pressure of the jet will still be 10psi.   

       It sometimes helps if you stop and think. Let's assume that a tiny nozzle somehow results in a bigger pressure - the smaller the nozzle, the more pressure in the resulting jet. This means that, to stop the flow from a smaller nozzle, you need a greater back-pressure than from a larger nozzle. This in turn means that, as the nozzle size decreases toward zero, the force needed to oppose the jet of water becomes infinite. This, in turn, means that if you squeeze a sealed bulb even a little bit, it will explode because the pressure on any given infinitesimal point will be infinite. Which is silly.   

       Like I said, it sometimes helps to stop and think for as long as necessary to arrive at a conclusion.   

       A syringe will not give you any pressure advantage, that much is true. However, many mechanical arrangements will. For example, squeezing the bulb in a pair of pliers will allow you to produce greater pressure, by the ratio of the handle length to the head length of the pliers. You can also arrange coupled pistons to give you an enormous pressure advantage, as is done in hydraulic jacks.   

       It's not difficult, really.   

       Oh, and you meant topologically.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 04 2013

       "Advanced control delivers a water pressure of 10 to 90 PSI [...]"
(from a Water Pik advertising blurb)
FlyingToaster, Apr 04 2013

       I'm sure it does. Your point being?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 05 2013

       "with", better late than never. I ran out of them early in the week. It's the cutbacks.   

       Anyway, I've been busy with the bacon airliner. Boing thought they had it tough with the Dreamliner, at least they don't have to worry about sparrows pecking bit off it.
not_morrison_rm, Apr 05 2013

       small CO2 canisters will provide your pressure. But I think that is baked already. Also slightly acidic carbonic acid will dissolve that plaque (and some of your enamel) right away. Wash, rinse, repeat.
4whom, Apr 05 2013

       ^ actually my dentist said unsweetened soft drinks are fine... of course he might have been just trying to drum up business.   

       [MB] In response to your //No, really it wouldn't//, ie: the human hand is easily capable of providing a similar force to that of a plug-in model.
FlyingToaster, Apr 05 2013

       [FT] see linky...
4whom, Apr 05 2013

       //        A syringe will not give you any pressure advantage //   

       After scoffing in disbelief, I set out to prove you all wrong. I carefully blunted the point of a 14g hypodermic (a wide bore needle used for large animal medicine) and affixed it to a 6cc luer lock syringe. With only the pressure of my thumb, it sufficed to do the same job as my grandmother's electric-pump water pick. Holding the syringe in my fist and depressing the plunger with the palm of my other hand, the water hitting my gums caused discomfort; it was nearly painful. So take that, you doubters.
Alterother, Apr 05 2013

       [Alt...] the truth is exactly opposite to what you observed. see linky... don't confuse flow rate with pressure.
4whom, Apr 05 2013

       Pressure, flow rate, whatever. All I'm trying to say is that it got the job done.   

       Educational link, though.
Alterother, Apr 05 2013

       I think that there is a lack us subtlety to this discussion of pressure and rate of flow. Even when only gravity is the source of the pressure, many systems will still experience a drop in pressure when the volume of flow is high (a large metering aperture, say an open faucet) due to restrictions in the upstream plumbing, giving the illusion that somehow the aperture is allowing a higher pressure. Even in a squeeze bulb the peak potential hand powered pressure is never achieved with any level of flow, flow and pressure have an antagonistic relationship. But certainly, in systems that have pumps, the nozzle, and the restriction of flow is what causes pressure, thus it is easy to see the analogy, the hand action pump may be given whatever leverage is needed to provide whatever pressure, through whatever nozzle, if only for a moment, the areosol perfume spritzer being only one example.
WcW, Apr 05 2013

       This is the virtual version of pashute starting a bar fight and then sneaking out..
not_morrison_rm, Apr 06 2013

       This kind of exists already [link]. The hole in the end is small enough that forcefully drawing back the plunger while the syrynge is submerged actually causes the water to cavitate as it fills.   


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